Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Theft (not in progress)

On July 3, 2024 at approximately 8:23 AM PO was flagged down by Brian Marcum in the parking lot of the Greenville Police Department; 122 West Main Street, reference a theft that occurred elsewhere in the City of Greenville. Brian stated that on or around 9/2/21 he took his 1972 Ford Fl00 pickup truck to Mark Barberine’s shop at 1210 Sweitzer Street for Mark to fix several rust spots on the truck and to paint it. Brian stated that Mark agreed to do the work and quoted him $6,986.92. Brian stated that Mark told him the work would be done by March of 2022, and Brian paid $3,200 up front for the work. Brian stated that it is now almost 3 years later and the work has not been completed and he does not have his truck back and is not entirely sure where it is at. Brian stated that he has spoken to Mark several times and Mark has made various excuses on where the truck is at and why the work has not been completed. Brian stated that the last he was aware, the truck was at a shop somewhere on Dryden Road in Moraine, OH, but was not completely sure. Brian also stated that he has since made payments on the rest of the money that was supposed to be due for the work and has paid the original quote in full. Brian provided copies of the receipts for the quotes as well as copies of the checks for the rest of the money that was due. Brian also provided a copy of the title to the truck that the work was supposed to be done on. Brian also filled out a written statement and victims rights form. Mark is currently incarcerated at the Darke County Jail on charges stemming from incidents similar to this one. This case can be sent to Detective Dickmann for further investigation.

Bad Checks

On June 3, 2024 at approximately 4:19 PM police responded to 1302 Wagner Avenue; Park National Bank in reference to a customer cashing a bad check. PO made contact with the complainant and branch manager, Melanie Smith. Melanie, who was also on the phone with Park National’s fraud and security department, advised PO of an incident that began on April 23 of this year. Melanie stated that on this date, James E. Smith Jr. deposited a check payable to himself for an amount of $1,360. This check was drawn off an account at Greenville Federal Bank out of an existing account in the name of “Smith’s General Contracting LLC.” Melanie stated that on May 1, Greenville Federal charged back the full amount from James’s account, leaving his account with them in overdraft status. Melanie stated Park National employees contacted James directly to explain he needed to deposit the, now owed, amount into his account to rectify the bounced check. Melanie stated that James advised her employees that he would come into the bank to fix the overdraft, but this never occurred. Melanie stated that on May 20, Park National’s fraud and security department sent James a 10 day notice letter via certified mail to inform him that he had 10 days from receipt to deposit those funds into the bank. Melanie stated that per USPS, James received this notification on May 23. Melanie advised branch associates contacted James by phone on May 25 where he again stated he intended to make the deposit within this time frame. Melanie stated this period had ended on June 2, and no deposit had yet been initiated. Park National’s fraud and security department provided me with copies of the returned check, security camera photos of James cashing the bad check and their statement of facts. James matches the subject seen in these pictures. All documents listed will be attached to this report. Park National Bank is currently out $1,360 reference the bounced check. PO made contact with James by phone on June 14. James admitted to these offenses. James advised he will make a deposit within the next week. PO advised James that if there is no deposit by June 21, this case will be sent to the prosecutors office to be heard by a grand jury for felony charges. On June 21, 2024 at approximately 4:45 PM, PO made contact by telephone with Park National Bank in reference to this incident. Branch associates informed PO that as of yesterday June 20, James Smith made a deposit into his account totaling the owed amounts. This deposit moved his account from overdraft status back to favorable. James rectified this issue within the week timeframe he and PO had discussed on June 14. Due to this deposit, no charges will be filed at this time in regards to this case.


On June 11th, 2024 at approximately 7:47 PM police was dispatched to 315 Cypress Street apartment 3 in reference to a disorderly conduct. PO made contact with Cheyenne Ragon. PO observed Cheyenne walking in the 200 block of Washington Avenue screaming. PO asked Cheyenne what happened and she advised nothing. PO advised her that dispatch received a complaint of a male and female arguing in the street in front of 315 Cypress street. PO asked Cheyenne who she was arguing with. Cheyenne advised she was in a verbal argument with Chaz Tedore. Another PO asked Cheyenne what the argument was about and she advised “Nothing important”. After speaking with Cheyenne, PO attempted to go to Chaz’s residence and was unable to make contact with anyone there. PO went to 320 Cypress Street to speak with the complainants Kyle and Sherri Trimpi. Kyle and Sherri advised they saw a male arguing with Cheyenne in the street. Sherri advised Cheyenne was screaming and cussing at the male. Sherri advised she heard Cheyenne yell “I will Kill you” and “I hate you” while throwing her hands up in the air. Kyle advised he heard the male yell “Get off of me” and Cheyenne responded “I want to kill you with a knife”. Kyle advised Chaz began yelling loudly at Cheyenne and was being “mean” to her. Sherri and Kyle advised after the argument Cheyenne “stormed off” north bound on Washington Avenue. PO asked Sherri and Kyle if they knew who the male in the argument was and they advised they did not know his name. PO showed Sherri and Kyle a photograph of Chaz and they advised Chaz was the male Cheyenne was arguing with. Kyle and Sherri advised both the male and Cheyenne caused them annoyance and alarm during the altercation. Kyle and Sherri advised Cheyenne was the aggressor. Kyle and Sherri filled out victim’s rights and statement forms. After speaking to Sherri and Kyle, PO made contact with Chaz by phone and he advised he would come to the Greenville Police Department to speak with PO. Chaz came to the Greenville Police Department and PO asked him about the argument with Cheyenne. Chaz denied ever arguing with Cheyenne. Chaz advised Cheyenne was at his residence but she began to yell at the sky and punch herself. Chaz advised he allows Cheyenne to stay with him periodically and she always goes into outbursts. Chaz advised he never yelled at Cheyenne and denied that Cheyenne threatened to kill him. Chaz filled out a statement form. Cheyenne was issued a copy of her citation for disorderly conduct and was advised of her court date.

Theft (not in progress)

On June 17, 2024 at approximately 3:19 PM police responded to 1501 Wagner Avenue, Walmart, in reference to a theft complaint. PO made contact with the complainant, Jodi Edger. Jodi is the asset prevention officer for Walmart. Jodi stated she had a male that was identified as James Miller in the asset prevention office for skip-scanning numerous items. The items included a box of Velveeta cheese sauce, and three boxes of basketball trading cards totaling $69. 19. Jodi advised she had numerous incidents of James selecting various items and placing a cheaper item behind it to be scanned instead. James refused to speak to PO about the matter at this time. Jodi stated she wanted him cited at this time and she would continue to look for more incidents. Jodi provided PO pictures of the stolen items from Monday’s incident as well as video of the incident and a receipt of the stolen items. Jodi also provided a victim rights form and a statement form. James was issued his copy of the citation for theft and was advised of his court date.

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