At a special meeting of the Greenville Board of Education, on December 22, 2021, the Board approved moving ahead with phase II construction at Miami Valley Hospital North Stadium at Harmon Field located on the campus of Greenville High School.
Phase II of the design-build contract will be for the construction of a new field house between the Miami Valley Hospital North Stadium at Harmon Field and the Jennings Track and Field Complex. Phase II will have the same team of Mote and Associates, Inc. as the criteria engineer and Oberer Thompson Company, the design-builder. Some of the same personnel from Mote and Associates, Inc. and Oberer Thompson Company from phase I will be the same for phase II.
The phase II project of the field house will include a new concession stand, locker rooms, restrooms, and a training room facility. It will service outdoor sports for the school district in both the fall and spring seasons. The project is scheduled to begin immediately and hopefully be done for the next fall season (2022-2023), weather permitting.
The Greenville City School Board of Education had previously set aside two million dollars, on November 21, 2019, from both the general fund and permitted improvement funds. The past two years have been a struggle for everyone with the global pandemic related to COVID-19. The district board and administration has determined it is time to move forward with phase II of the high school outdoor athletic complex with the district covering the cost of phase II.
The phase II guaranteed maximum price for the design-build of the field house has come in at $3,135,617.00. The board will be utilizing funds they have saved over the last nine years from a contract with Premier Health Miami Valley Hospital and Wayne HealthCare, amounting to $442,230.00, to assist in the funding. They also have committed $1,693,387.00 in expenses from the general fund. Much of this is money reimbursed from phase I of the projects including contract money with Brad Jennings, donations and pledges provided by the Friends of Harmon Field, and money collected from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Grant. The permanent improvement fund is also being used in the amount of $1,000,000.00.
The school district is extremely grateful and appreciative for all the work and contributions from the community, and alumni, that the Friends of Harmon Field contributed to phase I of the project. We could not have begun the project without their hard work, support, and contributions. The board has determined it is now time to move forward in phase II of the project. Our student athletes deserve better, updated, and current locker rooms and training rooms and our parents and community deserve the same with concession and restroom facilities.
The district realizes that it has taken some time between phase I and II of the design-build project but was very cognitive of being financially prudent with use of district and tax payer dollars. The board is hopeful by moving forward with phase II at this time, after completion of the field house, that it may build momentum to run another community fundraising drive and/or donation contributions for the next phase of the project – stadium bleachers, press boxes, and lights similar as to what is in at the Jennings Track and Field Complex.
Look for the contractors to begin. Also, the student parking lot at the high school will be reduced and marked off to allow room for contractor equipment and storage of material.
Thank you again to the Friends of Harmon Field in assisting the district in starting this project. Thank you to the community, alumni, and businesses that have contributed to the stadium upgrades. Let’s all enjoy the construction of the new field house to improve the Greenville City School District and community.
Go Wave.