On February 22nd, 2025 at approximately 0011 hours, I was dispatched to the area of 213 Locust Street, in the city of Greenville, in reference to a physical fight. Upon my arrival I could hear yelling coming from the front porch of 213 Locust. I walked in and observed three male subjects yelling, an older subject, and two younger subjects. I was able to determine that the older subject was the father of the two younger subjects. I later identified the older male subject to be Brian Wiedamier, and the two younger males to be Adam Brown, and Nathan Wiedamier. I ordered Adam to let go of Nathan. I grabbed my Taser, armed it, and pointed it at Adam, who ultimately complied and let go. Nathan then entered the residence, and I was able to order Brian and Adam out of the house. Upon entering the residence, I could hear two subjects speaking upstairs. I began walking up the steps and located Nathan, and a female, who advised me, she was his girlfriend. They were hugging each other in the bathroom at the top of the staircase. I asked the female if anyone else was upstairs, and she advised they were the only ones. I advised both of them that someone needed to step downstairs to speak with us. Nathan stated “no, fuck her” when the female attempted to break free from him. Nathan continued yelling and cursing at the female. I advised Sgt. Smith, who walked in the residence at this time, to come upstairs with me. While walking up the stairs the female was asking Nathan to stop, advising him he was going to get arrested if he continued to act out. I ordered the female to let go of Nathan and step out into the hallway. The female complied, leaving Nathan in the bathroom by himself. I observed a window in the bathroom broken and glass all over the floor, I also observed Nathan’s hands to be bloody and blood on the bathroom floor. Sgt. Smith stepped into the bathroom to speak with him asking him what was going on, attempting to investigate the fight we were originally called to the residence for. Nathan stated “nothing, the fuck are you?” before standing up and squaring up to Sgt. Smith. Nathan began yelling for Sgt. Smith to get away from him and hit Sgt. Smith with the door to the bathroom by slamming it into him. Sgt. Smith was standing in the doorway of the bathroom at this time. Nathan got in Sgt. Smith’s face and chest bumped him at this time. Sgt. Smith went hands on with him and Nathan began resisting officers. While resisting us Nathan struck me in the left side of my face with his hand before being taken to the ground by Sgt. Smith. While on the ground, I was advised later by Stg. Smith, that Nathan grabbed onto his Taser from his holster. When reviewing the body camera footage, you can hear Sgt. Smith ordering him to let go of his Taser numerous times. I ordered Nathan to place his hands behind his back and roll on his stomach. Nathan struck Sgt. Smith in the right side of his face with his left hand while still attempting to resist officers. Adam and Brian began walking up the stairs yelling at us, I ordered both to stay back. Both individuals had to be told numerous times to stay back before going back downstairs. I advised Nathan he would be Tased if he continued to resist. Nathan ultimately gave up his arms and was placed into handcuffs, which were gap checked and double locked. Sgt. Smith advised that while attempting to detain him he sustained cuts to his left middle finger from the glass on the ground. Officers attempted to speak with Nathan, as well as his girlfriend, Adam, and Brian. No one would answer any questions as to what happened prior to our arrival. Nor would anyone at the residence fill out any statements. Nathan was checked out by EMS for lacerations to his hands that he had prior to the altercation with us. He was transported to the Darke County Jail and charged with Obstructing Official Business 2921.31A ( M2) and two counts of Assault on a Peace Officer 2903.13A (F4). Photos of the injuries to Nathan as well as any visible injuries to officers were photographed and added to the report. Nathan did prevent, obstruct, and delay officers from investigating the original complaint of the fight that had taken place at the residence, by becoming aggressive and physically fighting with us. Nathan also knowingly caused physical harm to both officers by physically striking both officers, as well as causing Sgt. Smith to be cut by glass while refusing to comply and fight with us around broken glass.
On February 26th 2025 at approximately 1637 hours, I was dispatched to 111 Winchester Avenue, Shrader Retreading in reference to a vandalism complaint. Upon my arrival, I observed a blue Chevy Cruze with a busted back window. I made contact with Ethan Pugalee. Ethan stated that he received a call from his girlfriend’s mother, Teresa Copsey that the back window of the vehicle he was driving was vandalized at approximately 1629 hours. Ethan stated that the vehicle belongs to his girlfriend Kayle Copsey and that he was driving the vehicle to work. Ethan advised that he got to work at approximately 1530 hours and there was no damage to the vehicle. Upon further investigating the vehicle, I was unable to find anything heavy enough or small enough to go through the window. The vehicle appeared to be covered in dust and salt and was unable to observe any markings of someone touching the vehicle other than near the car door handles. I asked Ethan who would have done this, Ethan advised that Kayle’s ex-boyfriend Thomas Cox could be the one do so from a CPO being dropped and him making threats in the past. I spoke to Kayle over the phone who advised that Thomas drives a silver Ford Tauris. The parking lot did not have cameras and I canvased the area unable to find any cameras. I later made contact with Kayle at her residence to have her fill out a victim’s rights form. Kayle stated that she believes it was her ex-boyfriend Thomas as well. Kayle later contacted me over the phone advising me that Cody Oakes who resides at 103 Vine Street had a camera at his residence that showed a silver Ford sedan driving east bound on Vine Street where it turns into Winchester Avenue. The vehicle was seen traveling eastbound at approximately 1529 hours. Kayle stated the vehicle is Thomas’s. Pictures were taken of the damages and will be added to this report. Ethan and Teresa also filled out witness statements, please see statements for further. Kayle emailed me the security video and will be attached to this report. I attempted to make contact with Thomas over the phone several times, leaving several messages with no reply back. This case will need to be further investigated.
