On January 5, 2024 at approximately 4:35 PM police was dispatched to 1201 Russ Road; Stop and Go for an instance of theft not in progress. PO spoke with complainant/District Manager; Kayla DuRall who stated that an employee had stolen $50 from the store. Kayla stated that on January 3, 2024 at approximately 4:34 PM defendant/employee; Nicolas Jassan got into an argument with a customer who brought in a winning lottery ticket worth $100 but only ended up giving the customer $50 for the ticket. After the customer left Nicolas proceeded to redeem the other half of the lottery ticket for himself totaling $50. The customer came back to the store at a later time and was given the other $50 of the winning lottery ticket resulting in the store being at a deficit of $50 due to Nicolas taking the money. Kayla completed a victim rights form on behalf of the store and also completed a witness statement form that will be attached to this report. A copy of two receipts displaying lottery payouts totaling $100 will be attached to this report. Upon reviewing the footage that Kayla sent of the alleged theft it displayed several inconsistencies. The time stamp of the video did not correspond with the receipt of Nicolas redeeming the second half of the lottery ticket. Nicolas was also never seen touching the register while a costumer was not present in front of him. When asked Kayla also stated that when she watched the video for his entire shift she was unable to find when Nicolas took the money from the cash register. When questioned about the inconsistencies Kayla stated she would review the incident more and contact PO with her findings. Kayla was also asked about the potential of some form of receipt showing the actual value of the winning lottery ticket. On January 8, 2024 at approximately 6:31 hours PO received an email from Kayla regarding the incident. Kayla stated in her email that after reviewing the incident more she was unable to find enough information and no longer wished for charges to be filed. Kayla also stated in her email that she did not have a receipt or anything to display the value of the lottery ticket because it had been thrown away prior to her learning of the incident. At this time there is no further follow up needed.
CPO Violation
On January 6th, 2024, at approximately 6:19 PM police was dispatched to 501 Euclid Avenue in reference to Protection Order Violation. The complainant, Ashley Littlepage, advised that her ex-boyfriend, James Gibson, was driving by her house multiple times. Ashley also advised that she has an active protection order against James. PO arrived to the area and located Ashley. Ashley advised that she was walking her dog southbound on Euclid Avenue in the 300 block near the railroad tracks. She advised she observed a Silver Jeep Compass, Indiana License plate 833RLT, being operated by James Gibson. She advised she knows James because they used to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Ashley also advised that she just recently was granted a Stalking Protection Order through the Darke County Courts. Ashley advised that James was eastbound on Pearl Street at Euclid Avenue and was about to turn southbound towards her residence of 501 Euclid. That is when James saw her and turned the opposite direction towards her instead. Ashley continued to walk towards her residence and James followed in his vehicle trying to speak to the dog. When Ashley attempted to get her phone out to record, James took off in the vehicle. Ashley was able to show videos from her Surveillance System at her residence that caught the vehicle on camera at 6:02PM. The videos will be put into the files of this report. Ashley filled out a voluntary statement form and victims rights form. PO searched the area and was unable to locate James or the vehicle. At approximately 9:15 PM Ashley called back to the Greenville Police Department reference James was back driving around her residence of 501 Euclid. PO arrived to the area and located Ashley on the sidewalk in front of her residence. Ashley advised that she was going to work and when she went to leave James drove by again in the Jeep Compass. Ashley advised right before officers arrived she saw the vehicle westbound on Olive Street. Ashley was able to provide more photos and videos showing that the Jeep Compass drove past her at 9:17 PM. PO searched the area and located the listed vehicle at 1350 Sweitzer Street, Speedway. PO located the vehicle approximately 5 minutes after the call was received. PO was familiar with James and knew James to be the male subject next to the vehicle. PO asked James for his drivers’ license which he provided and confirmed his identity. PO asked James why he drove by Ashley’s house and he advised he just cut over from Central Avenue to get to Sweitzer Street. Euclid Avenue, Olive Street, and Pearl Street are all minimal traveled streets. There would be no reason why James would need to travel past Ashley’s house reference these streets do not connect to main streets in the city that James would have had no other access but these streets. James admitted to driving by the residence and admitted to being the only occupant in the listed vehicle. James was arrested and mirandized. James was searched and transported to the Darke County Jail to be released to staff. On December 30th, 2023, James Gibson was served with his Protection order copy. James was given a copy of the protection order and given specific details about what he was not allowed to do including, staying 75 yards away from Ashley. On December 30th, 2023 PO also specifically told James he should not ever have any reason to drive near Ashley’s house because he resides in Indiana and her street does not need to be traveled on to reach any part of the city of Greenville. The protection order was granted on 12/22/23 and was still active on January 6th, 2024. James was also served with his copy of the citation.
