On 6-15-24 police responded to the area of Martin at Ohio St. in reference to another PO advising that he attempted a traffic stop on a motorcycle and was now in pursuit. PO arrived to the area of E. Russ Rd. at N. Ohio St. He observed a Darke County patrol vehicle and another PO’s vehicle in pursuit Eastbound on E. Russ Rd. near 127 south. PO was able to get behind them on 127 Southbound. PO Conley called out that he was terminating from the pursuit. The Darke County vehicle continued following the motorcycle. As PO was listening to Darke County radio traffic PO heard the pursuit was heading Westbound on 36 Wand then Northbound on 121 South. PO headed to 121 South in preparation for the motorcycle to come back into the city limits. By the time PO was able to get to 121 South the motorcycle was already Northbound on Sweitzer St. near Pine St. PO followed several Darke County patrol vehicles Eastbound on W. 4th St., crossing S. Broadway, continuing Eastbound on E. 4th St. PO lost vision of the Darke County patrol vehicles when they turned Northbound onto N. Ohio St. at E. 4th St. PO continued following Northbound on N. Ohio St. PO terminated himself from the pursuit at E. Russ Rd. at N. Ohio St. From radio traffic PO heard the pursuit traveling Northbound on Wagner Ave. then out of the city limits. PO continued monitoring Darke County’s radio traffic and heard the pursuit turned into Flatters septic on Greenville-Celina Rd. then the motorcycle went into a farm field north of Children’s Home Bradford Rd. To assist Darke County PO went to Children’s Home Bradford Rd. and ST RT 118. Radio traffic was that he was then on Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. at 118 Westbound. The motorcycle then went Southbound on the railroad tracks and farm fields. PO positioned to assist Darke County deputies at Children’s Home Bradford Rd. near ST RT 49 North, where PO could see the motorcycle stopped in a field north of Children’s Home Bradford Rd. After a short time the motorcycle went back Eastbound through the field and exited onto ST RT 118. The motorcycle then turned Southbound on 118 and entered the city limits with several Darke County patrol vehicles in pursuit. PO was able to catch up to the motorcycle and deputies on N. Broadway at Wilson Dr. where the motorcycle lost control and crashed. PO did not observe the crash. Upon arrival, another PO and several Darke County deputies had the operator of the motorcycle under arrest. PO assisted another PO with removing his helmet and a Deputy gathered his driver’s license from his wallet. EMS was called to the scene to check the operator of the motorcycle. He refused medical treatment and was transported to Darke County jail.
Identity Theft
On June 15, 2024 police was dispatched to 1370 Benden Way #Dl6 in reference to an identity theft complaint. PO made contact with the complainant/victim, Timmy Garland. Timmy stated he had received a phone call from Danielle Lam, phone number 270-685-0488, stating he won $500,000.00 and a new car. Danielle had Timmy send $20.00 for an initial fee, $200.00 for a fee, $150. 00 for an activation fee, and $50.00 for a guard fee for the vehicle through Apple Pay. Timmy stated he sent the money on June 14, 2024. While Timmy was in conversation with Danielle, she asked him to send the activation codes for four gift cards, which Timmy did. Timmy contacted Apple and was advised they would reimburse Timmy for $400.00 of the $420.00 he sent. Timmy was given a report number and advised PO that he had already blocked the number from Danielle. PO attempted to call the number for Danielle with no answer.
On June 15, 2024 police responded to 122 West Main Street in reference to a theft not in progress complaint. PO spoke with the complainant/victim, Heather Clark. Heather stated she had crafting supplies stored at her cousin, Melanie Vanata’s residence. Heather spoke with Melanie to arrange a date to gather the crafting supplies. Melanie advised Heather that Pamela Maloy had came to the residence and took the supplies claiming they were hers. Heather estimates the value of the items to be approximately $4,000.00. Heather filled out a statement form and it was returned to the PO. PO attempted to make contact with Pamela via telephone with no answer. PO spoke to Pamela at her residence. Pamela stated she did not have any of the crafting supplies at her residence. Pamela advised she had a verbal agreement with Heather that the crafting materials were for them both to use to make items and sell at flea markets together. PO advised Pamela and Heather it is a civil matter. On June 16, 2024 Heather came into the Police Department with text messages from Melanie stating she was going to discard Heather’s property. PO followed Heather Melanie’s address, 416 Vine Street, to standby while she gathered her property. All property was exchanged at this time.
