On December 27th, 2024, at approximately 10:03 PM police was dispatched to 323 West Water Street in reference to a suspicious person. PO arrived and spoke with Jeromy Johnson who advised him that he believed Jeffrey White attempted to break into his 2006 Chrysler that is parked in front of his residence. Jeromy advised that he did not see any damage to the vehicle at the time and was not missing anything from the vehicle. Jeromy advised he did not have his cameras on at the time but did see Jeffrey around his vehicle. Officers searched the area for Jeffrey and were not able to locate him. At approximately 10:25 PM police made contact with Jeffrey at Romer’s Catering and spoke with him about the incident. Jeffrey denied any involvement and was released from the scene. Later on, PO observed Jeffrey walking in the 300 Block of West Water Street. PO exited the cruiser and spoke with him about what he was doing in the area and advised him not to touch anyone’s vehicles. While PO was speaking with Jeffrey, Jeromy came outside and began yelling at Jeffrey stating, “He is the one that tried to break into my car”. PO separated both Jeffrey and Jeromy. PO spoke with Jeromy and PO asked him about his prior interaction with the other PO and what was reported to him. Jeromy stated he did not see any damage to his vehicle when he was speaking to the PO but now thinks that Jeffrey keyed his vehicle. Jeromy showed PO his vehicle and PO did observe damage to the vehicle. There was old damage on the vehicle that could have been from a prior accident. The old damage was on the front, side and rear of the vehicle. PO advised Jeromy that it is hard to tell which damage was old and what is new. Jeromy stated he knows his car and knows that a small scratch on the side of his vehicle was not there before. Jeromy stated his neighbors saw Jeffrey around his vehicle. A PO spoke with the neighbors and they stated that they could not positively identify that the subject around Jeromy’s vehicle was Jeffrey and declined to fill out statement forms. Jeromy stated he spoke to the only neighbor in the area that has cameras and their cameras do not point towards the road. PO took photographs of Jeromy’s vehicle and added them to this report. Jeromy filled out a statement and victim’s rights form. This incident needs to be sent to a prosecutor for review of charges.
CPO Violation
On December 28, 2024, at approximately 10:28 AM police was dispatched to 323 West Water in the city of Greenville in reference to a neighbor dispute/possible CPO violation. PO made contact with the victim, Micah Shakro. Micah advised today, December 28th, 2024, just before she called at 10:28 AM, she was walking up to her residence, 323 West Water Street, when Ava Dues began to yell at her from her the porch of her residence at 331 West Water Street. Micah advised that she began to yell back at her when Jaden Johnson yelled at her from the front porch of 331 West Water Street calling her a “shitty” mother for calling an ambulance for her child then proceeded to yell at her “ain’t no one is bugging you”. Micah was able to pull up video Ring Door Camera of the incident. In the incident, you can hear both Micah and Ava begin to yell at each other. The video beings to skip but while Ava and Micah are yelling back and forth, a male voice can be heard yelling, “ain’t no one bugging you!”. Jeremy Johnson was also on scene and advised that he witnessed the same as Micah. Micah advised that they have a Civil Protection Order (CPO) against Jaden where she is listed as a protected person. Micah retrieved her copy of the CPO and in the CPO PO found that it lists both Micah and Jeremy as protected people and that Jaden is to have no contact with them or he would be in violation of the CPO. Police made contact with both Jaden and Ava who were on the front porch of of 331 West Water Street. When police asked Jaden about yelling at Micah which he denied yelling at her but then stated that he had been yelling at the dogs. While speaking with Jaden, PO noticed that his voice sounded similar to the voice he heard in the video. When Jaden asked what was said in the video PO advised him that it was something along the lines of “we are not bothering you”. PO advised Jaden that do to the facts PO was presented with and the statements by both Micah and Jeremy, he was under arrested for violating a CPO. Jaden was placed under arrest and in handcuffs. PO transported Jaden to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated for Violating a Protection Order. PO served Jaden a copy of his misdemeanor citation and advised him of his mandatory court date. Both Jeremy and Micah completed witness statements and a victims rights form which will be filed with this report. Micah later emailed PO the video from the Ring Doorbell of the incident which will emailed to Records and attached with this report. Ava later came to the Police Department with her cousin, Kayden Clark claiming that Kayden had been the one yelling at Micah through the upstairs window. Both Ava and Kayden completed witness statements. In Kayden’s statement, he wrote that he said “why are you being a dick, we’re not bothering you”, which is not what PO heard in the video. It should also be noted that while speaking with Ava and Jaden at 331 West Water Street, they made no mention of Kayden or him also yelling but only that Jaden was yelling at the dogs in the residence.
BCI between Dustin Baker and Mikayla Crowe are on again off again boyfriend/girlfriend and have a child in common. Baker was upset that Crowe will not allow him to see his child. Both were in a verbal argument in the area of Washington Avenue and Pine Street. Baker then followed Crowe in a vehicle to the area of West Main and Sycamore Street near the Greenville Police Department and fled the area due to having a felony warrant for his arrest. It is unknown if school aged children were present. Report completed for documentation.
