GREENVILLE – If you haven’t signed up yet for five fun Sundays of running, you don’t want to miss out. It’s time to do it. The first Sunday in October will be here before you know it.
“I’m signing up kids ages 2-14 of all athletic levels,” said Elise Hays, HKRS Greenville, Ohio Coordinator. “We have plenty of volunteers to provide encouragement and help you have fun. Most are high school and Edison State Community College Students.
“This is a really fun event,” she added. “You’ve been in school for a month. Now it’s time to have some fun!”
To sign up, go to http://healthykidsrunningseries.org, click on Register, then search for zip code 45331. Then sign up! Easy. The event starts at 3 p.m. Oct. 2, Memorial Drive in Greenville. It will last about an hour.
Race Packets can be picked up Sept. 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Memorial Hill on Memorial Drive. Late registrations will also be taken at that time. Registration online is $45 for the full series of five races. On site registrations are $10 per race, totaling to $50 for the whole series. Race dates are Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.
“We don’t want to leave any child out of the fun,” Elise said. If the price is a financial strain, do not let that hold you back! Contact Elise for details at greenvilleoh@healthykidsrs.org
“See you there!”
Healthy Kids Running Series Mission: To engage communities and families by providing an inclusive youth running experience, inspiring kids to believe in themselves and lead an active healthy lifestyle.