Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Theft (not in progress)

On August 8, 2024 at approximately 8:51 PM police was advised of a report of a possible theft of a 26 inch blue Mongoose Mountain Bike. PO was able to speak with the victim/complainant, Phillip Johnson who resides at 221 Sweitzer Street in Greenville. He advised that on 8-7-2024 at approximately 10:00PM, he had placed his bicycle behind his listed residence at the southeast corner of his detached garage. Phillip advised that he had gone out this evening on 8-8-2024 at approximately 8:30PM to take the bicycle for a ride when he had noticed it missing. Phillip advised that the blue Mongoose bike had silver trim with straight line handle bars and black grips. He advised he believed it to be a 24 speed mountain bike with a bike lock chain wrapped around the frame of the bike. Phillip advised there was no one at his place of residence today or this evening and did not know of anyone that would have wanted to take the bicycle. Phillip advised he was unsure of the value of the bicycle due to it being bought at a garage sale for fifty dollars. PO canvased the area for possible surveillance cameras with none being located that would have picked up the theft. Phillip was given a victim’s rights card and advised this report number. There are currently no suspects in this case.


BCI DOMESTIC – On August 15, 2024 at approximately 4:02 PM, officers were dispatched to 524 Gray Avenue in reference to a possible domestic disturbance. While walking up to the listed address PO was able to hear a male yelling extremely loud from the upstairs of the residence. As PO got closer to the residence a female voice could be heard screaming from the upstairs where the male voice was also coming from. PO was met at the front door of the residence by the complainant/witness, Joseph Buckley. Buckley allowed PO into the residence stating, “Can you hear them” and also, “this has been going on all day long”. Upon entry to the residence PO was able to continue to hear the male and female in the upstairs of the residence yelling very loudly. PO was able to walk through the kitchen area located on the south side of the residence and go up the stairs leading to the room that PO had heard the yelling coming from. PO stood on the second step from the landing leading to the bedroom where the yelling was coming from. PO knocked on the door located on the east side on the residence on the top floor. PO announced myself as the Greenville Police at which time PO heard a known subject, Joseph Smith, state “We don’t want none and we ain’t interested”. PO again knocked on the door advising again that he was the police and his reason for being there. PO then moved to the landing in front of the door and to the left knocking again advising it was the police department and they need to come out of the room. It was at that time Smith advised through the door that he was not coming out and he does not care who it is. Due to the nature of the call and the violent history with Smith and the unknown of any weapons present in the bedroom or if anyone was injured, at that time PO pulled his side arm from his holster and advised again that they need to come out or he was going to be going through the door. The bedroom door then came open and a known female, Carrie Swink, was standing in front of PO yelling. Swink was advised to show PO her hands and come out of the room, Swink then attempted to shut the door. PO placed his foot in front of the door to keep it from shutting and noticed there had been four children in the bedroom that appeared to all be under the age of six. It was at that time PO re-holstered his side arm and with his left hand grabbed Swink’s wrist ordering her out of the bedroom again. It was at that time Smith came from the right of Swink, grabbing at PO’s left arm. PO pulled away before Smith could grab him and at that time their boxer mix K9 came out of the bedroom. PO did not see or hear the K9 at the time come out of the room due to the yelling and screaming coming from Swink and Smith. Smith aggressively pushed Swink aside and came towards PO. PO believed at that time that Smith was attempting to become combative with him at which time PO grabbed his right arm pulling him slightly to the PO’s right side. At that time PO observed another PO coming up the stairs and also the K9 