Child Custody/Keep the Peace
On August 27th 2023 at 9:37 PM police was dispatched to 317 East third Street in reference to a keep the peace for a child custody exchange. PO made contact with Jessica Sutton mother of a female juvenile. Jessica advised that she had full custody of the juvenile and that she allowed her to stay with her father James Brown the previous night due to an unruly situation that occurred at their house in Urbana OH. PO spoke with the juvenile who stated that she did not feel safe staying with her mother, and that her mother had choked her leaving a bruise on the left side of her neck. She showed police her neck and PO did not observe any visible marks or bruises. Darke County Child protective services were contacted; PO spoke with Kelly Rinderle. Kelly advised that without any evidence of unsafe conditions for the juvenile she would have to leave with her mother. After speaking with Kelly police made contact with a PO of Urbana Police Department. The PO advised that there were no unsafe conditions for the juvenile to return home with her mother and that no charges for unruly or domestic were filed. James advised that he was not holding the juvenile there and that she was free to leave and it was her decision. The juvenile was advised that if she did not go with her mother she could be charged with unruly juvenile. The juvenile gathered her belongings and left with her mother.
Wanted Person/Fugitive from Justice
On August 28, 2023 at approximately 2:39 PM police responded to 222 West Main Street #8 to serve a misdemeanor warrant for Robyn Newberry for Failure to Appear on the original charge of Failure to Comply with a $1525 bond. PO made contact with Robyn at the front door. Robyn was advised of the warrant. Robyn immediately took all of her clothes off and stated that she wanted to wear white to the jail even though we advised her not to. Due to Robyn being under arrest and her history of erratic and violent behavior, as well as cautions for possessing firearms, Officers accompanied Robyn while she changed her clothes. Robyn was then placed under arrest into handcuffs. Robyn was also shown a copy of her warrant due to it not being entered into LEADS/NCIC yet. Robyn was then transported to the Darke County Jail where she was released to jail staff. Due to Robyn’s behavior she was placed into the restraint chair.
On August 28th 2023 at 7:58 PM police was dispatched to 300 Martin Street, Family Dollar in reference to a trespassing complaint. Another PO advised the PO that the complainant Kathryn Lovejoy, employee at Family Dollar, observed Kaylee Hines in Family Dollar and put a can of hair spray in her pocket and left past the point of sale without paying for the spray. Kaylee was stopped by a PO at 609 Walnut St. and advised to come back to the store. It was then discovered that Kaylee was previously warned for criminal trespass on July 14th 2023. Kaylee advised that the can of hair spray was in her pocket prior to entering the store. Security video was unable to show Kaylee putting the hair spray in her pocket. When questioning Kaylee about being trespassed, she stated that she knew she was previously warned for trespassing almost 2 years ago by an employee. However Kaylee stated she did not remember being warned on July 14th 2023. Statement and victim’s rights forms were collected and will be added to this report. Kaylee was given her copy of the citation and advised of her court date and time.
On August 29, 2023 at approximately 10:58 AM, police was dispatched to 200 West Street (Greenville Cemetery) in reference to a report of a theft. PO met with the caretaker of the cemetery, Tracy Tryon. Tracy advised the PO that between August 28, 2023 at 1100 hours and August 29, 2023 at the time of call, a total of eight red brass flower Urns were taken off the headstones of various grave sites that belonged to the cemetery. Tracy advised that the brass urns were valued at approximately $400.00 a piece for a total loss of approximately $3,200.00. Tracy advised that the grave sites where the Urns were taken from are in the north west section of the new area of the cemetery. After inspecting the area it appeared that the urns had been physically pulled from the headstones. PO did not observe anything to be able to indicate who or how many suspects were involved in this incident or how exactly the Urns were removed. PO canvassed the area around the new section of the cemetery but was unable to observe any surveillance cameras in the cemetery or at any residence around it. There are currently no suspects or leads in this case.