On June 16th, 2024 at approximately 9:27 PM police was dispatched to 527 Washington Avenue in reference to a domestic violence. PO made contact with Alyvia Badger and Trenton Hemp. Alyvia advised they had been in a verbal altercation while they were on their way to drop a vehicle off a Trenton’s mother’s house, Rachael Miller. Alyvia advised the argument started because Trenton was talking badly about Greenville. Alyvia advised Trenton advised her to stop the vehicle and let him out while they were driving on Gray Avenue. Alyvia advised she let Trenton out at the first stop sign they came to and Trenton began walking away. Alyvia advised she returned home to her residence when Trenton called her and asked her to bring him his wallet. Alyvia advised she brought Trenton his wallet and returned home once again and locked the door. Alyvia advised Trenton came to the residence that they share and began banging on the door. Alyvia advised she did not open the door for Trenton because he has locked her out in the past. Alyvia advised Trenton grabbed a curtain rod and began walking around the house. PO asked Trenton what he was doing with the curtain rod and he advised he was going to break a window to get into his own house. Alyvia advised they both calmed down and she allowed Trenton back into the house just prior to PO’s arrival. Alyvia and Trenton advised the altercation was just verbal. Alyvia and Trenton do share a child who was present during the altercation. BCI only
On June 17th, 2024 at approximately 7:20 PM police was dispatched to 835 Sweitzer St; Wayne Hospital, on a female being disorderly. Police spoke to hospital staff who advised that Trenda Campbell was inside the hospital being disorderly and making threats toward staff. Witness Amy Locke, who was able to fill out a witness statement, stated that she was saw Dr. Ige go into Trenda’s room for a short period then come running out with Trenda following her. Amy stated she heard Trenda yelling but was unable to make out what was being said. Amy then stated that she asked Dr. Ige what had happened and Amy was told that Trenda was screaming at her stating that Trenda and her sister were going to “take care of Dr. Ige.” Amy was also told that Trenda lunged at Dr. Ige. Amy stated she observed Dr. Ige physically shaking. Dr. Ige was able to fill out a witness statement and victims rights form. Dr. Ige stated that while on duty she was called to evaluate patient Lester Campbell. Lester had his wife Trenda Campbell by his bedside. Dr. Ige stated that Trenda became argumentative about sending Lester to hospice and how long he has left to live. Dr. Ige said Trenda lunged at her yelling multiple times then said “myself and my sister will take care of you.” Dr. Ige then ran out of the room. PO spoke with Trenda about the situation. She stated she thought the doctor was trying to tell her Lester had less time to live than she was previously told. Trenda said she never made any threats to the doctor and that the situation remained calm. Due to multiple witness statements from hospital staff Trenda was issued a citation for disorderly. Trenda was advised of her court date and she was advised she had been trespassed from the hospital.
On June 17th, 2024 at approximately 7:53 PM police observed the listed red 1991 GMC 1500, registered to Teddy Thorn traveling west bound on West Main Street at Sycamore Street. PO attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle for failing to signal a left turn onto Elm Street from West Main Street. The vehicle did not stop when PO engaged the overhead emergency lights. The vehicle continued southbound on Elm Street, and turned right on to West Fourth Street. The vehicle’s speed was approximately 25 miles per hour. Once the listed vehicle turned right onto West Fourth Street, PO activated the audible siren. The vehicle continued west bound on West Fourth Street and then South on Sweitzer Street. The vehicle stopped at the stop sign at the intersection of Sweitzer Street and Pine Street. The vehicle continued traveling south bound on Sweitzer Street at speeds of approximately 25 miles per hour. The vehicle pulled into the parking lot of 835 Sweitzer Street, Wayne Hospital and stopped in a parking space. PO exited the cruiser and approached the vehicle and observed the driver, Teddy Thorn sitting in the driver seat and the passenger later identified as William George sitting in the passenger seat. PO advised Teddy to exit the vehicle thirteen times. Teddy refused to exit the vehicle and attempted to hand PO his vehicle’s registration. Teddy eventually opened the door, exited the vehicle and stood outside of the vehicle. PO advised Teddy to put his hands behind his back three times and Teddy refused. Another PO grabbed Teddy’s left arm and PO grabbed his right arm in attempt to place him in handcuffs. Teddy attempted to push police away from him and pulled his arms away. Officers escorted Teddy to the ground. Teddy refused to put his hands behind his back and was laying on top of his arms after PO advised him several times to place his hands behind his back and to stop resisting. Officers pulled Teddy’s arms behind him and PO placed him in handcuffs. PO placed Teddy in the back seat of the cruiser. PO asked Teddy why he did not stop when PO engaged my overhead emergency lights. Teddy advised he did not feel safe and that he was poisoned. While PO was speaking to Teddy, other POs conducted a tow inventory of the vehicle and located a wallet in the driver’s seat where Teddy was sitting. Among the contents of the wallet was Teddy’s driver’s license. A PO located two clear bags inside the wallet that contained a white crystal substance. PO went back to the cruiser and asked Teddy what the substance was and Teddy advised “Meth”. PO advised Teddy of his Miranda Right’s and closed the cruiser door. After speaking to Teddy, PO advised Dispatch to have the next available tow truck to respond to the scene. Shortly after, Saunder’s Towing arrived on scene and took the vehicle to their lot. Teddy advised he wanted medical attention because he thought he was poisoned. PO took Teddy inside of Wayne Healthcare and he was seen by medical staff. PO issued Teddy a citation for resisting arrest, failure to comply with the signal of a peace officer and failing to signal a turn. Teddy was advised of his court dates. Another PO stayed with Teddy at Wayne Healthcare and PO returned to the Greenville Police Department. PO returned to the Greenville Police Department and weighed the bags containing the white crystal substance on a digital scale and it weighed 3 grams. PO placed the bags containing the white crystal substance into a Greenville Police Department evidence locker to be sent to BCI for analysis. Shortly after PO left Wayne Healthcare, Teddy was cleared by medical staff and the other PO transported Teddy to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff.