Garst Museum Tornado Information Updates

On the evening of May 7, the Garst Museum was in the path of a confirmed EF1 tornado. Unfortunately, the museum and grounds suffered damage. Fortunately, the overall structure and integrity of the museum campus remains intact, and we will be fully operational once power is restored.

The main museum buildings did not suffer from water intrusion or broken windows. However, some soffits, fallen gutters, and possible shingle damage was noted. The storage garage did suffer roof damage and a hole from a fallen tree.

Due to the damage, the Garst Museum will move its main entrance to the parking lot and handicapped entrance on the south side of the Lowell Thomas Meeting Room. 

The Garst House front entrance will remain closed until appropriate repairs can be made and more fallen trees are removed.

While numerous downed trees are on our grounds, plenty of safe parking is available.

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