Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Unruly Juvenile

On August 31st, 2024, at approximately 10:05 AM police was dispatched to 215 Surrey Lane, in reference to an unruly juvenile. PO met with the complainant, Simona Shives. Simona advised that her son was inside and being unruly. When PO asked what happened Simona advised that her son was not listening. Simona advised that her son was about to get cereal from the kitchen and take it to his room. Simona told him he was not allowed to have food in his room and an argument started. Simona stated that her son told her no and that he was not going to listen to her. That is when the argument got heated and slightly physical. There was no injuries to either subject but the juvenile attempted to push Simona after she disciplined him by smacking him in the mouth. Simona had to restrain the juvenile. Simona advised that this behavior has been common lately with him. Simona filled out a victims rights form and a voluntary statement form. PO spoke to the juvenile about the incident who confirmed Simona’s statement. He advised that his older brother did step in though and he felt like they were ganging up on him. PO explained to the juvenile that was not right and PO would talk to his brother and his mother. PO also explained to the juvenile that he needs to listen to his mother whenever she tells him to do or not to do something. He was issued a citation reference unruly juvenile.

Disorderly Conduct

On August 31st, 2024, at approximately 10:32 PM police was dispatched to 1485 Wagner Avenue, Buffalo Wild Wings (B-Dubs), in reference to a fight. A Sgt. spoke with the hostess at B-Dubs who stated she witnessed three unknown subjects run out of the restaurant after getting into a fight with two other individuals who were still sitting at the bar. PO then made contact with Jamey Baker. Jamey stated he was not involved in the fight, he was trying to defend Jonathan Houdeshell, another individual who was involved. Jamey stated he and Jonathan were drinking at the bar when an individual, later identified as Austin Violet, came up to them and started making comments about Jonathan and his son. Jamey continued, stating this went on for the duration of their whole dinner. After Jonathan’s son left, Jamey and Jonathan were near the restrooms when Austin and two other individuals started to hit Jonathan and gang up on him. Police spoke with Jonathan who stated Austin, and the two other individuals were talking about him and his son. After Jonathan’s son left, Austin and the other two individuals jumped Jonathan in the bathroom. Jonathan and Jamey both stated the same thing. Jonathan had a cut near his right eye and was bleeding when we arrived, however, he stated he did not want medical treatment. Another PO was then dispatched to 211 Surrey Lane in reference to a male bleeding from the face due to a fight. The individual who called was identified as Austin Violet. Austin stated Jonathan and Jamey were antagonizing him at his table. This continued throughout the duration of their whole dinner. Austin then stated Jonathan and Jamey, jumped him in the bathroom, causing injuries to his face. Austin received medical treatment from Greenville Township Rescue for his injuries, they did not transport him to Wayne Healthcare. Due to the conflicting stories, no one wanting to be a victim, and B-Dubs not having video footage of the incident, there will be no charges filed.


On September 1, 2024, at around 1:14 AM police was dispatched to the Speedway parking lot, 201 Wagner Ave in reference to 2 subjects fighting. The Officer who arrived first at scene advised one of the suspect vehicles had just left traveling eastbound on East Main Street and turned south onto North Ohio Street. He described the vehicle as a blue Honda Civic. A PO was in the area of North Ohio Street and East Fourth Street when he witnessed the Honda Civic traveling towards him. The Honda, bearing Ohio temporary registration S618449 made a right turn and began traveling west on East Fourth Street. PO noticed the vehicle had dark window tint, so PO initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle by activating the overhead lights, stopping the vehicle in the 1000-block of East Fourth Street for the violation and investigation of the fight at Speedway. PO approached the driver’s side of the vehicle and located the driver/defendant, now known to PO as Olivia Delver. In the passenger seat PO located the registered owner of the vehicle, Cody Fansler. Olivia had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage around her person. PO questioned them in regard to the fight and they advised Cody was slapped by a black male at Speedway. They advised the male was approximately 40 years old but did not know him. The male started rapping to them and Cody told him he sucked. The male then slapped Cody in the face and left the area in a black SUV. Cody did not wish to file charges at the time or be a victim. After speaking with Cody and Olivia about the fight, PO went back to the police cruiser and calibrated his window tint meter. After the calibration, PO walked over to the front driver’s side window and tested it for a violation of window tint. The window tint on the driver’s side window was found to be at 16 percent of light being able to be transmitted through it, well below the 50 percent that it is required to be. Due to Olivia having a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage around her person PO asked her to step out of the vehicle, which she complied with. PO asked Olivia how much she had to drink, and she replied, “2 beers”. Olivia agreed to some field sobriety tests. Olivia performed poorly on the eye tests, Olivia dropped her foot and lost balance one time on the one leg stand and took her foot off the line while listening to instructions for the walk and turn test. PO believed Olivia to be under the influence of alcohol and she was placed under arrest. Olivia was placed in handcuffs. Due to Cody’s level of intoxication, he was not able to drive the car. Cody had his friend, Ryan Trent respond and move the vehicle, taking it back to 700 1/2 Central Avenue. PO transported Olivia to the Greenville Police Department where she was read and shown the BMV 2255 form. Olivia agreed to submit to a breath test on the Intoxilyzer 8000. Olivia was found to have a concentration of 0.114 of one gram by weight of alcohol per 210 liters of her breath. PO read Olivia her Miranda rights and she stated she had been at Sloopy’s bar prior to going to Speedway. While at Sloopy’s she had a few cans of Miller beer. Olivia was found to be over the legal limit and was issued a citation for OVI and window tint. Olivia was advised of her court date, court time, given a copy of her Intoxylizer 8000 test results, BMV2255 form, and citation. Olivia has no prior convictions for OVI. Olivia was placed under an Administrative License Suspension and her driver’s license was seized. Olivia was released to Ryan Trent from the Greenville Police Department.


