Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Domestic Violence

On April 29, 2024 at approximately 3:41 PM, police responded to the Greenville Police Department in reference to a physical domestic that had occurred at 326 West Water Street Apartment #Con 04/25/2024. PO made contact with the complainant, Jamie Keown, in the department lobby. Jamie had visible injuries including, two black eyes and a bruise extending across her nose. Jamie stated that she is in a romantic relationship with her live-in boyfriend Jeffery White Sr. Jamie stated that on Thursday April 25, at approximately 1 PM, the two began arguing. Jamie stated that Jeffery got in her face and continued screaming at her. Jamie stated she attempted to leave but Jeffery continued to stand in front of the door and was recording her. Jamie stated at this time, Jeffery became physical with her and grabbed her around the neck and began chocking her. Jamie stated while she was being choked, she was able to grab an “arrow key holder” that was on a nearby table and struck Jeffery with it. Jamie stated Jeffery let go of her and proceeded to grab a wooden cane that he then struck her in the face with. Jamie stated she fell to her knees, gasping for air, as blood began pouring from her nose. Jamie stated the argument stopped at this point. Jamie stated that since the incident, Jeffery refused to let her leave the apartment. She stated anytime she attempted to leave their residence, Jeffery would block the door with his body. She stated that she was able to get away today because she was supposed to go pick up food for Jeff and his brother Bobby, who was on the way over. Jamie stated as she was leaving on foot Jeffery began yelling at her to “not come back.” At this time, police made contact with Jeffery at the residence. Jeffery was sitting outside on the porch and began yelling at police. At this time, Jeffery was placed under arrest and into handcuffs. Once out to a cruiser, Jeffery was searched incident to arrest, with nothing located. At this time, Jeffery was advised he was under arrest for domestic violence and read his Miranda warning, which he stated he understood. Jeffery stated he has cardiac history and needed to go to the hospital. Due to this, Jeffery was transported to Wayne Hospital where nursing staff medically cleared him. Jeffery was then transported to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff. Jamie and Jeffery are not married but have a child together and are in a romantic relationship. They do not have custody of the child. A CCH was run on Jeffery through dispatch which showed he has no previous domestic charges. The backseat of the cruiser was checked before and after transport with nothing located. Video from cruiser 1949 and body cam footage will be placed into property as evidence. Jamie filled out a written statement and victim’s rights form in reference to this incident. Photos were taken of both Jamie and Jeffery’s injuries, as well as inside the residence. Jamie denied rescue or being transported to Wayne Hospital for an evaluation. Jamie was given a key to the apartment by the landlord Kevin Fullroth, and will be staying at the residence tonight. Jeffery was charged with felony domestic strangulation and unlawful restraint.