On March 13, 2025, at approximately 2313 hours while observing traffic at the city traffic circle, I was approached by Gabriel Batten who stated he had been assaulted. Gabriel was visibly injured and upset. Gabriel was pacing and unable to focus on what I was saying to him. Gabriel continued to state that he, “has to do this. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” Gabriel was bleeding from the mouth and had visible cuts to his left hand and arm. Gabriel also had a large blood stain on the right knee of his jeans. As Gabriel spoke with me, I also observed his face to be swollen and his nose to be possibly broken. I then requested P.O. Hall and P. 0. Slade to the scene. Upon their arrival, I was able to speak with Gabriel who was now sitting down. Gabriel stated that he and his girlfriend, Cara Wooten, had been in the parking lot behind 308 S Broadway Street; Danny’s Place, when they saw my cruiser. At this time, P.0. Slade went to speak with Cara. Gabriel began explaining this incident. Gabriel stated that he and Cara had been drinking inside of Danny’s. He stated that approximately 20 minutes prior to him speaking with me, he and Cara went out the front door of Danny’s to smoke. Gabriel stated that once the two were outside, he recognized another male to be Cara’s ex-boyfriend, Paul Daughtery, whom she has a CPO (Civil Protection Order) against. Gabriel stated he told Paul to leave because he was violating Cara’s CPO. Gabriel stated that Paul then tackled him onto the sidewalk and began punching him. Gabriel stated that other customers inside the bar then broke up the fight and Paul left on foot. Gabriel stated he believed Paul walked across the street to 319 S Broadway #A to stay with Gary Skaggs. Upon speaking with Cara, she stated that upon seeing Paul she told him that he was not supposed to be around her. Cara stated that Paul just continued to look at her. Cara stated that Paul then approached Gabriel first and said, “Fuck you bitch.” Cara stated that Gabriel then told Paul to leave reference the CPO, and Paul then hit Gabriel and pulled him to the ground. Cara stated that the two were then fighting while on the sidewalk as she went to get help from inside the bar. Cara stated Paul then took off on foot, possibly headed to 315 Cypress Street where he stays with Chaz Teodore. While Cara and Gabriel filled out written statement forms, I made contact with staff at Danny’s. Upon speaking with Marcy Samples, who was the bartender this evening, she stated that while inside the business, she heard a loud thump and came outside to see what was happening. Marcy stated that she then saw Paul on top of Gabriel while other patrons broke the fight up. Marcy stated that Danny’s does not have cameras outside of the business and was unable to contact management. I also spoke with Madyson Ritter who was also inside during this incident. Madyson stated that when she came out of the bar, she saw Paul on top of Gabriel while Gabriel was bleeding. Madyson stated that Paul was the aggressor and started that fight. Upon officers making contact with Gary Skaggs at his residence, he stated Paul had shown up after the fight but that Gary told him to leave. Gary allowed officers to search his residence to confirm Paul was not inside. Officers then arrived at 315 Cypress Street where Paul is known to stay with Chaz. Upon officer arrival, a male subject matching Paul’s description could be seen in the upstairs window moving the curtains multiple times to look at us. Dispatch was able to make contact with Chaz by telephone who advised he was not home and that Paul occasionally stays overnight. Chaz refused to come allow officers to search the residence. After multiple attempts, the male inside the residence refused to open the door or speak with us. Due to Gabriel’s injuries, Greenville Township Rescue was requested to the scene. After an evaluation by EMS personnel, Gabriel denied any transport or further treatment, against medical advise. Photos were taken of Gabriel’s injuries and the sidewalk were the fight occurred. Gabriel and Cara completed written statements and Victim’s rights forms in reference to this incident. Marcy Samples and Madyson Ritter also completed written statements. Misdemeanor citations for Assault and Violating a Protection Order were completed for Paul. A CCH was run on Paul that showed he has no prior CPO violation convictions. Dispatch verified the CPO through LEADS/NCIC, as well as locating a physical copy in our records department. After reviewing this CPO, which was granted on March 7th, 2025. Paul violated the order by being within 500 feet of Cara. A pre-arrest affidavit was also completed for Paul to be served if he is located prior to an arrest warrant being granted.