On December 31st, 2024, at approximately 7:54 PM police was dispatched to 144 Summer Drive in reference to a possible domestic violence. PO made contact with Jeremy Shelton and Jamie Young. Jeremy stated Jamie, who is his girlfriend and lives with him, broke his TV and started a verbal altercation. Jeremy stated Jamie grabbed his hoodie and hit him once in the shoulder during the altercation. Jeremy did not have any injuries and just wanted Jamie to leave. Jamie denied hitting or grabbing Jeremy. Jamie left the residence for the night. No school aged children were present for the altercation. BCI only
On December 31, 2024 at approximately 10:37 PM police was dispatched to 209 E Main Street; Towne House Motel in reference to a domestic complaint. PO made contact with both involved persons, Matthew Bolin and Meredith Wolfe. Both parties advised they were in a verbal argument about their relationship. Both parties stated there was no physical altercation. Both Matthew and Meredith remain at the residence. BCI ONLY. No children present.
On January 1st, 2025 at approximately 5:53 AM police was dispatched to 329 Marion Drive in reference to a Domestic. PO made contact with Jason Lacey, who advised he and his girlfriend, Alissa Wilson, were in a verbal argument over a vape., and Alissa wanting to leave their two month old child, that they have together, home alone to go to the bar. Jason advised me Alissa was intoxicated. Alissa stepped outside while PO was speaking with Jason, with no pants on, clearly intoxicated stating she wanted Jason to leave. After speaking with both subjects and determining it was a verbal altercation, both Jason and Alissa refused to leave. Both parties were advised to stay away from each other and told to call back if things escalate. BCI only, one 2 month old child was present during the altercation.
On January 2nd 2025 at approximately 12:19 PM police was dispatched to 806 Washington Avenue in reference to a domestic dispute. BCI only between James Hester and Jenna Lemaster. James and Jenna reside together at 806 Washington Avenue and have two children together. James and Jenna were in a verbal argument only over bills. Both James and Jenna stayed at the residence. Only two school age children were present during this incident.
On January 2nd 2025 at approximately 2:47 PM police was to dispatched 203 Green Street in reference to a burglary in progress. Dispatch advised that a male subject had forced himself through the front door and into the residence. The complainant/victim Chase Bowers had him in a choke hold until police arrived. Upon arrival, PO observed the front door open and heard yelling from inside the residence. Upon entering the residence, PO observed three male subjects on the floor. Chase Bowers had an older male subject later identified as Daniel Homan, in a choke hold, with both arms around his neck. The third male was Benjamin Miller who had ahold of Daniel’s legs. PO told them to release Daniel to which they did without any hesitation. PO led Daniel out of the front of the residence to be with other officers. While speaking with Chase, he stated that Daniel was his previous landlord of his old residence on Vine Street and not his current landlord. Chase stated that he and his four-year-old daughter were sitting on the couch; while sitting there he observed Daniel pacing up and down the sidewalk in front of his residence, then came on the front porch up to the door and began knocking. Chase stated he ignored Daniel knocking at first but eventually he opened the door to speak to Daniel. Chase stated Daniel was hostile while speaking with him so he attempted to close the door on him. Daniel put his foot inside, stopping Chase from closing it. Chase stated when attempting to close the door with Daniel’s foot there, Daniel kicked the door open going inside the residence. Chase stated it was then that he took Daniel down to the ground and struck him three times on the right side of Daniel’s head, then called the police. PO spoke to Benjamin Miller who stated he did not know Chase or had never met him before until this day. Benjamin stated while leaving Family Dollar and walking back to his truck he saw a male wearing a brown coat pacing on the front porch of 203 Green Street. The male then knocked on the door and began arguing. He observed Chase try and shut the door on Daniel. Benjamin then observed Daniel kicking the front door and attempting to grab Chase. Benjamin stated he heard yelling then went up on to the front porch and saw both Daniel and Chase on the floor. Benjamin then helped hold Daniel down until the police arrived. After speaking with both Chase and Benjamin, PO went outside and spoke with Daniel. Daniel stated he was the previous landlord of Chase and had come to collect money that Chase owed him. Daniel stated he did not kick the door in or attack Chase but did admit to holding the door open with his foot. Daniel stated when he held the door open with his foot that was when Chase grabbed him and took him to the ground. Police spoke with Darke County Prosecutor’s Office to which they advised to charge Daniel for assault and criminal trespass. PO then placed Daniel in handcuffs. Daniel was searched incident to arrest and no contraband was found. Daniel was transported to Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated for assault and criminal trespass. The back seat of the cruiser was searched before and after transport and no contraband was found. Chase filled out a victim’s rights form and a witness statement. Benjamin also completed a witness statement. All documents will be attached to this report, see statements for further. Photos were taken of the scene and will be attached to this report as well, please see photo log for further.