On May 22, 2024 at approximately 2:02 PM police responded to 122 West Main Street in reference to a forgery complaint. PO spoke to the comlpainant, Alison Brand. Alison stated she was balancing her mother’s, Dorthy Linder, checkbook on May 22, 2024 when she noticed a transaction for $70.00 with check number 2707 on May 13, 2024 and two rejected transactions from May 17, 2024 both in the amount of $700.00 with check number 2707. Alison said she hired Justin Hiatt and Christine Hughes to pull weeds at her mother’s residence, 200 Ark Avenue, for $70.00. Justin and Christine were given a check for the agreed upon amount after the work was completed that was cashed on May 13, 2024. Alison went to her bank, Greenville Federal. Greenville Federal did not complete the two transactions for $700.00 due to the check number 2707, already being cashed previously. Alison was advised by Greenville Federal to make a police report on the incident. Alison was given a statement form to fill out which was completed and returned to PO. Alison provided PO a copy of the altered check via email which will be attached to this report. Alison also provided a copy of the original check. PO went to Dorthy’s residence to have her complete the victim rights form which was returned to PO. This case will be sent to the prosecutor’s office to be presented to a grand jury.
On June 8, 2024 at approximately 11:24 AM police observed a white Sport Style Motorcycle with no license plate, fail to signal a right turn from Martin Street onto North Ohio Street. PO turned lights and audible siren on to initiate a traffic stop on the motorcycle. The operator failed to comply with the lights and siren and accelerated to approximately l00MPH going north on North Ohio Street. The Motorcycle continued North, passing several cars on the left side. The Motorcycle then turned East on to East Main Street and accelerated again to approximately l00MPH. The motorcycle continued East onto Requarth Road, failing to stop for a posted stop sign at Jaysville St. Johns Road. At this point the operator waved at PO and continued East on Requarth Road. At this point PO terminated the pursuit near 5777 Requarth Road. The operator was wearing tan pants, a gray sweatshirt, and had a black helmet on. The Darke County Sheriffs Office was advised to BOL for the bike. At this time it is unknown on who the operator was or who owns the Motorcycle. The top speed during the pursuit was 112MPH, lasted approximately 1 minutes 52 seconds, and 2. 3 miles. There was no property damaged during this incident. A picture of the Motorcycle will be placed into the briefing log for identification.
On June 9, 2024 at approximately 7:37 PM police responded to 1230 Adrien Avenue #Rl in reference to a harassment complaint. PO made contact with Rebecca “Becky” Miller. Becky advised PO of ongoing issues with her ex-husband James “Jim” Straub. Becky stated that earlier in the day while at Lowes, Jim approached her in the parking lot. Becky advised that Jim had put his arm around her shoulders, close to her neck, and pulled her towards him for a hug. Becky stated Jim began making comments such as him wanting them to get married again and he brought up the topic of sex multiple times. Becky also stated she had received a bouquet of roses the day prior from an unknown sender. During their conversation, Jim asked her if she liked the flowers he had sent. Becky also stated Jim seemed to be having some form of mental issue while speaking with her. She stated he was unable to stay focused on one topic. Becky stated at one point Jim began telling her about “weight loss gummies” that he had been taking. Becky stated in an attempt to get away from Jim, she went into the store and continued her errands. Becky stated that when she was in the check-out, Jim was again standing right behind her after following her through the store. After exiting the store, Jim continued to follow her out to her vehicle. Becky stated that when Jim offered to take her cart back to the return, she gave it to him and proceeded to get in her vehicle and leave before he could return. Becky stated she then continued to finish her errands in town and returned home. Approximately one hour after returning home, Becky received a knock at her door. As she approached the front door, she looked out her front window to see Jim walking back to his vehicle. Jim had moved one of her patio chairs in front of her door and placed a bag of Skittles gummies on it with a handwritten note. Becky stated she then called her friend Becky Hunt, who is also an ex-wife of Jim and informed her of these events. Reference Jim having been previously trespassed from Becky’s address back on February 15 of this year, contact was made directly with Jim and his son, who is also his caregiver, Erick. Jim advised me of the same sequence of events but was under the impression that Becky shared similar feelings and wanted to get back together with him. While speaking with Erik, he advised me that Jim was suffering from Dementia/Alzheimer’s. Both Jim and Erik were advised that another trespass warning would be logged and that if Jim returns to the residence that he will be charged accordingly. Erik stated he would attempt to pay closer attention to Jim’s whereabouts and speak with him further about this incident. Becky was advised of the CPO process and, at the time of this report, has been granted a Temporary Protection Order (TPO). Becky filled out a written statement and a victim’s rights form. PO spoke with Becky after making contact with Jim and Erik and advised her that another trespass warning would be entered. Becky stated she did not want Jim charged at this time as long as there are no further issues. There are no charges at this time.
