Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Wanted Person

On February 01, 2025, at approximately 2:24 PM police conducted a traffic stop on a 2004 Mercury Sable bearing Ohio Registration JSH9858 for expired registration and apprehended a wanted person. Upon making contact with the registered owner and driver of the vehicle, Sarah Lakes, PO observed three other people in the vehicle. PO asked everyone for their drivers license or names. PO had dispatch run two of the drivers license as PO checked names and dates of birth of the other two passengers. All subjects involved were ran through LEADS/NCIC where it was learned one of the passengers, Angela Kemp, had a probation warrant through Warren County Sheriff’s Office on a original charge of a felony theft. A Sgt arrived on scene where he placed Angela in handcuffs as dispatch confirmed the warrant. The warrant was confirmed. PO then searched Angela with no contraband being located. Angela was placed into a patrol cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail where she was released to jail staff.

Breaking and Entering

On February 11th, 2025, at approximately 7:21 AM police responded to 7617 Greenville Celina Road, Wagner Avenue Secure Storage in reference to a breaking and entering that had occurred early in the morning. Upon arrival, PO made contact with another officer, and the owner, Marilyn Rider. The owner’s daughter, Christine Shinn, was also on scene and had access to the security footage. They advised the subject cut a small hole in the east side of the fence and entered into the perimeter of the facility. The business has four total storage buildings, mainly with outdoor units. Two buildings have a handful of indoor units. Those units are accessible through an unlocked door on both buildings. The suspect broke into one of the store and locks inside one of the buildings. A Detective arrived on scene and police entered the store and lock. They observed the hole in the fence and located locker CS open, with the lock cut off. They also observed the locks on unit C9 and 441 had been attempted to be cut. Photos of the hole and the affected units were taken by the Detective. PO attempted to call the owner of the unit that entry had been made to, Daniel Belew, but could not get in contact with him. Police also attempted to make contact at his residence on Euclid avenue and could not make contact. Police responded back to the area of the store and lock and made contact with several businesses to view video. They were able to locate video from Reflections Body Shop of the suspect walking through their parking lot looking into cars shortly after making entry into the store and lock. They were also able to view video at Financial Achievement Services on Children’s Home Bradford Road and observed the suspect leaving the parking lot of Reflections and continuing down Children’s Home Road toward KitchenAid Way. Both businesses with video were asked to save the video for police. The primary suspect at the time based off video and knowledge of prior history of this was Celeste Julian. The Detective notified PO a few days later that he had made contact with Celeste, and that she admitted to the breaking and entering. This case will be reviewed for charges and further updates will be documented through case management.

Theft (not in progress)

On February 11th, 2025, at approximately 5:07 PM police was dispatched to 337 East Fourth Street in reference to a theft not in progress. Upon arrival PO made contact with Beth Kendrick who advised she had a small black bag of depression medication, vitamins and Aspirin stolen out of her vehicle. Beth stated the bag also has a small combination lock on it. Beth stated she returned from work around 8:30AM and went to bed, leaving her car unlocked. Beth stated she woke up around 3:00PM and noticed that her medication bag was not in the front passenger seat of her vehicle. Beth stated she did stop at her boyfriend’s residence after she got off work at approximately 6:00AM. Beth stated she called him and asked him to look for the bag and he did not locate it. Beth also stated she searched her residence for the bag and did not locate it. PO asked Beth when she last saw the bag and she stated she knew she saw it last night. Beth stated nobody knew that she stored her medication and the bag in the vehicle. Beth also stated that nobody has access to her vehicle. Beth stated she tried to get a new prescription of her depression medication and the doctor told her that she needs a Police report to get it filled. Beth stated she is missing 60 Lamictal, 60 Wellbutron, 30 Aspirin, 60 Pregabalin and 10 Zofran pills. The prescriptions were to treat depression and nausea. Beth filled out a statement and victim’s rights form. PO checked the area for cameras and did not locate any.

Wanted Person

On February 17th, 2025 at approximately 7:29 AM police was in the area of Pine St and Hiddeson Ave when PO observed a gray Chevy Tahoe parked in the parking lot of 3- Way Electric on 710 Hiddeson Ave. PO was able to positively identify the driver as Matthias Hammaker, PO also had prior knowledge that Matthias had a warrant for his arrest. PO made contact with Matthias, he stated that he went and got his license worked out and that he was now a valid driver. PO asked Matthias if he showed up to his mandatory court date in which he stated no. PO advised him it was mandatory and that the courts issued a warrant for his arrest. The original charge was Driving under suspension, which he failed to appear for the arraignment. PO told Matthias he was under arrested and placed him into handcuffs. PO transported Matthias to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff. Nothing was located in the back seat of the cruiser after transport.


On February 18th, 2025, at approximately 2:36 AM police was sitting stationary at Greenville Union Cemetery, on Union Street, in Greenville Ohio. PO observed a vehicle traveling eastbound on Union Street without a functioning license plate light. PO initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, which was turning northbound on Fort Recovery Road. PO made contact with the driver of the vehicle and defendant in this case, Joseph Impson. PO observed an open container of Crown Russe vodka sitting in the center seat next to Joseph. PO asked him if he had been drinking and he shook his head yes, before bringing his hands up in a prayer position and stating “please.” PO could see Joseph’s eyes at this time to be glossy and blood shot as well as noticed his speech to be slurred. PO could smell a strong odor of alcoholic beverage coming from his person as well. PO asked Joseph how much he had to drink, and he lifted a can of Busch beer from the cup holder. He attempted to put the open container of vodka under the seat at this time, PO advised Joseph he already saw the bottle. PO asked Joseph for consent to search his vehicle, and he gave consent. PO asked him to step out of the vehicle and conducted a search. PO did not find any more open containers of alcohol in the vehicle. The Busch beer can was approximately 3/4 full and cold to the touch and had an odor of an alcoholic beverage. The Crown Russe vodka was approximately 4/5 full and had an appearance of clear vodka. PO asked Joseph to submit to field sobriety testing and he stated he would. PO explained the horizontal gaze nystagmus to him, and he advised he understood. PO asked Joseph if he had any contacts or glasses, and he advised glasses. PO asked him if he could see my finger without his glasses and he advised he could. PO observed Joseph to have a lack of smooth pursuit and unable to maintain focus on the test. Joseph stopped the test numerous times getting distracted and continued to move his head while attempting to perform the test after being reminded several times to keep his head straight forward. PO was able to observe nystagmus in both eyes at maximum deviation before he stopped wanting to perform the test. Joseph refused any other field sobriety testing. PO advised Joseph at this time he was under arrest for operating a vehicle under the influence and placed him in handcuffs. Joseph was mirandized after arrest. He was transported to the police department where PO read him his BMV2255 and asked him to submit to a breath test, which he refused. Joseph has three prior convictions of OVI, in the years 2009, 2011, and 2020. Joseph attempted to find a ride to come get him, however could not get in contact with anyone available. He was transported to the Darke County Jail, and issued a citation for OVI 4511.19Ala (Ml) which he is being held on, and No plate light, 4513.05A (MM) that he is not being held on. Joseph’s vehicle was towed by Hurds towing, and he was placed under an administrative license suspension. A K9 that was in the vehicle with Joseph was taken by the Humane Society. They were given Joseph’s contact information to get in touch with him to return the dog. The police cruiser was checked prior to and after transport with no contraband located. Joseph was provided a copy of his BMV2255 form. Joseph was given a warning for the open containers.

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