running down the stairs. PO let Smith go as PO heard him say that he needed to get the dog before it runs away. POs then collected the dog with Smith bringing the K9 back up the stairs and to the bedroom. He was advised to put the dog in the room and then go down stairs, in an attempt to separate the male and female parties. At that time Smith, while he was attempting to grab PO’s arm and pass me, hit his right elbow and shoulder on the door to the bedroom. Smith put the K9 in the room and again went back inside attempting to close the door. PO again placed his foot at the bottom of the door to keep it from being shut. Both parties were then advised to come out of the room and go down stairs and outside. Smith became even more belligerent and agitated advising that he was not going down stairs and proceeded to tell PO that he wanted him to step up, essentially getting within inches of the PO in a confrontational and aggressive manner. Smith then turned and went back into the bedroom with door still open. Without knowing the contents of the room PO stepped inside to be able to observe Smith and what he was doing. Smith then advised PO to “get the fuck out of my room”. He was then again advised to get out of the room and go down stairs, this time he complied, coming out of the room and down the stairs with the other PO. Swink stayed in the room, continuing to yell at PO in reference to his presence at the listed residence and also his presence at and in their shared bedroom. She was again advised of the complaint and advised to go down stairs. Swink complied and went down stairs. PO checked on the four juveniles in the bedroom and observed them to be unharmed. The door to the bedroom was shut to keep the K9 inside. PO went outside and observed the male and female again to be yelling and screaming at policeat that time. Swink was advised to go to the front of the house and stand on the sidewalk in an attempt to again separate the parties. Smith interjected after the order to Swink stating “don’t talk to her like that”. He then began to step towards PO in an aggressive manner with his hands balled into fist and his chest out. Another PO was able to grab Smith at that time and he was placed into handcuffs. Smith was escorted to the back of the cruiser and advised he was under arrest for obstruction. He was read his Miranda Rights and searched incident to arrest with no contraband being located. He was then placed in the back of the cruiser. Two Lt. were able to come to the scene at that time. PO explained to one Lt. the incident and advised Smith was going to be at minimum cited for obstruction. After speaking with all officers and superiors that were at the scene it was decided that Smith would only be issued a citation and we would not incarcerate him. Greenville Rescue came to the scene and rendered aid to Smith due to his complaint of his left wrist and hand hurting and his right elbow bleeding. He refused any further medical treatment. PO spoke with Smith in the back of his cruiser. He was issued and given a copy of his citation and explained why he was getting a citation. He was given all other necessary paperwork. PO then asked Smith about the original reason for being there (The Domestic Disturbance) at which time Smith advised me that the yelling PO had heard was him and Swink yelling at Jody Cummings on the telephone reference he believed she stole money from his wallet. He did not wish to pursue charges in reference to the alleged theft. Smith went on to further explain that there was no argument between him and Swink to begin with and that he was just upset over the loss of his money. Without any evidence to prove a domestic disturbance occurred Smith was taken out of handcuffs and released back to his residence. In reference to the injuries sustained by Smith, PO was able to go back and review his body cam footage. It is clearly seen where Smith hits his right elbow and shoulder on the door when he was attempting to come out of the room to collect his K9. Photographs were taken by police in reference to Smith’s injuries. There is nothing further in this case. It was deemed that Smith delayed and impeded lawful orders to exit his bedroom. It was also deemed that Smith delayed and impeded the investigation to the allegation of the domestic disturbance. There were four Children present at the time of the incident


