FFA Tri-Village successful at District 5 Parliamentary Procedure

Congratulations FFA District 5 Parliamentary Procedure Champs!

The team became the 1st District Champion team in Tri-Village FFA history and just the 2nd State Qualifying Team in our nearly 100 year history!

The team was led by a Senior core who are now the first 2 Time Qualifiers in Chairman Grant Howell, Grant Leonard and Lucas Howell! The underclassmen proved just as strong to elevate them passed 2nd place Versailles. Americus Hirsch, Alexis Finkbine, Brody Beisner and Alyssa Wood will gain the opportunity to represent Tri-Village as Sophomore’s!

The State Contest is at Delaware Area Career Center on December 14th. There will be 20 Teams total representative of the Top 2 Teams from each of the 10 Ohio FFA Districts.

Photo curtesy of Tri-Village Local Schools

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