Susp Person/Drug Paraphernalia

On April 30th, 2024 at approximately 1:27 AM, police was dispatched to 209 E Main Street, the Towne House Motel, in reference to a subject knocking on the doors asking to buy drugs. Shortly after police arrived, they notified the subject in question was Josiah Randall. PO knows Josiah frequented the area of the 400 block of West Third Street, and had located him at 423 West Third the night prior for a similar call. PO was checking the area when PO observed a subject on a bike traveling west on Walker Street near Central Avenue. PO turned down Front Street and observed Josiah Randall riding his bike, with no front or rear light northbound on Central Avenue. PO initiated a stop on Josiah at Central Avenue near Cypress Street. PO asked Josiah about him knocking on someone’s doors again at the Towne House. Josiah advised he was trying to get out of the rain and that he thought he knew the subject. PO observed Josiah putting his right hand in his right pocket. PO asked him to remove his hand, which he did. Shortly after this Josiah placed his hand in the same pocket again. Another PO arrived on scene and PO asked Josiah if he had anything on him. He did not initially answer and PO asked him for consent to search his person. Josiah again did not give an answer, he then pulled out if his right pocket, where he had been keeping his hand, a switch blade approximately 8-10 inches long that appeared to be partially opened. PO ordered Josiah to drop the knife, Josiah did not initially comply with PO, and was ordered again by the other PO to drop the knife. Josiah dropped the knife and PO advised him to get off his bike. PO advised Josiah PO was going to pat him down for weapons due to finding the knife and him continuing to place his hands in his pockets. PO asked Josiah to lift his hands up slightly while PO began patting down his person, during the pat down Josiah kept attempting to place his hands back in his pockets and reach for items, Josiah had to be told numerous times to stop placing his hands in his pockets and to keep his hands up. When PO got to a lower cargo pocket on Josiah’s right leg, PO patted the outside of the pocket, and could feel the bulb of a glass pipe. PO asked Josiah what the pipe was for and he did not respond. Through PO’s training and experience, and Josiah’s past history of drug use, PO knew the pipe to be a Meth Pipe, PO retrieved the meth pipe and advised Josiah to place his hands behind his back, advising him he was going to be detained while PO conducted a Probable Cause search of his person. PO placed Josiah in handcuffs. While searching the same pocket PO located another meth pipe. Josiah, without being asked, stated he smokes meth to stay awake. PO did not locate anything else on Josiah, though he stated numerous times that he had a baggie in one of his pockets. He asked me numerous times to “Just throw the baggie out if PO found it” When PO did not locate it he stated he thought he had it but must not anymore. PO checked the area around where we were and did not locate anything else. PO read Josiah his Miranda Rights which he advised he understood. PO asked Josiah when the last time he smoked Meth was and he advised “yesterday”. Josiah was warned for disorderly conduct for knocking on people’s doors at 1:30 in the morning. He was also trespassed from the Towne House and advised if he went back tonight or knocked on anyone else’s doors asking for drugs he would be arrested for either trespassing or disorderly conduct. PO issued Josiah a citation for Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments 2925.12a M-1. Josiah has a prior conviction of possessing drug paraphernalia, making this an M-1. He was explained his court date and time, to which he advised he wasn’t going to go. PO advised him he would end up with a warrant if he did not show up and he shrugged his shoulders. Josiah was released and advised not to knock on anyone else’s doors. The two meth pipes located were collected and placed into evidence.

Theft (not in progress)

On April 30. 2024, at approximately 10:03 AM police was dispatched to 1110 Sweitzer Street (Lefeld Supply) referencing a theft that had occurred. PO spoke to Jeff Enicks who is a manager at Lefeld, he advised he had rented a portable 250 AMP Bobcat AC/DC Welder to William J. Abrams on 04/02/24. Jeff stated that he was expecting William to bring it back on 04/09/24. Jeff stated that on 04/12/24 he called William to check when he planned on returning it. Jeff stated that William said he needed the items for another week. Jeff stated that he also called the week of the April 15, 2024, where they received a recording that the phone no longer takes calls. Jeff stated that he also tried to make contact the week of April 22, 2024 as well as the April 29, 2024 before contacting the Greenville Police Department. Jeff stated that if we could make contact with William and get the items returned he did not want charges. PO tried contacting the number that William gave but the number had an automated voicemail stating that the number is not taking calls right now. PO was unable to make contact with William. The items that are currently missing are a Miller Welder 265 LP, running gear, a LP mount and hose kit, and LP Tank (#1 cable 150H) as well as other miscellaneous items for the welder listed in property. Jeff was given a statement which he filled out and returned to the Greenville Police Department. Jeff also turned in a order form which priced the missing items at $17,374.60. On May 05, 2024, PO made contact with Jeff at Lefeld Supply who stated that the cameras to the building only go back to April 10, 2024, so there is no video of William in the stores. PO then spoke to an employee. Paul Weaver, who stated he was the employee who helped William and stated that he could Identify William. PO then showed a picture of William to Paul who immediately recognized and stated that was William in the store on April 02, 2024. This case will be sent to the prosecutors office for review. William still needs contacted for futher investigation