Wanted Person/Fugitive from Justice
On August 29th, 2023, at approximately 5:53PM police observed a female subject walking west bound in the 1000 block of East Main Street. PO knew the subject to be Carla Wintrow. PO knew the subject had an active warrant through Darke County Municipal Court. The warrant was for original charge of menacing, must serve 29 days no bond. PO exited his cruiser and advised the subject of the warrant. The subject was arrested and placed into the rear of the cruiser. Carla was transported to the Darke County jail and released to staff.
Domestic Violence
BCI only between Justin Thompson and his live-in girlfriend who he shares a child with, Serenity Nickels. Both were in a verbal argument over their relationship. Justin and Serenity stated that they would work it out and did not want to leave their residence. No school aged children were present.
On August 30th, 2023 police was dispatched to 217 E Water St in reference to vandalism to a barn. PO made contact with the complainant/victim Melody Swartz. Swartz advised that someone had hit her barn with possibly a car. Swartz advised that it happened sometime between 4:30 PM on 8/29/23 and 8:00 AM on 8/30/23. PO observed damage to the garage and it appears someone had possibly backed out of Darke County Recovery and Wellness parking lot and into the barn. PO made contact with Darke County Recovery and Wellness and they are going to review the cameras to their parking lot to see if it picked up the possible accident. Pictures were taken of the damage. This case needs further investigation.
Obstructing Official Business
On August 30th, 2023, at approximately 11:55 PM police was patrolling the area of Martin Street near Green Street. PO was looking for an unrelated male subject reference a separate incident. While searching the area PO located another male subject PO knew to be Steven Karnehm. Steven was riding a bicycle eastbound on Martin Street. PO was familiar with Steven and knew Versailles Police Department was looking for him. PO asked dispatch to check with the Versailles Officer on duty, and the Versailles PO advised if we located Karnehm he would like him stopped and held. A Versailles Officer would then be in route to serve him the citation. PO stopped his vehicle on Martin Street near Green Street to talk to Karnehm through the open window of the cruiser. PO turned on my rear emergency lights only due to him being in the middle of the roadway. When PO called for Steven he did not stop but continued east on Martin Street. PO then exited the cruiser and observed Steven operating his bicycle on Martin Street near Hiddeson Avenue. Steven did not have any white light on the front of his bike and he also did not have any red light on the rear of his bike. PO then got back into his cruiser and attempted to initiate a traffic stop on Steven reference the traffic violation. PO activated his emergency lights and emergency siren to make the traffic stop but Steven failed to comply and continued south on Hiddeson Avenue. Steven then turned left to travel east on Eleventh Street before turning left again to travel north on Riffel Avenue. Steven then cut through the backyard of houses in the 400 block of Martin Street as he traveled west towards Hiddeson Avenue. POs continued to follow Steven without emergency lights and sirens activated. Steven did finally stop on Thirteenth Street near Hiddeson Avenue. Steven was detained and transported to the Greenville Police Department to wait for the Versailles Officer to be served. Steven was served his citation from Versailles Officer Daniel. Steven was also served citations from Greenville PO for having no lights on his bicycle at night and obstructing official business. Steven was released with his bicycle and advised of his court date. The video of this incident was placed into records.
Wanted Person/Fugitive from Justice
On August 31st, 2023 at approximately 9:06 PM police was dispatched to 428 East Main Street in reference to a wanted juvenile. Dispatch advised that the juvenile has a warrant through Vandalia Police Department for Felony Rape, no bond. Dispatch confirmed the warrant through LEADS/NCIC with Vandalia Police Department. Upon arrival police made contact with the juvenile. The juvenile was placed in handcuffs and the juvenile was placed in the back of the cruiser. Vandalia Police Department agreed to meet at Dollar General in Laura, Ohio for the exchange. The juvenile was transported to Dollar General in Laura. A Vandalia Patrolman arrived at Dollar General and placed the juvenile in the back of his cruiser.