Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Identity Theft

On August 19, 2024, at approximately 2:26 PM police responded to 122 West Main Street (Greenville Police Department) in reference to possible theft that had occurred. POI spoke to the victim who advised he has had $44,500 missing from his Chase bank account. He stated a company called Geek Squad took approximately $275 from his account a couple weeks ago. He stated he could not remember the exact amount or the exact date.  He stated he had received an email from Geek Squad where he clicked a link, and it went to a “weird” screen. He believes he is being scammed. He stated $22,000 was deposited into his account from another bank account listed as MetaBank. He stated a man, he was unsure of his name, had contacted him asking him to return the $22,000 that was deposited into his account as it was a mistake. He stated he withdrew the $22,000 in cash on 08/12/2024 to meet a man he did not know in the parking lot of Walgreens to return the money. He stated another $22,000 was deposited again by MetaBank on 08/13/2024 where he withdrew another $22,000 in cash to meet another different man, he did not know in the Walgreens parking lot to return the money. He then stated on 08/14/2024 he received $44,500 deposit from the account listed MetaBank. He stated on the same day of 08/14/2024 the $44,500 was returned to the account listed MetaBank in two payments, one payment of $22,000 and another of $22,500. He stated on 08/15/2024 he had another $44,500 that was taken from his account from the listed MetaBank. Victor stated he has not received his money back since 08/15/2024 and this is why he believes it was a scam. On 08/25/2024 at approximately 2:43 PM PO spoke to the victim via phone where he stated he was able to contact Geek Squad where they stated they were going to give him his money back. PO advised the victim to be cautious and not to give out any information as they may try to take more money from him.  Upon further investigation of Geek Squad, PO learned there is a scam called the “Geek Squad scam” where other people pretend to be employees from Geek Squad (an electronic service provider for best buy) to receive people’s information by many different ways including false invoices, subscription renewals, non-existent technical support, even just asking for people’s information simply by just clicking a link in an email. The victim was given a victim rights form as well as a statement form to fill out. He stated he would take the statement form home and return it as soon as possible. He gave PO a copy of his bank statements as well as an invoice sheet from the company Geek Squad. On 08/31/24 PO left a message via phone for the victim stating he needed to turn in his statement form as well as the victim rights form. On 08/31/24 at approximately 3:40 PM PO received a message from the victim stating he would have his statement form and victim rights form turned in on 09/1/24. This case will need further investigation.

Theft (not in progress)

On August 23, 2024, at approximately 9:17 AM police responded to 750 Chestnut Street (Brethren’ s Home) in reference to a possible theft that had occurred. PO spoke to Gina Foreman and Jamie Ross who worked together at the Brethren’s Home. Gina stated she had $100 missing from her wallet. Gina stated the last time she seen her money was on 08/15/24. Gina stated her husband did not take the cash out of her wallet. Gina stated she did not realize her money was gone until 08/22/24 when she was talking to another employee Hailey Gilpin, when Hailey started to pull out multiple $20 bills. Gina stated she had asked Hailey where she had got the cash from? Hailey stated a guy named “Chase” spilled formula on her at the store and he gave her the $100. Gina stated she then checked her wallet the next day and the cash was missing. Upon speaking with Jamie, Jamie mentions she had $10 missing from her wallet of 08/20/2024. Jamie stated she had put a note on her purse where her $10 went missing stating “to give it back or I would go to our boss Pam and tell her that it was taken”. Jamie stated that shortly after she left the note there, Hailey was “freaking out” and even tried to give her $10 saying she would take the blame, so no one got into trouble. Hailey told her she did not want the cops to be called and was “freaking out” Jamie stated she had filled out a statement through HR at their work. Jamie also stated this happened a couple of weeks ago with $25 of her cash that came up missing as well but she did not report it to her boss. Jamie stated Hailey tried to give her $15 back for that instance as well. Jamie stated she did not take the money Hailey tried to give to her. Jamie stated she did not want anything done with the money that was missing from her purse but was more worried about the $100 missing from Gina. Gina stated her wallet was in her purse in her locker. Gina and Jamie stated none of the lockers are locked and the door to the lockers is unlocked for any employee during their shift and there are no cameras in the room where the lockers are. On September 03, 2024, at approximately 12:10 PM PO made contact with Jamie in reference to Hailey admitting she took the money from Jamie. Jamie stated she still did not want any charges even with Hailey stating she take the money from her. Both Gina and Jamie filled out written statements. Gina filled out a victim rights form. The statement from HR will be attached to this report. On August 25, 2024, at approximately 9:18 AM PO spoke with Hailey Gilpin at 122 West Main Street (Greenville Police Department). Upon speaking with Hailey, she stated she did take the money from Jamie for baby formula but stated she did not take anything from Gina. Hailey stated she would never do something like that to Gina and she already owed Gina $60. Hailey stated the money Gina saw on her was from her own bank account. Hailey stated she sent her boyfriend Chase Beanblossom $204 through “cash ap • where he took the cash out and gave to her. Hailey stated she does not work at the Brethren’s home anymore as her last day was 08/20/2024 and she had no idea money was missing from Gina. Hailey provided PO with a printout of the transaction of $204 on 08/17/2024. The print of the transaction will be attached to this report. Hailey filled out a written statement. As there is a lack of evidence and Hailey denying the allegations there will be nothing further. Gina was advised there would be no charges as there is a lack of evidence.

