By Andrea Townsend, Director of Career Technology & Special Education
In the spring of every year, students select the programs and courses they will take in the following school year. In the month of February, Greenville Career Technical Education Center (G-CTEC) will be celebrating Technical Education programs and encouraging our student body to enroll in hands-on learning programs, apprenticeships, and work-based learning experiences to gain real skills for the real world.
On February 9 & 10, 2021 G-CTEC programs will host GHS sophomores to introduce them to Career Technical Education opportunities at G-CTEC. The goal will be engaging students and reaching parents with the message that CTE programs provide invaluable learning opportunities that equip students to launch successful careers. CTE programs bring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) to life and teach students valuable life lessons like Teamwork, Leadership, and Dependability.
At G-CTEC, we offer Technical Education programs that equip students with transferable life skills that can be used to launch rewarding careers. That’s why G-CTEC will host the annual Sophomore Career Fair, to promote enrollment in the Technical Education program offered at our school. G-CTEC offers 13 different CTE programs including Agricultural Education, Teaching Professions, Careers with Children, Family & Consumer Sciences, Engineering, Automotive Technology, Medical Technology, Interactive Media & Television, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Computer Information Systems.
For more information about G-CTEC’s programs or opportunities for students, visit https://www.greenville.k12.oh.us/CareerTech.aspx or call Andrea Townsend at 937-548-3185 ext. 1301.