Theft from Building
On June, 03, 2024, at approximately 3:36 PM police was dispatched to 5438 State Route 49 lot #43 referencing a theft that had occurred. PO spoke to Chris Moyer who advised that a Lucas Davis stole his Meta Quest 3 gaming system. Chris stated that Lucas was from Tennessee and was staying with him as he was in a relationship with his son, Samuel Raybould. Samuel stated that the subject’s name was actually Luke Davis and that Lucas Davis was Luke’s father. Samuel stated that Luke and him were in romantic relationship and when things did not work out, Luke was going to move back to Tennessee on 06/02/24. Both Samuel and Chris stated that Luke was there on 06/02/24 at approximately 4:30 PM when they left to go to the store, and that the Meta Quest 3 was at the residence. Both Samuel and Chris stated that Luke was the only one home and that Luke was not there when they got home from the store and at approximately 7:30 PM Chris realized the Meta Quest 3 was missing. There are no videos capturing that Luke took the Quest 3. Chris and Samuel filled out a written statement. Chris filled out a victim rights form. The receipt of the Meta Quest 3 where he is still making payments on from Rent-A-Center will be attached to this report. On June 06, 2024, at approximately 10:45 AM PO received a phone number from Chris Moyer who stated it was Luke Davis number. PO tried to make contact with Luke but there was no answer. A message was left. On June 10, 2024, PO was able to contact Lucas Davis, who stated that his son Luke Davis was staying with Chris and Samuel but stated that Luke probably would not talk to PO about the situation. PO asked Lucas if he could have his son Luke give him a call. Lucas stated he would tell him but stated Luke does not have a phone that can call. Nothing Further as PO has no physical proof that Luke Davis stole the listed item.
On June 3rd, 2024, at approximately 9:02 hours police was dispatched to 1324 Wagner Avenue #7 in reference to an assault in progress. PO made contact with Tiffanie and Phillip Green. Tiffanie advised she was parked in front of Hot Head Burrito’s waiting to pick her son up from work when three juveniles later walked out of Hot Head Burrito’s past her vehicle. Tiffanie advised one of the juveniles stated “That is Noah’s Mom, she looks like a bitch”. Tiffanie advised she replied with “I am a bitch”. Tiffanie advised one juvenile responded with “Next time you call into work telling us what to do, I will fuck you up”. Tiffanie advised she got out of her vehicle and grabbed a chair that was sitting in front of Hot Head’s Burrito’sand walked towards the juveniles. Tiffanie advised she threw the chair at the vehicle as the juvenile was entering the juvenile’s vehicle. The chair struck the vehicle and the chair shattered. The chair struck the front passenger side window causing damage to the window. Tiffanie advised the juveniles exited their vehicle and began yelling at her. Tiffanie advised she began fighting with all three juveniles. Tiffanie advised she grabbed pieces of the shattered chair to protect herself. Tiffanie advised a juvenile grabbed her hair and began to pull it. Tiffanie advised she was struck in the back of the head but did not advise who had struck her. Tiffanie advised her husband, Phillip exited their vehicle and attempted to break up the fight. Tiffanie advised the physical fighting was stopped and a verbal argument began between her and all of the juveniles. Tiffanie advised an employee she called “the big man” came outside and attempted to stop the argument. Tiffanie advised her son asked who hit her and went inside. Tiffanie had scratches on her leg and the back of her arm. Tiffanie refused medical treatment. Tiffanie and Phillip were placed in handcuffs and placed in cruisers. Tiffanie’s husband, Phillip also completed a statement form with Tiffanie, and he advised the same incident as Tiffanie. After speaking to Tiffanie, PO spoke to the juveniles. One juveniles advised she went to Hot Head with the others to get drinks. She advised as they were walking inside Hot Head, Tiffanie appeared to be laughing at them from inside of her vehicle. She advised after they got their drinks, they exited the building. She advised she was walking ahead of the other juveniles while they were having a conversation. She advised they may have used the word “Bitch” in the conversation about someone they had played volleyball at North Park with prior to this incident. She advised Tiffanie yelled at them stating “I am a bitch”. She advised an argument started and Tiffanie exited her vehicle and picked up a chair that was outside of Hot Head. She advised her and her friends started running towards her vehicle. She advised Tiffanie ran towards her vehicle and struck the front passenger side of her vehicle with the chair, causing damage to the front passenger side window. She advised she exited her vehicle and yelled “Why did you hit my car, I did not even do anything”. She advised Tiffanie opened the front passenger side door, where a juvenile was seated and tried to grab him from the car. She advised Tiffanie pulled him out of the front passenger side of her vehicle. She and the third juvenile exited her vehicle and attempted to stop Tiffanie from pulling the other juvenile out of the vehicle. Elizabeth advised Tiffanie began to “go crazy” on one of the other juveniles. She advised she tried to stop Tiffanie and Tiffanie turned to her and struck her in the back with the broken pieces of the chair. She advised she ran inside of Hot Head to find something to defend herself with and found a pair of scissors. She advised when she went back outside everyone was fighting and screaming until one juvenile called the Police. She advised the fight was separated and the three juveniles went back inside of Hot Head. She advised Tiffanie’s son ran inside and began to attack one of the juveniles yelling “You hit my Mom” until a PO arrived on scene and detained Tiffanie’s son. Tiffanie’s son had went into the business and grabbed onto one of the juveniles and started to hit him. One of the juveniles has minor cuts on her upper back and left arm. Another juvenile had minor scratches on his left leg and on his right arm. They were treated on scene by Greenville Township Rescue. Statements were collected from the juveniles. A PO spoke with an employee who witnessed the altercation. She advised she saw one juvenile run into Hot Head and grab a pair of scissors and yell “Tiffanie and one of the juveniles are fighting”. She advised the juvenile went outside and Tiffanie was attempting to grab her. She advised the juvenile was crying and just kept pushing Tiffanie away from her. She advised another juvenile entered the store and grabbed a chair to protect himself. She advised Tiffanie’s son came running into the store and grabbed one juvenile yelling “You hit my mom until a PO came in and detained Tiffanie’s son. A statement form was collected from the employee. No video of this incident could be obtained by Hot Head due to camera angles. A PO is going to attempt to obtain video from Rent A Center which is located just beside Hot Head. After obtaining video of the incident, charges may be pursued for all subjects involved. All subjects involved were released from the scene. This incident requires more investigation and follow up before charges can be pursued.
CPO Violation
On June 5th, 2024 at approximately 9:2 hours, police was dispatched to 122 West Main Street, Greenville Police Department, in reference to a CPO violation. PO made contact with Courtney Spencer, who advised that her ex-boyfriend, Matthew Brookey who she has an active CPO against, was using his daughter, Mia Brookey’s snapchat account to contact her. The CPO was filed on June 4th 2024, and is in effect until 06/04/2025. The protection order was served to Matthew by Darke County Sheriff’s Office on June 5th 2024, at approximately 1400 hours. Courtney showed PO the messages from Mia’s snapchat. The messages called Courtney a liar about a previous incident that occurred on June 2nd 2024 (24-3043). The messages were sent around approximately 6PM on June 5th. Courtney emailed PO the photos and will be added to this report. The CPO stated that Matthew is not have any contact with Courtney through telecommunication or through another person. On June 6th 2024, PO made contact with Matthew, and Mia Brookey by phone. Matthew stated that he did not use Mia’s snapchat to communicate with Courtney or have Mia contact Courtney on his behalf. PO spoke to Mia on the phone as well, who stated that it was her and her sister Zoe Brookey who used snapchat to message Courtney. Mia stated that her dad did not have her do it and it was only her and Zoe. Matthew advised PO that Courtney was contacting Mia and Zoe and harassing them about the case. Both Mia and Zoe warned for telecommunications harassment and to not to contact Courtney anymore. PO spoke with Courtney again, updating her that there will be no charges filed due to not being able to prove that Matthew contacted her through Mia’s snapchat or used his daughters to contact her. Courtney was also warned for telecommunications harassment and to not contact Mia or Zoey. Nothing further.
On June 5th, 2024, at approximately 10:38 POP police observed a Gold 2000 Infiniti being operated southbound in the 100 block of Anderson Avenue. PO observed the rear license plate to be through Indiana, (ZZR764). Through LEADS/NCIC it was confirmed the license plate returned to a Blue 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. A traffic stop was made on the listed vehicle reference fictitious plates. PO confirmed the operator of the vehicle to be Elijah Nugent. Elijah stated that the vehicle was titled to his wife, Jennifer Nugent. Through LEADS/NCIC it was confirmed Jennifer was also the person the registration returned to. While speaking with Elijah PO requested a K9 at his location. Before the conclusion of the traffic stop, a Deputy arrived with his K9 partner. An open air sniff was conducted and the result was a positive alert. While searching the vehicle PO located a pink and white rubber container near the center console. The container had inside a white unknown substance. Elijah was mirandized and asked about the unknown substance. Elijah advised that it was dab wax and he purchased it in Dayton. The consistency and color was not that of normal dab wax PO has seen. The unknown substance was taken to the Greenville Police Department and placed into property. The substance will be sent to the lab for analysis. This case will be presented to the Darke County Grand Jury pending lab results. Elijah was released from the scene with a warning for fictitious plates. He had no proof of the date of purchase but did advised he put insurance on the vehicle on May 17th, which was the same day he purchased the vehicle.
Domestic Violence
On June 5, 2023 at approximately 9:48 PM police was dispatched to 824 Park Drive #6 in reference to a domestic disturbance that was no longer in progress. PO met with the victim/offender, Bonnie Cantrell. She advised that earlier in the evening on this date she was involved in a verbal altercation with her son. Bonnie advised that during the argument she attempted to walk past her son to leave their residence at 308 Vine Street when both parties bumped into each other with their shoulders. She advised that due to the size difference between her and him she became off balance and fell into a connecting wall between her kitchen and front room. She advised at that time she smacked/hit her son in the upper arm/shoulder area. Bonnie was unable to advise how she struck her son whether it was a closed fist or open hand but believed in was an open hand. At that time her son became more agitated and began yelling loudly at her and throwing items inside the residence. Bonnie advised she left the residence at that time and went to her mother’s apartment at the listed Park Avenue address. Bonnie advised she was going to be staying there for the evening to allow her son to calm down. Bonnie was advised of the eviction process. She advised she would make contact with Greenville PD on June 6, 2024 in reference to a keep the peace to have her son removed from the residence on Vine Street. There were no school age children present at the time of the incident. BCI only.
Domestic Violence
On June 6th, 2024 police was dispatched to 203 Warren Street #A, on a domestic dispute. Prior to arrival an anonymous caller advised that there was a physical domestic between a male and female. Once PO arrived he didn’t observe any yelling or arguing taking place. PO was advised by a neighbor that they thought the arguing could have came from Apartment A. PO spoke with the male from that residence, (Kaleb Bingham), who stated they had gotten into an argument over him running late for work. Kaleb said they were arguing outside on the side walk for a period of time before going back into the residence, where the argument continued. PO asked Kaleb if things got physical between the two and he advised the argument stayed verbal the whole time. The female half, Madison Grisez (Bingham) was spoken to by officers. Madison stated the same story Kaleb said, the argument was all verbal. PO didn’t observe any injuries to either subject and they both stated everything was ok. BCI only