Greenville Police Department – Police Reports


On August 28, 2023 at approximately 1:04 PM police responded to 122 West Main Street; Greenville Police Department reference a vandalism that occurred at another location in the City of Greenville. Police made contact with the complainant, Amy Hauser. Amy stated that on August 28, at approximately 11:50AM she went to 1501 Wagner Avenue; Walmart, to go shopping. Amy stated that she parked her blue 2015 Chevy in row 6 approximately 3-4 spots from the front. Amy stated that she was inside shopping for about 30-45 minutes, and when she came back outside, somebody wrote “Cum Slut, The Dick Dumpster” in white washable paint on the back of her vehicle. Amy stated that she did not see anyone do this to her vehicle, but believed that it may have been Brent Henninger. Amy stated that she and Brent used to be in a dating relationship but have recently gone through a bad break up. Amy stated that she washed the writing off prior to coming to the Police Department, but was able to provide a photo that she took. Amy filled out a written statement and a victims rights from reference this incident. On 9/3 police was able to review video footage from Walmart. On the video Amy can be seen parking where she said she parked, but the writing was already on the vehicle when she pulled into the parking lot. Amy stated that Walmart was the only place that she went that day and she came straight from her house, which is not located in the City of Greenville. Amy was advised of the findings.


On August 31, 2023 at approximately 7:08 AM, police was dispatched to the Towne House Motel, 209 E. Main Street room 114 Greenville Ohio in reference to an assault complaint. Police met with Greg Armstrong, complainant, who was sitting on a chair outside of room 114. Greg Armstrong stated on August 31, 2023 at approximately 7:00 AM, while ascending the exterior stairway located on the west side of the Towne House Motel’s parking lot, which leads from the first floor to the second floor, Greg Armstrong was assaulted with an unknown blunt object to the left side of his face. Greg Armstrong was unable to provide a detailed description of the assailant, only stating the suspect was a heavyset male, approximately 6’3″ tall and had dark skin. Police inquired if Greg Armstrong had previously observed the suspect at the Towne House Motel, in which Greg Armstrong stated he believed he had observed the suspect at the Towne House Motel prior to today’s date but Greg Armstrong does not believe the suspect is staying at the Towne House Motel. Police found this statement suspicious as Greg Armstrong previously stated he was unable to provide a detailed description of the suspect. Greg Armstrong is 65 years of age and is a double amputee, in which Greg Armstrong utilizes prosthetic legs from the knees down to his feet. Police inquired if it was possible Greg Armstrong accidentally fell while climbing the stairs, in which Greg Armstrong replied “no.” Greg Armstrong indicated he was struck on the left eye area with the unknown blunt object, thus police inspected the injured area. Police observed a faint yellow bruise surrounding a small laceration, which appeared to be in the advanced stage of the healing process. Police did not observe any type of new injury(s) and there were no signs of blood on Greg Armstrong’s person and/or clothing. Greg Armstrong requested treatment for his injuries, thus Greenville Township Rescue responded to the scene and transported Greg Armstrong to Wayne Health Care. Police provided Greg Armstrong a victim’s rights form, along with a witness statement form to be filled-out by Greg Armstrong once he received medical treatment. On August 31, 2023, police met with Shreyash Tailor, employee of the Towne House Motel. Police inquired if surveillance video depicting the involved stairway would be available. On August 31, 2023, police received an email from Shreyash Tailor stating “I looked up camera timeframe ( 6:00 to 7:10) no one hit him.” On September 3, 2023,police was able to review the surveillance video from the Towne House Motel. While reviewing the surveillance video, police found on August 31, 2023 at approximately 7:00 AM, Greg Armstrong is walking to the involved stairway from a sidewalk, which runs along northbound Walnut Street. Upon arriving at the stairway, Greg Armstrong proceeds to bend down to sit on the bottom steps. While bending down, Greg Armstrong’s head/face becomes close to the metal hand rail for the stairway but due to the angle of the surveillance camera, police was unable to determine if Greg Armstrong’s face strikes the hand rail. After sitting on the steps for a brief period of time, Greg Armstrong proceeds to ascend the stairway and continue to walk towards room 114. Prior to and after Greg Armstrong utilizing the stairway, no other individuals are present and the amount of time for Greg Armstrong to ascend the stairs, in the PO’s opinion, would be normal. It is clear Greg Armstrong was not assaulted while utilizing the stairway as indicated by Greg Armstrong. On September 3, 2023, police made contact with Greg Armstrong and obtained a written statement, along with a signed medical records release form. Police noticed a dark bruise was present under Greg Armstrong’s left eye, which was not present on August 31, 2023. Greg Armstrong stated while receiving medical treatment at Wayne Health Care on August 31, 2023, the doctors informed Greg Armstrong he did not suffer any type of fracture(s) and/or any serious injury(s) as a result of the assault. While speaking with Greg Armstrong, Greg Armstrong reiterated he was walking up the stairway when he was assaulted by an unidentified individual. Greg Armstrong further stated the assault caused Greg Armstrong to stumble down a few stairs before Greg Armstrong was able to continue up the stairway. Police informed Greg Armstrong of the findings after reviewing the surveillance video and inquired if it was possible Greg Armstrong struck is head while in the process of sitting down on the steps. Greg Armstrong stated he did not remember sitting on the steps but anything is possible (referring to how Greg Armstrong suffered the injuries). Police informed Greg Armstrong there is insufficient evidence to indicate Greg Armstrong was assaulted by another individual as stated by Greg Armstrong. Police further informed Greg Armstrong it was the PO’s intention to close this investigation due to the lack of evidence to indicate Greg Armstrong suffered the injuries from an intentional act. Greg Armstrong indicated he agreed with the assessment of the investigation.


On August 31, 2023 at approximately 11:09 AM police responded to 835 Sweitzer Street; Wayne Hospital reference a drug complaint. Police made contact with Adam Cothran who is Wayne Hospital Security. Adam stated that hospital staff had just located three used syringes and a metal spoon in a hospital restroom that’s used by patients and visitors. Adam stated he believed the items belonged to a female subject who was visiting a patient in room nineteen. Adam stated the female visitor had spent approximately one hour in the restroom with the door closed from 8AM to 9AM, before exiting the restroom upon being checked on by hospital staff. Police made contact with the female visitor in room nineteen, and she identified herself as Shalonda Clark. Shalonda was at the hospital visiting her wife, Ashley Clark. Shalonda admitted to being in the restroom for approximately one hour, but stated the syringes and spoon did not belong to her. The PO asked Shalonda if he could check her belongings for contraband, she consented. The PO checked a small metal container that belonged to Shalonda. Inside the container the PO found five used syringes. Shalonda admitted the syringes belong to her. The PO then searched Shalonda’s person and located a small metal tin in her sweatshirt pocket. The PO located two plastic bags containing white powdery substances, a white plastic bag containing an unknown white substance, and a plastic bag containing an unknown pink substance. The PO also located a glass pipe containing burnt residue in Shalonda’s pants pocket. Shalonda stated each of the substances are fentanyl. Shalonda stated she currently uses illegal drugs but denied again using at the hospital or in the bathroom. The substances and the drug paraphernalia were seized and placed into property. Shalonda was trespassed from Wayne Hospital and picked up by Gary Manos. Adam completed a written statement reference the incident. The unknown substances will be sent to the BCI laboratory for analysis and charges are pending the results.

Missing Person

On September 1, 2023 at approximately 5:09 PM police was dispatched to 210 Birt Street in reference to a missing person complaint. Police spoke with the complainant/witness/resident; Logan Gorrell who stated that he had not heard from his girlfriend/involved person; Meredith Wolfe. Logan stated that the last time he had physically seen as well as talked to Meredith on the phone was August 20, 2023 at approximately 11AM when she left their house on foot. Since then Logan has received two letters from Meredith on August 23, 2023 and August 26, 2023. Logan found the letters left at the residence when returning home after leaving on the listed dates. In one of the letters it stated that Meredith had lost or had her phone stolen so she would not be able to be contacted via telephone. Logan stated that he had “crumpled up” and misplaced the letters that he received from Meredith but would look for them and contact police once they are found. Logan stated that Meredith told him she had started a new job with where she worked second shift being a caretaker for an elderly male that “lived behind Walmart”. Logan was unsure of the name of the man that Meredith was the caretaker for and was also unsure of the address where he lived. In the second letter that she stated that she was going to stay with the man and his daughter due to it being easier for her. When Meredith’s written letters are located they will be scanned in and added to this report. Logan was given a witness statement form that will be scanned in and added to this report once it is returned. Logan gave police the phone number to Meredith’s mother; Heather Wolfe. Police contacted Heather and she stated that the last time she had spoken with Meredith was on August 15, 2023. Heather stated that she had not had a good relationship with Meredith since she had turned 18 years old. Heather stated that Meredith has a history of going weeks without talking to her or letting anyone know where she is. Heather stated that she believes that Meredith did not lose or have her phone taken. Heather stated that she has been tracking the general location of the phone and it has stayed in the same area as when Meredith was known to have it. Heather also stated that the phone has been being kept charged which has allowed her to track the phone. Both Heather and Logan stated that until recently the phone would continue to ring but nobody would answer. Heather stated that she was unsure of where exactly the location of the phone has been but knew that it was in the general location of the Walmart located at 1501 Wagner Avenue. Heather stated that her husband/ Meredith’s Father, Jeremy Ward had a better location of where the phone has been and will have him contact me once he arrives home. Both Logan and Heather stated that Meredith did not have any known medical conditions or take any medications. They also both stated that Meredith did not have a history of any mental health conditions or a history of self harm. was attempted to be contacted to obtain a possible address where Meredith was working but after multiple attempts they were unable to be reached. Both Heather and Logan were advised to contact the Police Department if they were able to contact Meredith or obtain any new information. On September 2, 2023 at approximately 9:30 AM police spoke with Meredith’s father, Jeremy who stated that her location had actually been the 200 Block of Hickory Drive as well as the surrounding area. Her father also stated that he had sent a text message to Meredith’s phone stating that the phone was being tracked “a day and half” prior to this call. He also stated that is when the phone seemed to be turned off because it started going straight to voicemail instead of ringing when it was called. Numerous attempts to contact Logan via telephone and at his residence in order to collect the witness statement as well as copies of the letters Meredith left have been unsuccessful as of September 3, 2023. Due to Meredith being 26 years old and there being no evidence that she is in any physical harm she does not meet the requirements of being entered as a missing person at this time. A BOLO was issued for Meredith to stop and check for her welfare.


On September 2nd 2023 at 6:52PM police was dispatched to 502 East Water Street Greenville, OH in reference to an overdose. Police observed a male subject, identified as Janston Garner, Janston was alert and awake upon arrival in his bedroom. Janston denied taking any illegal drugs, and no illegal drugs were found in the immediate area around him. Janston stated that he had a seizure from stress causing him to fall on the floor hitting his eye. Greenville Rescue responded to the scene and provided care for Janston. Janston refused any medical treatment. Janston signed a refusal form and was not transported to the hospital.


On September 3, 2023 around 12:10AM police was dispatched to 1240 E Russ Rd, Sloopy’s in reference to a trespassing complaint. Prior to his arrival the PO was told the offender, now known to police as Robert Derringer Jr. had left wearing a black shirt, black shorts, and had a k-9 with him. Police was also advised that Robert had been warned for criminal trespass from Sloopy’ sat 2329 hours earlier in the evening. When police arrived on scene the PO noticed Robert walking westbound on E Russ Rd near Benden Way. Robert at first refused to stop and was belligerent (cursing & yelling). Robert appeared intoxicated by swaying and forgetting things police had just told him. Robert denied going on the property at Sloopy’s after he had been warned and then changed his statement to be he had never been warned by anyone to stay off the property. Another POs arrived soon after. Police went to Sloopy’s to speak with the complainant and any employees that witnessed the incident. Sloppy’s employees, Desiree Wenrick and Jessica Combs, advised that shortly after officers had left the first time, Robert showed back up to the property. At first Robert tried to get into a family members vehicle then walked around the parking lot. Robert then walked over to the patio area. Robert then proceeded to the front door, where he opened it and tried to let himself and the k-9 he had with him inside the bar. Robert was told to leave again and he did. As employees, Jessica and Desiree decided to press charges against Robert on behalf of Sloopy’s. Jessica filled out a statement and Desiree filled out a victim’s rights waiver form. At this time they were unable to pull up video or photos of Robert trespassing on the property due to their inability to access the surveillance system. After speaking with the employees the PO went back to Robert. Robert was issued a citation for criminal trespass and was again advised not to return to the property. Robert continued to be belligerent but was released from the scene.

Domestic Violence

On September 3, 2023 at approximately 12PM, Officers were dispatched to 335 East Main Street in reference to an agency assist call involving the smell of gas in the listed residence. Upon officers arrival it was found that there was no smell of any natural gas in or around the area. After further investigation it was found that Stephanie Green, and her husband, David Green, had got into a verbal argument in reference to David Leaving for the morning. David was able to come to the scene and gather some of his personal items before leaving the listed residence. Stephanie was subsequently given a warning for persistent disorderly for ignoring officers orders to stop yelling and keep herself separated from David while we were speaking with him. David gathered personal belongings and left for the evening. There were no school age children present at the time of the incident.

Domestic Violence

On September 3, 2023 at approximately 12:14PM policewas dispatched to 308 South Broadway Street in reference to a domestic disturbance inside a vehicle. Police met with the male half, Jeremiah Pierce and his wife and mother of his two children, Jacinda Pierce. It was found at the time that Jeremiah had a firearm on his person. He was cooperative and allowed officers to take possession of the firearm until the investigation was concluded. Through further investigation it was found that the argument between Jacinda and Jeremiah began due to a disciplinary matter that had occurred between Jeremiah and their shared son. Jacinda was able to gather the children that were present and leave the area while Jeremiah was taken to Speedway South where he was going to look for a ride back out to their shared residence at Sherwood Mobile Village. There were three school age children present at the time of the incident.

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