GREENVILLE – Part of the mission of Greenville City Schools is to provide a safe and high-quality learning environment that enables the district to provide engaging and rewarding work for students every day. Further, the Special Services Department seeks to support and enhance the educational goals of our students.
Greenville City Schools’ Special Services Department is comprised of one director, two school psychologists, thirty-six intervention specialists, twenty-seven classroom paraprofessionals, and three speech-language pathologists. Additionally, the district holds contracts with Western Ohio Therapy, Troy Speech Therapy, Cincy Speech and Language Services, the Montgomery County Educational Service Center, Interpreters of the Deaf, and Recovery and Wellness Centers of Midwest Ohio. All of these individuals work as a team alongside families to support the academic, functional, and mental health needs of students.
Ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations while aiding our students is a priority. The 2022 Ohio Special Education Rating was recently released. Greenville City Schools’ 2022 Rating is Meets Requirements and as a result, there are no remedial enforcement actions required by the Ohio Department of Education. This is the highest of four potential ratings: Meets Requirements, Needs Assistance, Needs Intervention, and Needs Substantial Intervention.
The 2022 rating assessed Greenville City Schools’ performance on the following special education compliance measures:
• discipline discrepancies by race;
• disproportionality in identification into special education and specific disability categories;
• initial evaluation timelines;
• early childhood transition;
• secondary transition planning;
• timely correction of noncompliance;
• timely and accurate data reporting; and
• special education audit findings.
In the future, the special education rating will also be comprised of measures of results for students with disabilities, including:
- standard reading proficiency rates for students with disabilities;
- standard math proficiency rates for students with disabilities;
- alternate assessment rates for reading and math;
- graduation rate for students with disabilities;
- and the dropout rate for students with disabilities.
Greenville City Schools is currently serving (as of this writing) 323 students with disabilities through an
Individualized Education Program and an additional 43 students through a Section 504 Plan, and
continues to strive to maximize the potential of all students.