On December 30th 2023 at 11:14 AM police was dispatched to 1350 Sweitzer Street; Speedway in reference found drugs. PO spoke with store Manager John Karnehm who stated small plastic baggie containing drugs was found on the floor of the men’s restroom. The small plastic baggie contained an unknown crystal like substance that resembled methamphetamine. John stated that multiple people have gone through the restroom today and was unsure of who it was. PO transported the small baggie of unknown crystal substance and placed it into GPD property for destruction.
On December 31, 2023 at approximately 10:31 PM, police was dispatched to 403 East Fourth Street in reference to a report of a deceased subject. PO met with the complainant, Rodney Fisher, who advised PO that his mother’s boyfriend was on the couch of the listed residence and was not breathing. PO was able to make entry into the listed address and located the deceased on the living room couch on the north west side of the listed residence. Greenville Rescue was able to respond to the scene and pronounce the male subject as deceased at 11:15 PM. County Coroner, Joe Vanvickle. was also able to respond to the scene for further investigation. There is no foul play suspected at this time. Photo’s were taken of the incident and placed into property. The deceased was released to Tribute Funeral Home.
On January 1st, 2024 at approximately 12:51AM police was dispatched to the 200 block of Rhoades Avenue in reference to a crash without injury. PO made contact with Kaiden Stewart and learned he was traveling eastbound on Rhoades Avenue in the listed 2010 Lincoln when he sideswiped a vehicle parked facing eastbound on the south side of Rhoades Avenue. While PO was speaking with Kaiden PO could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. Kaiden was also slurring his words. PO asked Kaiden how much he had to drink. Kaiden stated he had two “drinks” around 8:00PM. PO asked Kaiden if he would be willing to submit to Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. Kaiden advised he would submit to Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. PO advised Dispatch to start another unit to the location for Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. PO advised Kaiden to stand in front of the cruiser. Kaiden stood in front of the cruiser and knelt near the ground and began to cry. Another PO arrived on scene. PO began the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing with the walk and turn. Kaiden stumbled on his first,second and fourth step. Kaiden raised his hands more than six inches for balance on step five. Kaiden nearly fell over on step eight. Kaiden stumbled on steps one, five and six after turning around. After the Walk and Turn Test, PO advised Kaiden to perform the one leg stand test. Kaiden counted to three and nearly fell over. Kaiden restarted the test after counting to three. After restarting the test, Kaiden counted to four before raising his arms more than six inches for balance. Kaiden nearly fell over again after counting to five. PO stopped the one leg stand test due to Kaiden not being able to stand up without falling. After the one leg stand test, PO advised Kaiden to conduct the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test. PO checked Kaiden’s eyes for smooth pursuit and both of Kaiden’s eyes lacked smooth pursuit. PO checked Kaiden’s eyes for a distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation and both of Kaiden’s eyes had a distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation. PO checked Kaiden’s eyes for onset of nystagmus onset to forty five degrees and both of Kaiden’s eyes had an onset of nystagmus prior to forty five degrees. I checked Kaiden’s eyes for a vertical nystagmus and both of Kaiden’s eyes had a vertical nystagmus. PO had to advise Kaiden multiple times during the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test to stop moving his head and to follow the tip of the pen with his eyes only. PO placed Kaiden under arrest for 0.V.I. PO read Kaiden his Miranda right’ s after placing him in the back seat of the cruiser. PO transported Kaiden to the Greenville Police Department and read him a BMV-2255 form. PO asked Kaiden if he would submit to chemical testing. Kaiden advised he would submit to chemical testing. Kaiden performed a breath test. The breath test revealed Kaiden has a concentration of 0.236 per one gram by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten liters of Kaiden’s breath. Kaiden was issued a copy of his BMV-2255 form. Kaiden was advised that his driving privileges are placed under an administrative license suspension. Kaiden was issued a copy of this citation and was advised of his court date before being released to his step mother.
