On April 5th, 2024 police was dispatched to 311 Armstrong St in reference to a vandalism complaint. PO made contact with the complainant/victim Jenna Eyer. Eyer stated that her vehicle, a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze, was parked in front of 104 Shawnee St. Eyer stated that between 6:30PM and 11PM someone had thrown eggs at her vehicle. PO observed the vehicle to be covered in broken egg shells and yoke. Eyer did not name any suspects but stated many people hate her. Eyer gave a written witness statement as well as completed a victims rights request/wavier form. Pictures were taken of the damage. On April 6th, 2024 PO went to the 100 block of Shawnee St and did a neighbor canvas. The only camera PO located was at 102 Shawnee St and his cameras did not pick anything up. This case can be considered closed.
Wanted Person
On April 7th, 2024, at approximately 6:33 PM a known wanted subject was apprehended at 401 Union Street Greenville OH 5331; Dill Oil Company. PO observed a white Mazda bearing JUZ4147 with a female driver and three male passengers parked at a gas pump at Dill Oil Company. Through his investigation PO found the vehicle had prior involvements with Kyran Tillman who PO observed to be the front passenger of the vehicle. Kyran had prior involvements with Hailey Reed. Through LEADS/NCIC PO matched her BMV picture with the driver of the Mazda. Through LEADS/NCIC PO confirmed Hailey had an active warrant for her arrest out of Montgomery County for Domestic violence, with a $2,500 bond. PO exited the patrol car and made contact with Hailey. Hailey confirmed her identity with her SSN and was advised of her warrant and placed under arrest in handcuffs. Hailey was searched incident to arrest and no contraband was found. Hailey’s warrant was confirmed through LEADS/NCIC by GPD dispatch. Hailey was transported to the Montgomery County line where she was released to Officer Taylor of the Trotwood Police Department to be transported to the Montgomery County Jail.
Misc Complaint (Theft)
On April 8, 2024 at approximately 8:41 PM police responded to 1100 Buckeye Drive in reference to a possible stolen firearm. PO made contact with the complainant Willard Spurlock in the driveway. Willard stated he is in town visiting family for two weeks and to watch the April 8th eclipse. Willard stated that he lost a firearm sometime today. Willard stated he regularly carries a gray semi-automatic 25 Browning handgun. Willard stated that he believes the weapon has a 6 round magazine with 1 in the chamber. Willard stated the brown holster, with a silver star on it, he carries the weapon in is also missing. Willard does not have any pictures of the weapon, a bill of sale nor does he have the serial number for it. Willard stated that at approximately 2pm-3:30 pm today, he and a group of other people were at an ‘Eclipse Watch Party’ in the alley south of Fair Street in between the 1000 blocks of Central Avenue and Harrison Avenue. Willard stated he had previously been drinking beer upon his arrival to this location. Willard stated he usually carries the weapon on his back, with the holster attached to his belt. Willard stated multiple people, including Anthony Badger, watched him leave this event with the weapon still holstered on his back. Willard then advised that after leaving this event, he went to 619 Sater Street, Country Mark gas station, to get fuel. After fueling his truck, he went back to 1100 Buckeye Drive where he has been staying with his sister Rochelle Higgins. Willard stated he and his sister then drove to Aldi’s and 279 Hickory Drive where her friend Christina Myers lives. After a short time visiting with Christina in her driveway, the two returned back to Buckeye Drive. Upon arrival back at the residence at approximately 5:30 pm, Willard realized his firearm and holster were missing. He and his sister then drove back to all the listed locations to begin to look for the missing firearm, with nothing located. Willard stated he called Aldi’s management and they advised they had not located it inside the store. Willard also stated that they had looked through both vehicles and inside the residence with nothing located. After speaking with Willard and Rochelle, PO received verbal consent to search both vehicles as well as the area Willard has been staying inside the residence. PO also checked the yard and driveway surround both vehicles with nothing located. Another PO was advised of this timeline and searched both the alley and Country Mark gas station that Willard had described with nothing located. PO then went to Aldi’s to check the parking lot and to 297 Hickory Drive also with nothing located. Willard was advised that the firearm has not yet been located and that, if found, he needs to contact the police department immediately. Christina Myers was contacted in reference to this incident and advised the same. At this time, insufficient identifiers are known about the firearm to enter it into LEADS as missing. Also at this time, no charges will be filed.
