Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

CPO Violation

On May 13th, 2024 at approximately 7:53 PM police was dispatched to 405 Martin in reference to a CPO violation. Dispatch advised the complainant, Melanie Shouse advised her ex boyfriend Steven Sage has been texting her. Melanie advised Steven texted her and advised that he was going to break into her residence and get his items back. Melanie advised she is out of town. Dispatch confirmed the CPO Melanie has on Steven. The CPO was filed on 03/29/2024 and in effect until 03/29/2025. The CPO states Steven can not enter Melanie’s residence. The CPO states Steven must stay 75 yards away from Melanie. The CPO states Steven may not initiate contact with Melanie in any way. PO observed several pry marks on the door near the door knob. PO attempted to twist the door knob to check if the door was locked and the door opened as soon as PO twisted the knob. PO advised dispatch to make contact with Melanie and ask her for consent to make entry and clear the residence. Dispatch made contact with Melanie and she gave consent to enter the residence. Other POs arrived on scene and police cleared the residence. Police did not locate anyone inside the residence. After clearing the residence, PO made contact with Melanie by phone. PO asked Melanie if there was damage to the door prior to today. Melanie advised there was prior damage to the trim around the door knob. PO asked Melanie to come to the residence to show PO which damage is new. Melanie advised she was an hour away and did not feel safe coming to Greenville tonight. Melanie advised she would come in tomorrow around 4:00 PM to fill out a statement. Melanie sent a screenshot of the text messages she received. PO saw Melanie received several messages from 937-570-3599 at 7:48 PM to 7:54 PM. The messages were stating that the subject, possibly Steven Sage, loved her and wanted her to be a “Wife Forever”. The subject also advised that he was going to get his things from Melanie’s residence. The CPO states that Steven must not contact or attempt to contact Melanie. The messages were not date stamped. Melanie advised when she comes in tomorrow she would show PO the date stamps.

Domestic Violence

On May 20, 2024 at approximately 11:42 AM police responded to the Greenville Police Department in reference to a physical domestic. PO made contact with the complainant Carla Straw in the department lobby. Carla was visibly upset and crying. Carla stated that approximately an hour prior, she and her live-in boyfriend Steven Kuhn were in a verbal argument. This argument started in the bathroom over Carla’s dirty laundry being left on the floor. Carla stated that Steven began yelling at her and continued to step closer to her. Carla stated that she began yelling back as she was walking to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, Carla states Steven continued to escalate the situation and was now in her personal space. Carla stated at this time she hit Steven three times in the center of his chest to push him away. After Carla did this, she states that Steven then grabbed her by the arms and aggressively shoved her backwards. This caused Carla to lose her balance and, as she fell backwards, hit her head on the edge of the stove/oven. Carla states while she was on the ground in pain that Steven continued to yell at her before leaving the residence. Carla advised that after Steven left, he continued to send her threatening text messages and stated he knew she was talking to the police. He advised her that he was not going to come back to the residence for the night and would be staying with a friend elsewhere. Steven was known to be driving a black Pontiac, but was unable to be located for multiple hours after this incident. At approximately 3:07 PM, Carla arrived back on the police station to request officers go with her back to her address to gather items and check for Steven. The residence was cleared and Carla gathered items to leave. Approximately 5 minutes later, after officers had left the scene, Carla called to advise Steven was back. Upon police’s arrival back at the address, Steven was outside of the residence and was agitated. At this time, Steven was placed under arrest and into handcuffs. Steven was searched incident to arrest, with nothing located. Steven was then advised he was under arrest for domestic violence and read his Miranda warning, which he stated he understood. Steven was placed into the back of the cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff. Carla and Steven are not married but have been living together for approximately four months, while in a romantic relationship. The two do not have children together. Dispatch ran a CCH on Steven that showed he has no previous domestic violence convictions. Carla filled out a written statement and also completed a victim’s rights form in reference to this incident. Photos were taken of Carla’s injuries a laceration on her head, that will also be attached to this report. Carla denied rescue or being transported to Wayne Hospital for an evaluation. Steven was charged with Ml domestic violence.