Vehicle Theft

On August23, 2024 at approximately 7:25 PM police was dispatched to 1501 Wagner Avenue (Walmart) in reference to a complaint of a possible stolen motorcycle. While Enroute to the listed location PO was able to hear radio traffic from DCSO in reference to a motorcycle that was being chased by a blue Ford Fusion. It was advised the motorcycle had been involved in an earlier traffic stop and that the operator of the motorcycle was the complainant in this theft report. It was then further advised that the occupants of the Ford Fusion were shooting at the operator of the motorcycle. All available GPD units then started towards that call at EB Fuel (5229 Darke County Industrial Way) due to the involved Ford Fusion had taken off from the scene and Darke County Deputies were in pursuit of the vehicle. It was advised that the Fusion was traveling northbound on Jaysville St. Johns Road. PO was able to divert from my route to Walmart and travel to the intersection of Jaysville St. Johns Road and Requarth Road. After a short patrol of the area and having a negative outcome on locating the Ford Fusion, PO went back to Walmart to get as much information from the complainant in reference to the motorcycle or the occupants of the Ford Fusion. Upon PO’s arrival to Walmart, he met with the victim/complainant, Justin Spencer. As PO exited the cruiser, Justin advised PO that he was currently armed. Justin advised that he had met an unknown male subject on Facebook Marketplace and was in the middle of attempting to sell the motorcycle when the unknown male asked if he could test ride the motorcycle. Justin declined due to the unknown male not wanted to give him any cash to hold while he test road it. The unknown male later identified as Troy Oakley then got onto the motorcycle and drove off. Justin’s friend, Cody Hoehn then began to chase the motorcycle in his Ford Fusion. PO was then advised that there had possibly been two shooters involved in the incident that Darke County Sherriff Office was currently investigating. Due to the information that currently had and knowing that Justin was currently armed, Justin was detained and placed into handcuffs that were double locked and gap checked. With Justin’s cooperation, PO took his purple and black Taurus 9mm semi compact handgun out of his front right pocket and made the firearm safe by taking out the magazine that was holding what appeared to be eleven of twelve rounds, and pulled the slide back into a locking position to ensure the chamber was clear. Justin was then placed in the back of the cruiser prior to being questioned by a Darke County Detective. PO was able to speak with two independent witnesses at the scene, Robert and Beverly Shumaker who were able to corroborate the accounts on the incident as Justin had advised.  Both parties were given and completed a witness statement form. After obtaining their witness statement forms, PO was advised to transport Justin to the DCSO to speak with a Det. The Det. and the PO were able to interview Justin at Darke County Sheriff’s Office (5185 County Home Road) in the investigations section. The Det. advised Justin his Miranda Rights and advised him he was not under arrest. Justin was taken out of handcuffs and stated he understood his rights. When asked Justin advised that he had met this unknown male on Facebook Marketplace and arranged a meeting place (Greenville Walmart) to sell the listed motorcycle. He explained again to the Det. what he had previously advised PO. Justin declined wanting to pursue any criminal charges in this incident. He declined to complete a witness statement or Victim’s Rights form. After further investigation it was found that Justin had attempted to purchase the listed motorcycle from Troy Oakley, out of Winchester Indiana. There was cash exchanged between parties at the time of the initial sale of the motorcycle approximately five to six weeks prior to this incident. It was then advised that Justin was to make weekly payments of $500.00 until the total amount of $2500.00 was paid in full. Justin then failed to make those payments. Troy and one of his friends, Landon Memedoski, devised a plan to get the motorcycle back after viewing it on Facebook Marketplace. Troy was advised by Winchester PD and also Randolph County SO that this is a civil issue but he was able to take possession of the motorcycle back after three weeks. The Det. stated Troy advised him that both law enforcement agencies advised him to have law enforcement present when he attempted to take back possession of the listed motorcycle. Troy failed to contact Greenville PD in reference to a keep the peace before the meeting took place at Walmart. Due to Justin knowing Troy, Landon met with Justin to retrieve the motorcycle with Troy behind him in a Jeep Wrangler. Landon advised that he then jumped on the motorcycle and took off out of the parking lot, throwing Justin’s cell phone off the motorcycle as he was pulling out. The pursuit of the motorcycle continued into County’s jurisdiction where the alleged shooting also took place. It was determined due to the nature of the events and with money being exchanged for property with terms of a payment plan previously worked out that the issue of the ownership of the motorcycle would be a civil matter. Darke County SO currently has possession of the motorcycle and the title of the motorcycle. They also have all other information regarding bills of sale and contracts in reference to the motorcycle. After the interview Justin was transported back to 1501 Wagner Avenue (Walmart) and dropped off. His 9mm Taurus subcompact handgun was taken as property by the Det.


