Grab a Chair at the Anna Bier Gallery

Local artist Selena Burk has produced a series of work featuring chairs which will be on display at the Anna Bier Gallery through October 31; the gallery is located within Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville. “Selena’s paintings are inspiring, comforting, and delightful,” said Gallery Director CeCelia Rice; “Viewing her work is like going on a relaxing vacation in a beautiful land; I am so happy to invite the public to share in the joy of her work,” Ms. Rice concluded. The exhibit will be available for viewing through October on the second and fourth Sundays from noon till 2 p.m., as well as anytime by appointment.

Selena Burk is a professional watercolorist who also works in acrylics, mixed media, and pastels, all of which are included in this exhibit featuring chairs in a variety of settings; the series on display is dominated by her acrylic work. Selena says that she has loved chairs ever since she was a little girl, explaining that when one walks into a room, the first thing you do is choose the chair you want to sit in, a truism inspiring the exhibit title, “all I want is this chair.” The Darke County native has been painting since childhood, always embracing new ideas and learning new things which are incorporated into her work. Although the theme seems limiting, Selena defies that conception to capture diverse chairs in her paintings, producing an abundance of captivating works which inspire feelings of peace and joy.

Additionally, the Anna Bier Gallery is announcing its very first Holiday Exhibit December 1 through January 31, featuring work produced by local artists 16 years of age and older who have submitted their work to be chosen for inclusion in the show by professional jurors. Submissions are now being accepted; deadline for entry is November 14. Art with a holiday or winter theme is preferred for the Holiday Exhibit, but not required.

Ms. Rice is hoping to provide more opportunities for visiting the Gallery, and hopes that the community will support those efforts. “I invite people to stop by after church on Sundays for further inspiration through the arts, as well as to contact me for entry to the Gallery at other times,” she said. For more information regarding this exhibit by Selena Burk, to enter work in the Holiday Exhibit, or to learn more about the Anna Bier Gallery, contact Ms. Rice at

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