G.O.P. Freedom Caucus Settles for Reconciliation, Instead of Divorce, …in a “Broken” D.C.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

Making the effort to toss out a political leader, especially in Congress, is a bit like going through the process of deciding whether to get a divorce, or not.  

Should I stay, …or should you go?    Ya know what I mean?     (With no disrespect to the song by The Clash)

Should we hang around and try to fix all the broken parts of this mess?    In hopes of mending what is already pretty much out the door?      

Or should we just chuck everything to the curb, go find someone else, and start the whole thing over?  

Life changing decisions are always a dilemma, and certainly no picnic.   Especially with all the other family members callously yelling at you, and calling you all sorts of terrible names, while blaming everything bad on either one side or the other, but never both.  

Not to mention the noisy and voyeuristic neighbors (sound like the Media?), who keep asking all kinds of personal questions, without having any real clue as to the full situation, and then explaining it all to other loud and baffled neighbors, in a way that makes themselves sound a lot smarter than they really are.  

The self-anointed Republican “Freedom Caucus”, in the U.S. House of Representatives, this week made a name for themselves by declaring that their 20 member group could never vote for the favorite of 90% of their other G.O.P. colleagues for the office of Speaker.  

Thereby denying that favorite the votes needed to become their party’s, and the House’s, new leader.  

Reason they gave is that this fellow House member, Kevin McCarthy, had cheated on them far too many times in the past, and even recently, with the hated other team’s leader in their House (that incomprehensible one, who always had a drink in her hand), and even with another chamber’s leader, from just down the street (the one with the stupid looking glasses, hanging from his nose).

Kevin, the “Freedom” boys and girls said, had also lied to them many, many times before, and often in quite unforgivable ways.  

So, these folks were going to stand tight and unmovable on their principles, and tell all the neighbors and family members who would listen, that they could never find a way to stay with this lying, cheating scumbag.    No possible way.  

But then they began listening to all the bombast and speech making, from all their family and neighbors, who were now becoming so awfully “embarrassed” by the whole situation, in front of the whole neighborhood, and even the bigger town and beyond.   

These others wanted the “Freedom” guys to give ol’ Kevin just one more chance, and try to make this thing work, even if he was a known cavorter and convenient storyteller.

The others said that the divorce would cost more than it was worth, and that there wasn’t anyone else they could find anyway, who could be as good as Kevin is, even with all his faults, and his blatant tales.  

Sorry, no way, the “Freedoms” said about backing out of the Divorce.   Gotta be someone new.     They didn’t care how good he said he was in the sack (and he really wasn’t), Kev-Kev constantly went behind their back, and lied about almost everything.   No chance, with this guy.  

But, the neighbors said, trying to convince the “Freedoms” to hang in there, what if he promises to give you whatever you want that will make you happy, for now as well as in the foreseeable future, and that he’d write all of this down, and have lawyers confirm it, to hold him to his word, at least this time. 

“Like what?”  the Freedom guys and gals said back to that suggestion, suddenly seeming to be interested in a possible settlement, in their favor.  

“You know”, the neighbors continued, “whatever makes you happy”.   

“Ok, then we’ll make a list”, the Freedoms offered, appearing a little more like they might see a way to stay.   “But he better do everything we say, and if he doesn’t, we can still kick him out, …right?”,   they concluded.  

“You bet”, said the neighbors and family, “anything you want, and any time you want, you can throw him out of here.”

So, despite being lied to, and cheated on, and not to mention this miserable excuse for a spouse being nothing to talk about in bed, the vaunted and uncompromising, Stand Tall for All Americans, G.O.P. Freedom Caucus gave up all their righteous rhetoric, and patriotic proclamations, for the mere promise that this same “worthless” spouse would do his best to get a lot better in the rack, and that he probably wouldn’t lie to them anymore, nor cheat on them as much as before, and that if he did, then they could have their House back, and run it themselves.  

There’s a definition for “gullible, one sided deals”, which you can find in the dictionary.   Only has three words to it: 

Republican Freedom Caucus

Meanwhile, you’ll be able to recognize Mr. Kevin later.   He’ll be the one holding the only copy of the keys to his House, with the ear to ear fake smile, and the loud sarcastic laugh going on, all with his hand covering his mouth.  

Fooled ‘em again, …eh Kev ??

©  Copyright  Joe Facinoli,  1-7-2023


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