Free workshop for Family Caregivers

Self-Care for the Caregiver is a free, small-group, online workshop from 10:00-11:00am on Friday, November 4, presented by Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn from the Ohio State University Extension. Registration is requested by November 2 by contacting Kelsey Haus by email ( or phone (937-341-3020). Details needed for registration include your email, phone number and mailing address if interested in receiving a FREE Powerful Tools for Caregiver’s helpbook.

The workshop link will be provided before the date. To learn more visit

Do you find that you feel guilty about not doing enough as a caregiver? Do you feel angry or resentful towards family or friends for not assisting you more in your caregiving responsibilities? Do you feel irritable or strained because of the stresses of caregiving? Caregivers often have self-imposed expectations, pressuring them to feel they should be able to handle every situation they encounter with little or no support or assistance from others. It is easy to become so immersed in caring for your loved one that you may neglect your own physical, mental and emotional health. Join us for an interactive program that will cover the importance of taking a pause and taking care of your own health through self-care.

This is a small-group discussion and the number of caregiver participants is limited. Not familiar with Zoom? Join a brief orientation session at 9:30am before the presentation begins.

This workshop is courtesy of the Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2, which helps older adults of west central Ohio remain in their homes with independence and dignity. We are an independent, private, nonprofit corporation that plans and funds services for older persons in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby Counties.

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