On January 1st, 2024 police was dispatched to 104 Knoll Drive in reference to a elderly subject fallen and unresponsive.
On January 2, 2024 at approximately 8:55 AM police responded to Family Dollar, 300 Martin Street in reference to a complaint of trespass. PO made contact with Family Dollar Manager, Danielle Bogle. Bogle advised Michael Falknor has been previously warned for trespass at 300 Martin Street. Danielle advised when she was unlocking the front entrance doors to Family Dollar to allow employees to enter, Michael Falknor was standing by the front entrance door. Danielle told Michael to leave the property due to prior warning for trespass. Michael became irate and began yelling at Danielle. Danielle’s husband was sitting in his parked truck in the parking lot of Family Dollar during this incident. Danielle’s husband confronted Michael and told him to leave the property. Falknor left the property. Danielle completed a witness statement form. Falknor was warned for trespass at Family Dollar, 300 Martin Street on September 21, 2023. PO made contact with Falknor at his residence and he was served a citation for criminal trespass.
On January 3rd 2024, at approximately 10:37 PM police observed a blue 2013 Chevy Impala, bearing Ohio Registration KCR4864, being operated eastbound on Martin Street near Plum Street. The vehicle turned northbound on Plum Street but failed to signal his left turn. A traffic stop was made on the listed vehicle and a K9 was requested at the location. PO approached the vehicle and confirmed the operator of the vehicle to be Christopher Ressler. Christopher provided his driver’s license and an expired insurance card. Christopher also admitted that the vehicle was his daughter’s wife, Rebecca. PO asked Christopher if there was any weapons inside the vehicle and he advised no. PO also asked if there was anything illegal in the vehicle and he advised no. PO returned to the cruiser to check his driving status and confirm the owner of the vehicle. PO confirmed all the information through LEADS/NCIC. PO also started to enter Christopher’s warning into the computer for failure to signal. Before the warning was complete the Deputy arrived on scene with his K9 partner. Christopher was instructed on staying inside the vehicle due to the K9 performing an open air sniff on the vehicle. The result of the open air sniff was a positive alert on the vehicle. Christopher was asked to exit the vehicle and he was searched. During the search PO located an unknown crystal substance in his right coin jean pocket. The unknown substance had the appearance of Methamphetamine and later weighed unofficially 3.7 grams. Inside Christopher coat PO also located a glass meth pipe in the left chest zipper pocket. At this time Christopher was detained and mirandized. Christopher was then placed into the rear of the police cruiser. Two Officers assisted in searching the listed vehicle where Christopher was the sole occupant. One officer located a firearm directly under the driver seat. The firearm was a 9mm Walther PPS Serial #AX3425 and was loaded with 7 rounds inside the magazine. Christopher was on the phone with his wife, unknown name, at the time of the traffic stop. While being detained he advised he would like to speak with her reference the phone call was still active. Before letting Christopher talk to her PO asked her for the phone numbers to the owners of the car. PO received those numbers but was unable to make contact with them. PO also spoke to her about the firearm. His wife advised that she took possession of the car at approximately 6:30 AM on January 3rd due their car breaking down. The wife advised she took her granddaughter to school before going to work at a nursing home until 4:30 PM. The wife advised at no time did she have the firearm with her in the car but advised she did own a small black handgun that Christopher would have had access to. The wife also advised she did not think her daughter or her daughter’s wife owned any firearms. Christopher has two prior convictions for possession of felony narcotics; original offense dates 5/4/2010 and 7/5/2015. Due to the possession of methamphetamine and weapons under disability charges, Christopher was arrested. Christopher was transported to the Darke County Jail and released to staff. While at the jail, a Corporal observed a folded lottery ticket in Christopher’s wallet. Inside the lottery ticket was an unknown yellow powder substance that was also taken as property. The firearm, meth pipe, and two unknown substances were taken to the Greenville Police Department and placed into evidence. The suspected methamphetamine was field tested with a presumptive test and tested positive. The drugs will be send to the lab for confirmation.