On February 23rd, 2025, at approximately 2:02 AM police was dispatched to 119 Tillman Ave, Greenville, OH on a prowler call. The complainant and victim, Grace Taylor, called stating she had video from security cameras showing a male subject wearing bib overalls and gray-colored Carhart hoodie walking up to her garage and truck. Grace also stated that the security camera had been moved so it wouldn’t be able to record anything. PO had prior knowledge of Grace having issues with her ex, Nathan Sloan. PO radioed dispatch to have the Sheriff’s office check US 127 N for a possible Jeep Wrangler driven by Nathan heading back to the Celina area. A Deputy was able to locate the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. While the Deputy was at the traffic stop, PO spoke with Grace and reviewed the video she obtained. The video shows a male, matching Nathan’s physical stature as well as his clothing, walking over to her garage area which is attached to her house. The male subject then goes to the passenger side door to Grace’s truck and appears to damage it. It’s uncertain what the male had, but video and audio show the male striking the passenger door with an object, causing a loud noise and damage. PO contacted the Deputy, who was able to confirm that Nathan was wearing the same clothing at the traffic stop that the male in the video was wearing. When asked what he was doing, Nathan stated he was just out for a drive. Nathan denied going to Grace’s house. PO had the Deputy warn Nathan for criminal trespass from 119 Tillman Ave, Greenville, OH and make sure he was aware that Grace doesn’t want him around her or the house. Grace advised PO that this has been an ongoing issue for an approximate year. The two share a child together but do not reside together nor have they been married. They also have never stayed together at 119 Tillman Ave. Grace had previously obtained a protection order, but it had been dropped. The next morning, on 02-24-2025, Grace spoke to officers stating she wanted to file charges for the damage done to her truck. Photos were collected and attached to the report. PO also has a video showing when the damage took place. When PO spoke to Grace about the charges, PO asked if she could positively identify that it is Nathan in the video. Grace stated yes, it was him. Since PO has multiple videos and Grace is able to identify Nathan, he will be charged with Criminal Damaging. PO was able to call Nathan on 02-24-2025 and speak to him about everything. Nathan is saying that the video doesn’t show his face, so there isn’t proof that the man in the video is him. PO told Nathan that several minutes after Grace’s camera caught him, he was pulled over just a short distance away from her house wearing the same clothing as the one in the video. Nathan said he goes to Greenville frequently, and it wasn’t him. PO questioned why he traveled to Greenville around 2 AM. Nathan didn’t have a response other than he works night shift. Nathan’s permanent address and place of employment are both in Celina, OH. PO received a witness statement and victims’ rights form from Grace. All paperwork and video will be attached to the report.
On February 24th, 2025, at around 1:20 AM police was sitting stationary near Speedway North, on Wagner Avenue in Greenville Ohio. PO observed a white Chevy Suburban pull into Speedway. PO observed the driver of the vehicle, get out and go inside the gas station. PO could see the driver inside the gas station, and she appeared to be under the influence of a drug. She was at the counter, leaning over the counter while speaking with the employee, jerking her arms, and struggling to stay still. The driver exited the store and returned to the driver’s seat. She pulled out of Speedway’s parking lot and traveled Eastbound on East Main St. PO followed the vehicle to observe her driving. She turned north from East Main Street onto North Ohio Street. While traveling on North Ohio Street the driver crossed the center line and entered into the turn lane with her driver’s side tires on two separate occasions. PO initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle and made contact with the driver, who PO was able to identify as Tara Marker. PO immediately observed Tara to appear to be high on some sort of substance, based on his training and experience. Tara’s eyes were very wide, she was jerking her hands and moving very rigid. In order to look at me she would turn her whole body and could not sit still. Tara struggled to focus on getting her license and insurance when asked, and was holding her wallet up in the air looking at it trying to open it. PO asked Tara for consent to search the vehicle and she denied consent. PO called for a K9 from the Darke County Sheriff’s Department and was advised he was unavailable. PO asked her to step out of the vehicle and asked her if she would submit to Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs). She agreed to submit to SFSTs. PO began to explain the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus to her. PO asked Tara if she wore glasses or contacts, and she advised she didn’t. Tara had a lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, could not stay still while completing the test and struggled to keep her head still. PO explained the walk and turn next and placed her in the starting position. Tara could not remain in the starting position without losing balance and having to be told multiple times to get back into the starting position. She could not walk without balancing with her arms, stepped off the line twice, and did not touch heel to toe on multiple steps. PO advised Tara to face the cruiser and place her hands behind her back. PO placed her in handcuffs and advised Tara she was under arrest for OVI. PO searched her person and located a bag of THC gummies inside her hoodie pocket. She advised she hadn’t eaten any since earlier in the day. Tara was placed in the back of the marked patrol car. Tara’s vehicle was towed by Saunders Towing due to it being left on the side of the roadway. An Officer took inventory of the vehicle and took photos of the inside of the vehicle. PO transported her back to the Police Department. PO read and showed Tara the BMV2255, and read Tara her Miranda Rights. PO asked her to submit to the one leg stand, and she agreed. PO explained and demonstrated the test to Tara and asked her to complete it. She set her foot down twice, used her arms for balance, struggled to count, and chose to end the test early due to being off balance and stating she was short of breath. Tara was offered a breath test with the Intoxilizer 8000, however stated she preferred to provide urine only, due to feeling as though she couldn’t breathe. She provided a urine sample in front of PO in the Police Department restroom, while attempting to collect urine, Tara struggled to not jerk her arms in the bathroom and dropped the first urine cup in the toilet, and had to be given a new one. The urine was packaged, sealed, placed into the property room at the Greenville Police Department, and will be sent to the Miami Valley Regional Crime Lab for further analysis. Tara was issued a citation for OVI 4511. 19Ala ( Ml) and Marked Lanes 4511. 33Al ( MM). PO explained Tara her court date and time and she advised she understood. When leaving the police department, Tara crumpled the copy of her citation up and left it in the lobby. This case will be updated through case management as the results come in from the Miami Valley regional Crime Lab. Tara has no prior convictions of OVI.