On August 25, 2024, at approximately 2:54 AM police observed a black Chrysler Pacifica minivan bearing Indiana registration 354CYX, missing a headlight, traveling east on East Fourth Street. PO initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on East Fourth Street at Ash Street. Upon coming to a stop, the male driver immediately put both his hands out the window to make them visible. The driver began asking if he could move the vehicle up one more block to where his girlfriend lives. PO advised the driver that he could not move the vehicle at this time. The driver stated, “I’m just going right up here. My head light is out I hit a deer. I’m just going right up here.” The driver seemed extremely nervous, could not sit still and was talking fast. PO also observed his face to have extensive scabbing. He stated that he was coming from Muncie Indiana and hit a deer somewhere on State Route 32. He stated that he did not contact any law enforcement or call anyone in reference to this. At this time another PO arrived on scene also. When questioned about any drugs being in the vehicle he stated, “No sir. None at all.” When asked for his ID, he stated that he did not have his ID or his wallet with him. The driver who identified himself as “Jesse Rhoades” also provided PO an invalid social security number. Jesse advised PO that he was on his way to his girlfriend Maddie Young’s house. Upon running this SSN and name, dispatch advised that this information was not in file. Due to Jesse’s erratic behavior and other indicators, PO requested a DCSO Sgt. and his K9 partner, Bear, to the scene. While attempting to run this information in the cruiser, the other PO advised the PO that while looking in the passenger side of the vehicle, he observed a white bag to be under Jesse’s seat by his feet. Upon making contact with Jesse again, PO asked him for a consent search of the vehicle. Jesse, who was cleaning his hands with an alcohol wipe, became visibly anxious and became hesitant. When questioned about what was in the bag under his seat, Jesse grabbed the bag and began opening it. Jesse advised PO that the bag is just for his charging cords and began to show PO the contents. PO observed a crystal smoking pipe with what appeared to be a burnt crystal substance inside. Upon Jesse also observing this, he quickly began to shut the bag. At this time, PO reached inside the vehicle to remove the bag from Jesse. Jesse stated, “there’s no pipe in there sir. I promise you. That’s not mine sir.” PO then told Jesse to step out of the vehicle in reference to a probable cause search of the vehicle. Jesse’s person was subsequently searched after he exited the vehicle with nothing located. Upon the Sgt’s arrival on scene, he escorted Jesse to the sidewalk while police began searching the vehicle. PO located a wallet on the center console belonging to Jesse. Contained in this wallet was his Indiana driver’s license, showing his identity as Jesse Sahitt Hernandez. This information was run through dispatch who advised Jesse would have two active warrants. Dispatch advised Jesse had a misdemeanor bench warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s Office for Failure to Appear on the original charge of a traffic offense with a $575 bond, and a felony warrant through the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office for Dangerous Drugs and Aggravated Possession with no bond. Both warrants were confirmed through dispatch and Jesse was placed under arrest and into handcuffs. Jesse was then escorted to the back of a cruiser. After securing Jesse in the back of the cruiser, police continued searching the vehicle. A plastic baggie was located in the center console containing a powdery white substance. In the backseat of the vehicle, the other PO located a gray drawstring bag containing miscellaneous medical items. Contained in this bag was also a gallon size zip-lock plastic bag containing a large digital scale, a small metal bowl, multiple small plastic baggies and a small baggie with a white unmarked pill with white powdery substance. White residue was visible on all items contained in this gallon bag. A fictitious $100 bill was also located that had the words ”Copy” printed on both sides. The rest of the vehicle was searched with nothing located. At this time Ace’s Towing was requested to the scene to tow the vehicle to their impound lot. PO returned to his cruiser, where he read Jesse his Miranda rights, to which he stated he understood. At this time, PO began to question Jesse about the contents located within his vehicle. Jesse stated the vehicle was originally bought by his grandma, who then gave the vehicle to his father. Jesse stated that he recently obtained the vehicle and had not had a chance to go through it. Jesse stated he was unaware of the drug paraphernalia, as well as the suspected drugs. Jesse stated that the fake $100 bill belonged to his sister that she bought online as part of a toy set, and he was unsure how it got into the vehicle. Jesse stated he was headed to his girlfriend’s house to have Dustin Burton repair his vehicle. Jesse was questioned briefly by the Sgt. and the other PO. PO transported Jesse to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, where he was released to jail staff, to be held on both of his active warrants. Jesse was also found to have a suspended Ohio driver’s license, so a traffic citation was completed for DUS and the expired registration. All items suspected of being drugs and drug paraphernalia were taken as property. The suspected drugs and glass pipe containing residue will be sent to the BCI Lab for testing. The fake $100 bill was also taken as property. Upon receiving the results from the Lab, this case will be sent to the Prosecutor’s Office to be presented to a grand jury.

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