On April 30, 2024 at approximately 12:39 PM, police responded to 450 South Ohio Street, Greenville City Street Department, in reference to a vandalism complaint. PO made contact with Wes Wirrig, who is the Street Department Foreman. Wes stated that on Sunday April 28 at approximately 3:30 AM, security cameras under the East Main Street bridge captured two videos, of two males breaking the fence that runs along the sidewalk next to Greenville Creek. This footage shows two young adult males walking on the sidewalk path alongside the creek. The first male, wearing a black t-shirt, places his hand on the fence railing and continues to walk. The second male, wearing a camo T-shirt, is walking behind the first and proceeds to grab onto the fence with both hands and pull hard towards himself, breaking this section of fence. The males then continue to walk away while singing. In the second video, the males return approximately four minutes later. The male wearing the camo T-shirt grabs onto a different section of fence and pulls on it, but is unable to break this section. He then walks back to the previously broken section and begins to push and pull on this section until it breaks off, with the help of the other male. After this section of fence was loose, the male wearing the black T-shirt can be seen throwing the piece down into the waterway area. Both males then climbed down into this area and placed the piece of fence vertically up against the bridge pillar. The male in the black T-shirt can then be seen attempting to climb the piece like a ladder. The males then push the piece back over onto the ground. The males left the fence piece in the waterway and proceeded to get back on the sidewalk and run away. Greenville High School SRO was notified of this incident reference the males in the footage appearing to be in their late teens. The PO was able to identify the male in the video that is seen wearing a black Areopastale T-shirt with white lettering, gray and blue patchy jeans, red and black sneakers and wearing his hair in a “man-bun.”. On May 4 at approximately 11AM, contact was made with the suspect at his current address. He admitted to it being him in the videos but stated he was unable to remember who he was with at the time. When questioned further about this, PO asked him “hypothetically, since you cannot remember who you were with, would that person also possibly be over the age of 18,” to which Jaybin replied “yes.” He was advised that due to the estimate of damages, felony charges may be filed if he is unwilling to co-operate. He was advised that per the City of Greenville and Chief Roberts, if both males identify, co-operate and help pay for damages, misdemeanor citations for criminal damaging will be filed instead of felony vandalism. The suspect requested a business card with PO’s contact information on it so he can contact the Greenville Police Department “if I remember who I was with.” The second male in the video, who appears to be the primary aggressor, is seen wearing a tree camouflage T-shirt, blue jeans, black and orange sneakers with a black sock hat on his head. This male is yet to be identified. Wes provided copies of two separate security camera videos that captured this incident, as well as, three screenshots of the males, all of which will be attached to this report. Wes also provided an approximate estimate of damage costs, totaling $1,200 in materials and $500 in labor. PO spoke with Chief Roberts after contact with the suspect and he advised PO should wait a few days to let him come forward before filing charges.
Charges pending to the first suspect. Second suspect still needs identified.


On May 3rd, 2024 at approx 12:26 PM police was dispatched to 518 Martin St in reference to the theft of a handgun magazine. PO spoke to Preston Vititoe who stated on 05-02-24 he had an extra magazine to his Taurus handgun in the arm console of his vehicle. When Preston had gotten back in the vehicle on 05-03-24 around 10am he noticed the magazine was missing, he also stated nothing else was taken just the magazine and 10 bullets. Preston stated that sometimes his vehicles doors won’t lock and they must’ve been unlocked when the magazine was stolen, PO observed no forced entry on the vehicle.  The magazine belongs to his a Taurus G3c 9mm, serial number AEE373060. PO asked if he had any security cameras in which he stated no, PO went to Tiger country 97. 5 and they stated they do not have cameras either. PO advised Preston to make sure it wasn’t misplaced and PO will continue the investigation. He was also advised that if the magazine is found to contact the PD so we are aware.

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