Theft (not in progress)
On February 27, 2025, at approximately 3:58 PM police responded to Ayden Healthcare and rehab, 243 Marion Drive in the city of Greenville. PO spoke to Carol Lyons who is an LNHA (license nurse housing administrator). Carol stated she was contacted by Tammy Monnin who advised she had left money to her mother, Dorothy Lingle and now the money was missing. Carol advised she had no idea there was money in the room and this was first time she was hearing about it. PO then spoke to Tammy and Dorothy who advised $1,200 dollars was missing from Dorothy’s purse. Tammy and Dorothy advised Tammy had left the money to Dorothy for Tammy’s son who is in college and the money was for emergency’s use only. Tammy lives in Alabama and Dorothy is closer to her son. Tammy stated as she was visiting her mother on todays date, Dorothy was very upset and was speaking how her room was gone through. Tammy then asked Dorothy if the money was still in the spot where they hid it. The money had been placed in Dorothy’s purse and stashed underneath her walker seat. The cash was no longer there. Tammy stated she had left the money back in August/September of 2023. Tammy advised she last saw the money when she last visited approximately December 06, 2024. Dorothy stated she does not recall ever telling anyone where the money was. Dorothy advised that on February 13, 2025 her room was gone through by employees and a lot of her items were thrown away. Carol stated the room was gone through as Dorothy was keeping numerous items and there were old food/drinks near the vents causing the facility to smell, which was the reason the items were gone through. Carol stated there was documentation of the items that were thrown away. Tammy filled out a written statement as well as a victim rights form. Tammy also filled out a statement on the behalf of Dorothy as she was having a hard time writing due to a stress test she took earlier in the day. Carol typed a statement which included the names and phone numbers of the employees who went through the room. Carol advised there are no cameras in the facility and anyone who works there has access to the rooms. Statement forms were left with Carol to give to the three employees who went through the rooms. Carol advised she would get PO a copy of the documentation of all the items that were thrown away. As of 03/03/25 PO was still waiting for statements from the three employees as well as the documentation of items that were thrown away This case will need further investigation.
Theft (not in progress)
On March 2nd, 2025 at approximately 7:25 PM police was dispatched to 122 West Main Street (Greenville Police Department) Greenville, Ohio 45331 in reference to a report of a theft not in progress. PO spoke with Julia Flatter who advised while her husband (Dustin Flatter) was at Walmart, someone stole her I-Pad out of his vehicle without his knowledge. Julia had the I-Pad hooked up to a family account and was able to ping its location. The I-Pad was pinging at 121 Ruth Street Gettysburg, Ohio 45328. PO made contact with Darke County Sheriff’s Office to have a deputy go out to Gettysburg and investigate. PO also made contact with Walmart to see if they could provide any video surveillance of someone taking the I-Pad to which Walmart did not have any surveillance that was out of the ordinary. Darke County spoke with residents in the area of the above listed address and they also denied any involvement. On March 3rd, 2025 PO received a voicemail from Julia stating she pinged the I-Pad again when she woke up and it was pinging in Piqua at 8539 Piqua-Lockington Road (SRM Concrete). PO made contact with a Miami County Deputy a short time later and advised him of his findings. The deputy stated he would go to the location of the ping and investigate. The deputy called PO back at a later time and advised he spoke with the branch manager. The manager stated he had three employees who live in Darke County, one of which lives in Gettysburg. The employee who lives in Gettysburg is Phillip Aukerman. The manager made contact with Phillip who is currently in Tennessee, driving for the company. Phillip stated he found the I-Pad on the side of the road on State Route 127 near State Route 36 (Palestine area) the day prior. Phillip continued, stating he goes around the area looking for material to scrap to make extra money and when he found the I-Pad on the side of the road it was destroyed and inoperable. Phillip gave verbal consent to the Deputy to go into his vehicle and retrieve the I-Pad. The Deputy found the I-Pad in Phillip’s car and the damages were consistent with Phillip’s description when he found it. Deputy Stanford delivered the I-Pad to PO in Bradford. PO then drove back to the Greenville Police Department and notified Julia of his findings. PO informed Julia of the whereabouts of the I-Pad and advised her to check with Dustin to see if he left the I-Pad on top of the car by accident. The I-Pad was returned to Julia. There is no need for further.