CPO Violation

On May 20th, 2024 at approximately 10:20 PM police was dispatched to 516 Wayne Ave on a CPO violation. PO spoke to Cheyenne Howard in regards to Dalton Dowler violating the CPO order, the CPO was issued 05-01-24 and will expire 05-01-25. The order states that Dalton must vacate the 516 Wayne Ave address. It also says Cheyenne is a protected person and Dalton shall not have any contact with the protected persons named in the order. The CPO also states that Dalton shall stay away 75 yards from any protected person. Cheyenne stated that Dalton has been texting her and sending her his location which shows him getting closer to her house. Then prior to calling the PD, Cheyenne stated he showed up to the front of the house in a vehicle. Cheyenne showed PO the text messages in which PO was able to see that Cheyenne was telling the truth. Cheyenne showed PO another photo of Dalton parked out front of her house in a white Honda CRV. The vehicle returns to Dalton’s family member Joel Dowler. Officers checked the area but was unable to locate Dalton or the vehicle, Cheyenne stated that she just wants Dalton to leave her alone, and she didn’t want to see him get in trouble. She was advised that he broke the CPO and it doesn’t work that way. Cheyenne was given a statement and asked to send photos of the messages to POs email. Cheyenne was very hesitant on wanting to do that. After a couple days for Cheyenne to send the photos she never sent them to any officer. PO also tried to call Dalton but got no answer or returned call. The victim is uncooperative in this case but PO was advised by Prosecutor Cox that the charge was still good and a citation could be served. A citation for CPO violation was written for Dowler and he will be issued it once he is located.

Wanted Person

On May 24th, 2024 at approximately 5:03 PM officers responded to 1135 Howard Dr to serve a Felony Arrest Warrant for Mark Barberine. Prior to arrival officers had prior knowledge that this was Mark’s home address and that he had a Warrant through Darke County Sheriff’s Office for Engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. The original charge of Grand Theft x3, Misuse of a Credit Card, and Passing checks, no bond. Once officers arrived at the address Mark answered the door and stepped outside, Mark was made aware that he had a warrant and PO placed him in handcuff’s. A PO ran Mark’s social through dispatch who confirmed it was him. Dispatch also confirmed the warrant through LEADS/NCIC, Mark was then placed in the back of the cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail. Mark was released to the jail staff

Domestic Violence

On May 25, 2024 at approximately 10:55 AM police responded to 234 Central Avenue in reference to a physical domestic. PO observed a white female sitting next to a black male sitting in a lawn chair on the front porch. As PO continued up the front steps, PO also observed three open ‘Milwaukees Best’ beer cans next to approximately 8 more unopened sitting beside the male. PO began talking to the female who identified herself as the complainant, Amy Hughes, and had her step off the porch to speak with another PO. 2 POs began speaking with the male, Darnell Hicks, who appeared to be highly intoxicated. Due to the nature of this incident, PO instructed Darnell to stand up and completed a weapons pat down on his person. With nothing located, PO then detained him until more was known about the situation. Darnell was assisted back into a sitting position and asked his side of events. Throughout this interview, Darnell was slurring his words, giggling, singing and continued to make random irrelevant statements. Darnell stated that nothing had happened between the two and that he lives at the residence with the complainant. Darnell stated he did not hit, or put hands on, the complainant. Upon speaking with Amy, she advised that Darnell arrived shortly before the incident and was already heavily intoxicated. Amy advised Darnell began kicking the front door attempting to make entry until she finally opened the door. Amy stated the two began arguing over money and Darnell, with the back of his left hand, attempted to smack her in the face. Amy stated Darnell knocked off her glasses and his fingers hit her on the left side of her nose. Amy stated, after she retrieved her glasses, she called 911. Amy had injuries to the left side of her nose, consistent with her statement, which was inflamed. Amy refused to be seen by EMS. At this time, Darnell requested a written statement so he could file domestic charges against Amy. Darnell was taken out of handcuffs and given the statement with a pen. He then advised he “has been drinking” and is unable to write and no longer wanted to fill out the written statement. Amy stated this is the second time Darnell has been physical with her and she wanted him out of the residence. Due to Amy’s injuries and statement, Darnell was placed under arrest and back into handcuffs. Darnell was then advised he was under arrest for domestic violence and read his Miranda warning, which he stated he understood. Once he was escorted to the side of the cruiser, Darnell was searched incident to arrest, with nothing located. Darnell was placed into the back of the cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff. Amy and Darnell are not married but have been living together for approximately two years, while in an on-and-off romantic relationship. The two do not have children together. Dispatch ran a CCH on Darnell that showed he has two prior domestic violence convictions on 08/24/1999 and 04/18/2001, as well as, one on 11/03/2022 where he was convicted of a lesser offense. Amy filled out a written statement and also completed a victim’s rights form in reference to this incident. A statement form was left with Darnell at the jail to be completed and returned. Photos were taken of Amy’s injuries that will also be attached to this report. Darnell was charged with F3 domestic violence.

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