On June 12, 2024 at approximately 8:38 hours, Officers were dispatched to the 300 block of Twelfth Street in reference to a domestic disturbance. PO observed an involved person, Cynthia Wolford leaving the front door of the residence at 314 Twelfth Street. PO exited the vehicle and asked her what was going on this evening. Cynthia advised that “Carl” was acting up again and yelling. It was at this time that a known male and female, Carl Butts and Kristin Wolford exited the listed residence. Its known that Carl and Kristin live at the listed residence as an unmarried couple with their shared three children. Kristin stated that the yelling was between her, her mother (Cynthia) and Carl in reference to their children. It was advised by Kristin that Carl was upset due to her allowing their shared children to go with their Grandmother, Cynthia Wolford, for the evening and Carl did not want them to leave. Subsequently the children left with their grandmother. Kristin advised that she was going to be gathering some items and leaving for the evening as well due to Butts’ ”anger issues”. Kristin advised she did not need officers to stand by while she collected some items to leave. There was one school age child present at the time of the incident. BCI only
Runaway Juvenile
On June 12th, 2024, police was dispatched to 121 W Main Street in reference to a runaway juvenile. Dispatch advised the complainant, Kala Hall, said her 13 year old daughter had left the house without permission. Hall told dispatch that she was currently at work but her in-laws lived at 123 W Main Street. Prior to PO’s arrival on the scene the juvenile had already returned home and was speaking with Vicki and Brein Hiestand of 123 W Main Street. PO called and spoke with Hall who stated she wished her daughter to be charged with unruly juvenile for her behavioral issues and the incident tonight. Hall said her daughter did not have permission to leave the house. PO spoke with the juvenile who advised that her friend was at her residence and wanted to take a walk. She stated she told her no at first but eventually left with her. The other juvenile was picked up by her grandfather Michael Tedore who thought she was staying at the residence of Hall for the evening. Kala Hall’s daughter did not submit to reasonable control of her parent by being disobedient and leaving the residence without permission. She admitted to the offense. Hall gave a written witness statement in reference to the event.
On June 13th, 2024 at approximately 7:34 PM police was dispatched to 119 Sater St on a domestic dispute. PO spoke with the female half involved; Sherry Root, she stated she and her husband got into an argument about the house being hot. Sherry said she was upset over trying to get the windows open, she stated she yelled at Robert to move the couch so she could get behind it to open the window. During this process Sherry said she fell into the window breaking the glass, she did have cuts to her arm that were bleeding. PO asked Sherry if she needed any medical treatment and she stated no and that she was fine. PO asked Sherry if anything was physical during the dispute, she stated no and that everything was ok. Officers spoke to the male half; Robert Root, he stated Sherry was under the influence of alcohol and she broke the glass window. Robert was upset and stated he wanted Sherry to get charged for the damage. Richard was advised that the house is also Sherry’s and she can’t be charged for breaking her own property. Robert also told officers nothing had been physical and we were no longer needed. Both parties were advised to quit arguing and to stay separated. BCI only