Give Ukraine Military Ordnance, Medicine, Doctors, and Personal Aide, but NO MORE CASH, ….Zelensky Has Enough. And so does Biden.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

Ukraine was a stable, highly productive country before it was invaded by Russia earlier this year.   It exported more than it imported, so it had a positive economic cash flow.  

It was among the largest producers in the world, of many important items, and all of its industries and mining and agricultural efforts were on full blast, and making the country profitable and comfortable.  

But with this continuing economic success, if it didn’t take care of its own infrastructure, and its military, then that’s on them, for bad management, and the lack of preparation and thought, for future emergencies.     Sounds like Puerto Rico, on a larger scale. 

Enter Putin’s Russia, and almost at the same time, some real life comedian who became the Ukrainian President, by the name of Volodymyr Zelensky.   

Putin realized that Ukraine’s military and defenses were weak, and he wanted and needed several of their industries and assets.   So….   easy pickins’ for him, …or so he thought, anyway.  

Again, almost at the same time, newly elected President Zelensky realized the same problem, that he and his country would have in defending itself.   Never mind that they should have had lots of left over money from their own economy, to take care of all these essential things, but they had not thought about that, and now this was going to bite them where it really hurts.  

Because at this untimely moment, for these ever so necessary needs and purposes,  ….they were broke!

Zelensky also recognized that he had a new U.S. President who had just taken office.    No more tough guy Trump, he only had to deal with “Easy Money Joe”, who was also “Already in Ukraine’s Pocket Joe”, and Pres. Z. knew he was now in the right place, at the right time.  

The Dem and Leftist Cabal, through their boy Biden, and a willing Congress, would funnel money to the Ukraine govt., knowing Zelensky was in control of that cash, and would take his taste, while re-directing another bite back to the “Big Guy” and Family for their fair share, before spending even the first nickel on defense, or other priorities.    For “facilitating”, so to speak.  

So then the Lefty Cabal just kept funneling more and more U.S. cash to a supposedly needy Ukraine, who were so “bravely” battling the Evil Empire of Vladimir Putin.  

What could be more humanitarian, and righteous for that matter, than to send money to help a nation battling to save itself, from an aggressive, communist enemy, who was known to be relentless.  

Nonsense.   Ukraine, sitting right on the edge of Putin’s “Empire”, and who until very recently was even a part of that group, should have been ready for this kind of sinister, but not unexpected, threat from their former masters.  

So, the only obligation for the rest of the “Western” world, and others, is to the people of Ukraine, and NOT to the corrupt government and leaders of it.  

If their people need medical help, of any kind, then we should send it.    Same for any other personal assistance which we can provide, for the individuals and citizens.   Even going as far as getting the people out of there, when necessary.  

Perhaps some missiles or other ordnance needed, for their own defense, as long as it is closely watched and regulated.   

But not a single U.S. soldier nor advisor nor any other personnel should be sent anywhere close to this bizarre action in Ukraine.  

And not one single more dollar or any currency, which emanates from the U.S. government, or any U.S. source, should ever be sent to Ukraine, in the name of anyone.  

Then watch how fast the requests for monetary aide stop, when Zelensky and those other Ukrainian phonies realize that the “Money Train” has stopped belching steam, and is not sending all that free and easy cash anymore.    Within minutes, most likely. 

We have enough corruption to get past in our own country, without funding something worse, in another one.  

Keep all this in mind, as you watch President Comedian (Zelensky) speak before our Congress tonight.    It could be “funny”, but hopefully no one will be laughing, at this crook.  

© Copyright  Joe Facinoli,  Dec. 21, 2022

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