On April 10th, 2024 at approximately 9:52 AM police was dispatched to 503 E Third St Greenville, OH on an assault call. PO observed the female, Elizabeth Garland, to be sitting down in the alley behind the residence covered in blood with swollen eyes and nose crying for help. She stated that David Bryant and her are in a relationship but do not reside together. The two were engaged in an argument over someone knocking at the door. David did not want Elizabeth to answer the door, she said she didn’t answer it but after the knock David became upset and started yelling at her. Elizabeth said David closed fist punched her in the face and head multiple times. Elizabeth was pulled to the ground and kicked, as well as hit with a broom handle. Elizabeth was able to grab a pair of scissors to try and defend herself. David eventually got them away from her and poked her with the sharp end. Eventually Elizabeth ran out the door with no shoes to the alley and called for help. She said recently David had assaulted her but she didn’t report it. Elizabeth was transported to Wayne ER by squad for her injuries and also filled out the victims rights paperwork and a statement. After speaking to David he said the same story of the knock at the door but that Elizabeth had gone crazy and struck him with a glass plate over the head and hand. He stated he did not assault her and the injuries Elizabeth sustained were from falling down the steps at the house. David was arrested for assault and transported to the Darke County Jail. A Sgt. took 24 photographs of the scene and Garland’s injuries. After learning of the seriousness of the victim, Elizabeth Garland’s, injuries, on 04/10/24, a PO contacted the Darke Co. Prosecutor’s Office and spoke with Asst. Pros. Green. Asst. Pros. Green agreed amending the misdemeanor assault charge to felonious assault. Garland’s injuries consisted of an open fracture of the nasal bone, stab wound of the right forearm, contusions to the head, face, scalp, and neck and a cranial bleed. PO amended the Certificate of Arrest and Custody and Victim Notification forms.
On April 10, 2024 at approximately 10:06 PO observed Katrina Solis, who had an active probation warrant, in the front passenger seat of a vehicle parked in front of 151 Pine street. When PO approached the vehicle, Katrina was advised of the active warrant and turned her back to police and began messing with items near the center console area. Katrina was ordered out of the vehicle numerous times which she ignored and kept her back to police continuing to mess with items in her purse. Katrina was escorted out of the vehicle and placed in handcuffs. Once in handcuffs, a Sgt. conducted a search incident to arrest of Katrina’s personal property and the immediate area of the vehicle where she was sitting. The Sgt. located a orange/green/blue zip-up bag next to Katrina’s glasses case which was where Katrina was sitting before arrest. Katrina advised the zipper container was not hers, but when the Sgt. asked Roger Plank he advised he thought it was Katrina’s. The bag contained a black scale, several clear baggies, and multiple small bags containing an unknown white crystal-like substance. Police began searching Katrina’s purse where a small bag containing an unknown white crystal-like substance was located. Katrina stated the items were not hers and the driver of the vehicle, Roger Plank, gives people rides on a regular basis. The Sgt. spoke with Roger who stated he had not given anyone a ride earlier in the day. A male stepped out of the residence at 151 Pine street and was identified as Mario Lanhem. Mario had stated he believed Roger had given a blonde female a ride at some time earlier in the day but could not provide a name at that time. While Katrina was at the Darke County Jail, the jail staff did an inventory of Katrina’s belongings per the jail’s intake policy, an additional small clear container containing unknown white crystal-like substance was located in Katrina’s purse. The listed items were transported to the Greenville Police Department and placed into property as well as a DVD containing video footage from cruiser 1945. All four bags of the crystal like substance were weighed and the approximate weight was 55 grams. This case will be sent to the Darke County Prosecutors Office pending lab results of the unknown substance.
On April 11, 2024 at approximately 4:07 PM police responded to 200 Lease Avenue, Kroger, in reference to a shoplifting complaint. PO made contact with the defendant, Daniel Harlow, and employee, Dakotah Bellville, in the loss prevention office. Dakotah advised he followed Daniel around the store while Daniel placed several items in his cart and passed all points of sale without paying for the items. The items Daniel did not pay for were still in the cart Daniel was using located outside of the office. Dakotah had already scanned all the items prior to PO’s arrival and had a receipt of the items. When speaking to Daniel, he stated he intended on paying for the items but failed to do so by passing all points of sales. All of the unpaid items remained in the store which totaled to 9 items, 6 bouquets of flowers, tin foil, cling wrap, and tin foil, with a price of $128.38. Dakotah filled out a victim rights form and advised he would email his witness statement as well as video footage when it is completed and it will be attached to this report. Daniel was issued a warning for trespass at Kroger and issued a copy of his citation for theft and was advised of his mandatory court date.