On August 15th, 2024, at approximately 11:03 PM police was dispatched to 1199 Russ Road, Apartment D6, in reference to a domestic violence. BCI only between Micah Riddle and Hannah Grilliot. Micah and Hannah are in a romantic relationship, not married, and have a two-year-old daughter together, who was at the babysitter’s house for the night. Micah and Hannah were in a verbal argument over Hannah drinking and not going to pick up their daughter from the babysitters. Micah gathered his items from the residence and left for the evening. There were no school age children present during this incident.


A nuisance abatement code violation was initiated due to the increased amount of criminal activity on the premises. The following reports and/or calls for service have occurred at this address. The calls stem reference harassment, EDP, trespassing, and disorderly calls for service between Madison Harrison and Levi Harrison in apartment #2, Jerome Tobe in apartment #6 and Christina Fischer in apartment #4. The calls for service since 08/06/2023 are as follows: 08/06/23 Neighbor Dispute – 23G009412 08/19/23 Vandalism – 23G009957 08/23/23 Noise Complaint – 23G010lll 08/23/23 EDP – 23G010139, 08/27/23 Property – 23G010316 09/14/23 Agency Assist – 23G011125 09/29/23 Out with Vehicle – 23G011796 10/16/23 Disorderly – 23G012490 11/13/23 Welfare Check – 23G013525 12/23/23 Eviction – 23-D30997, 01/06/24 EDP – 24G000182, 03/07/24 Misc. Fire – 24G002369, 03/10/24 Misc. Complaint – 24G002541 04/02/24 EDP – 24G003412, 04/26/24 Suspicious Vehicle – 24G004264 05/13/24 Misc. Complaint – 24G005078 05/15/24 Parking Complaint – 24 G005158 07/10/24 EDP – 24G007285, 07/24/24 EDP – 24G007768, 07/25/24 Disorderly – 24G007793 08/17/24 EDP – 24G008613, 08/17/24 Trespassing – 24G008618 08/17/24 Harassment – 24 G008619. Due to the frequency and the types of criminal activity at 430 East Fifth Street, I prepared a city of Greenville Nuisance Abatement Code Notice and Order. The frequency of and types of criminal activity at this address disturbs the general welfare, peace, quietude, and safety of the general public. Nolan King the property owner was notified of the four subjects who were served the nuisance abatement order. Levi and Madison Harrison, Christin Fischer and Jerome Tobe were all served their copies on 8/17/24. An email was sent to SSD Ryan Delk notifying him that a nuisance abatement order was issued at this property.

Juvenile Comp

On August 18, 2024 at approximately 8:18 AM police responded to 1195 Russ Road (Holiday Inn) in reference to a lost Juvenile. PO spoke to Alisa Linton who advised she had found a 3-year child in the roadway on Russ Road in front of the Holiday Inn. There was no mother, father or anyone who knew the child in the immediate area. PO took the child inside the Holiday Inn to see if anyone had recognized the child. No one inside the Holiday Inn recognized the child. PO tried speaking to the child to see where he had come from. The child had mentioned Dunkin Donuts. Police asked the child if where he lives has a playground. The Hunter Oaks Apartments behind the Holiday Inn has a playground. The child stated he had a big playground and played there with other kids. A PO went to the Greenville Fire Department to get a child’s car seat So police could transport the child safely, as PO stayed with the child at the Holiday Inn. When the PO returned to the Holiday Inn police decided to take the child to the Hunter Oaks Apartment to see if the child recognized the playground. Upon police’s arrival to Hunter Oak’s Apartments at approximately 9:13 AM police observed a female on the phone looking around in the immediate area. Upon further investigation it was Abby Horne who is the mother of the child. Abby was visibly upset and stated she was on the phone with 911 as we pulled into Hunter Oaks apartments. Abby lives at 1199 Russ Road in Apt. A2 (Hunter Oak’s Apartments). Abby stated she works at Dunkin Donuts and dropped her child off at 1199 Russ Road Apt. Al at approximately 3:00 AM to Colleen Woodyard who babysits the child while Abby is at work. Abby stated she got off work at approximately 9:00 AM and when she arrived at 1199 Russ Road Apt. Al to pick up her child, her child was not there. That is when she went outside looking for the child and started to call 911. PO then spoke to Colleen who also was looking for the child upon police’s arrival at Hunter Oaks Apartments. Colleen stated she had left for work at 8:00 AM but Michael Brown was home and both Michael and the child were sleeping when she left. Colleen stated she had informed Michael that she was leaving for work which would have made Michael the responsible adult for the child. Colleen stated when Abby called her and told her the child was not there. Colleen advised she left work to come help look for the child. PO spoke to Michael who advised he was unaware of the situation as he was asleep. Both Abby and Colleen stated the child knows how to unlock/lock doors as well as open them. Both Abby and Colleen stated in the past the child has left the Al apartment to go the A2 apartment (where he Lives) and would lock himself inside the apartment. Abby stated this instance she had locked her apartment so he could not go inside apartment A2 and lock himself in there again. Childs protection services (CPS) was notified about the situation. PO spoke Darby Keller who is with CPS who stated Abby had no active cases with CPS. Colleen was warned for child endangerment on 08/23/2023. On 08/19/24 at approximately 10:30AM PO spoke to Colleen and Michael about the incident. As the incident appeared to be accidental, both Colleen and Michael were advised to get locks the child could not unlock. Since Michael was the responsible adult at the time of this incident, he was warned for child endangerment. Nothing further.

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