By Rhonda Schaar, GMS principal grades 5/6
Over the last decade the climate and culture of Greenville Middle School has adapted to the changing demand so four times. These changes have had a lasting effect on GMS students and staff. In the last five years we’ve experienced building a new facility and coming together from separate buildings; a pandemic propelling all students to remote learning; and a year of
remote learning for some, and most recently, all students returning to in person learning as we anticipate the end of the pandemic. Through all of these changes the bedrock of our mission has remained the same; we are a place of learning. Our learning focus includes the whole child from their ride to school to their ride home and every second in between. At GMS at least four groups work daily to solidify that learning focus and continually impact the climate and culture of GMS in a positive way. Student Leaders, Student Principal Advisory Committee (SPAC), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports team (PBIS) and our Sunshine Committee are tasked with long-range planning of initiatives that will positively impact the climate and culture of GMS.
Our student leaders are a 7th and 8th grade leadership group that is led by teacher Mr. Chad Curtis. Our Leaders devote time and skills to raise money and/or plan as well as implement the initiatives they have chosen. “The GMS Student Leaders actively seek ways in which they can help students at the school. From canned food drives to help the community, campaigns to help injured students, and even offering peer tutoring to 5th and 6th grade students, their focus continues to be making Greenville Middle School a healthy and growing learning environment.”, stated Mr. Curtis. Greenville High School 9th grader, Addie provided insight into the impact participating in Student Leaders had on her: “I joined Student Leaders as
an 8th grader and learned how to work with other people toward a common goal. I gained leadership skills that I will carry with me throughout my life. We worked hard to get students excited about school spirit by planning spirit weeks and coming up with fun incentives for participation. We also worked hard to encourage our student body to think of the needs of others through fundraisers for our community.”
Addie also shared her participation in the Student Principal Advisory Committee affected the greater climate and culture of GMS as well as her role as a student. “I came to Greenville Middle School for the first time as a 7th grade student. Participating in SPAC that year allowed me to have a voice in the decisions being made for our student body. Interacting with students in this group helped me to get to know others and begin to understand their stories. We worked together to promote mental health awareness and caring for the well-being of those around us.” The SPAC club meets once or twice monthly with the principals and counselors to select and implement activities that promote a positive climate at GMS based on current concerns and needs. As a new SPAC member who has already shown growth and leadership at GMS Jack shared why he wants to participate in SPAC, “I am excited to be a part of SPAC because we can work together to help all students feel comfortable at our school. SPAC is a chance to have a part in helping every student feel like they are an important piece of Greenville Middle School. We can all help each other to be kind and respectful. SPAC helps us to look out for the needs of others.” Addie was very passionate in her response when asked about the impact of both of these groups. “SPAC and the Student Leader group helps make a positive impact not only in our school community, but also in the Greenville community by encouraging students to engage with each other in a kind and unified way.”
A third group tasked with planning and implementing positive activities by promoting a positive and safe school is the Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports Team. At GMS we have had an active PBIS team for 10 years. This team continually adjusts to the changing needs of our student body and staff in supporting positive behavior choices by students. This team works from a whole school perspective to make data-based decisions. Choir and music teacher Kari Thompson, who has taken a lead role over the last few years in the PBIS team, shares, “I feel that the incentives our PBIS team has put in place have really made a difference for our students. Regardless of the goal students are working towards, such as no office referrals, or no missing assignments, students are working very hard to earn a variety of incentives. We’re lucky to have a great partnership with a local food truck for some of these and our wonderful team members in our PBIS group develop ideas throughout the year to really motivate our students to strive for their best. With all of this in place, I can tell many students are working hard to earn one of the many incentives we provide throughout the year. I have a fraction of the missing assignments now than in the past when the target is no missing assignments, and I don’t have near the number of office referrals that I have had in the past.”
We are also fortunate to have an active Sunshine/Birthday Celebration Committee for the staff facilitated by Health Teacher Rachel Kerns. Once a month the teachers share a carry-in opportunity with different themes. It may not seem like a large effort or initiative but it creates a sense of community amongst our staff that spreads to the students, thereby having an overall positive impact on our school climate. “Food builds community. Think about the times you have spent hanging out with friends around a dining table, connecting with your children or parents each day or eating a romantic dinner with your favorite person. Food helps us to slow down, to talk, to laugh, and to see each other where we are at. (https://www.willowrunfarmpa.com/blog/the-power-of-food-building-a-sense-of-community)
Our ability to remain focused on learning in a positive climate and culture has been greatly tested by the challenges of recent years. GMS is fortunate to be staffed by resilient educators who remain steadfast in their commitment to the well-being and success of each child. We are resolute in our Greenville City School mission to “maximize the potential of each and every child” and be a place of learning by providing a positive climate and culture which meets the needs of the whole child.