Wanted Person
On January 6, 2024 at approximately 6:49 PM police was dispatched to 316 Warren Street in reference to a welfare check. PO spoke with complainant; Adrian Jenkins who stated that defendant; Austin Abdon had left the residence and she was concerned with his welfare. Dispatch checked Austin through LEADS/NCIC and found that he had a felony warrant from the Adult Parole Authority for a parole violation, no bond. The area surrounding the residence was searched for Austin and he was located at the intersection of Martin Street and Ohio Street. Dispatch confirmed the warrant and Austin was placed under arrest. Austin was read his Miranda Right’s. Austin was searched incident to arrest with not contraband being located. Austin was placed into the back of a cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail. Austin was released to jail staff along with his property.
Animal Problem
On January 6, 2023 at approximately 8:17 PM police was dispatched to 221 North Gray Avenue in reference to an instance of dogs at large. Upon arriving in the area PO observed two dogs in the roadway on Front Street near North Gray Avenue. One dog appeared to be a German Shephard and the other appeared to be a Rottweiler. Both of the dogs were black and brown in color. Upon exiting the vehicle the Rottweiler began barking and charged at PO in an aggressive manner and was close to the PO’s door as he closed it behind him. The dog warden was contacted due to the dog being aggressive and charging towards the PO but he refused to respond to the scene. The owner/defendant; James Marlow arrived on the scene a short time later and took both dogs back into his yard. James had previously been warned for dogs at large on January 3, 2024 at approximately 03:30 PM for the same two dogs. James stated that he believed someone had opened the front gate of his yard to allow his dogs to get loose both times. Due to the aggressive nature of the Rottweiler it is unlikely that anyone would attempt to open the gate. The gate was also checked for signs of tampering with none being located. James was issued his copy of the citation for dogs at large and advised of his court date. At this time there is no further follow up needed.
On January 7th, 2024 at approximately 6:01AM police observed David Crauder, sitting on the floor of 849 East Main Street through the window. David was issued a warning for trespass on January on 01/02/2024 at 1:45AM. PO entered the business and made contact with David. PO asked David why he was inside the business after he was advised not to return to the property by the owner, Tom Hunt and police. David admitted he knew was not supposed to return to the business. David stated he was cold and did not have anywhere else to go. David stated he was cold and did not care that he was trespassed from the business. Dispatch made contact with the business owner, Tom Hunt. Tom advised he wanted David cited for Criminal Trespass and that he would respond to the scene. Shortly after Dispatch made contact with Tom, he arrived on scene. Tom filled out a statement form and a Victim’s Right’s form. David was issued a citation for Criminal Trespass and was advised of his court date. David left the business.
Domestic Violence
On January 8th, 2024 police was dispatched to 525 Harrison Avenue in reference to a verbal Domestic dispute. PO made contact with Brandy Clay. Brandy advised her husband Jan Clay, called her a “Whore” and a “Bad Mother” when she was attempting to get in the shower. Brandy advised she was trying to leave and Jan took the keys to their vehicle. Jan came outside to the porch where PO was speaking to Brandy. Jan advised he took the keys to the vehicle because he was about to leave for work shortly. Brandy advised her son would be returning to the residence to pick her up. Brandy and Jan both advised the altercation was verbal only. No school aged children were present. This report is for BCI only.