On September 2, 2024, police responded to 1248 Northmoore Drive in reference to an assault that occurred at 235 East Fifth Street in the City of Greenville. PO made contact with the complainant, Alexis Kincaid. Alexis was visibly upset and holding two ice packs around her right hand. Alexis advised PO that approximately twenty minutes prior, she was involved in a physical altercation at her residence on East Fifth Street with her on-again off-again boyfriend, Brandon Emrick. Alexis stated that while she was asleep, Brandon began drinking heavily in the home. Alexis stated when she woke up, Brandon had sent her a series of hostile text messages that upset her. Alexis stated at this time, the two were involved in a verbal argument in reference to Brandon’s drinking and Alexis wanting to leave for the night. Alexis stated that as she was holding her car keys in her right hand, Brandon grabbed onto them and pulled them towards himself. Alexis stated that her injured middle finger became stuck around one of the keys as Brandon pulled them away. Alexis had a small laceration to this finger, and it was visibly red and swollen. Alexis stated that Brandon told her she wasn’t going anywhere and also took her two cell phones. Alexis stated Brandon refused to give her the keys or phones. Alexis stated she believes she experienced a seizure at this time, and believes she fell to the ground. Alexis stated Brandon grabbed onto her as she was seizing on the floor and attempted to hold her steady until it was over. Alexis does not remember if she lost consciousness during this seizure. Alexis stated after the seizure was over, the argument continued, and she left the residence on foot. She advised that as she walked away Brandon began yelling that he was going to lock the doors. Alexis advised that while on foot, and enroute to a friend’s house, her brother Noah Houdeshell saw her walking. Alexis stated she got into his vehicle and advised him of the situation. Noah then transported Alexis to their mother’s house on Northmoore. Due to Alexis’s minor injury and possible loss of consciousness, Greenville Rescue was requested to the scene. Alexis was then transported to Wayne Hospital by Rescue for a further evaluation. While at the hospital, Alexis advised she did not want charges at this time for Brandon. Alexis stated Brandon has not established residency with her and only visits a few nights a week. Alexis stated that she wants Brandon to leave the residence and will call the police department tomorrow for a keep the peace. Police attempted to make contact with Brandon but were unsuccessful. Photos were taken of Alexis’s hand that will be attached to this report. Alexis was left statement forms, as well as a victim right’ s forms to be filled out if she decides to press charges. There will be nothing further at this time.

CPO Violation

On September 4th, 2024 police was dispatched to 323 W Water St on the report of a possible CPO violation. PO made contact with Micah Shakro and Jeromy Johnson. Micah and Jeromy are both protected by a Civil Protection Order against neighbor, Jaden Johnson.  Jaden resides at 331 W Water with his mother, Kelly Schott. The CPO clearly states that “Respondent (Jaden) shall not use any form of electronic surveillance on protected persons.” Micah stated that Jaden had a camera pointing at their residence which PO observed. The camera was a small white camera that appeared to be pointed at the front yard of 323 W Water. Micah stated the camera was moved today, on 9/4/24. Micah stated she had a picture of the camera pointed at Jeromy and her vehicles on 8/19/24. Micah gave a written witness statement. At this time PO went and contacted Assistant Law Director Cox to fill him in on the situation. While on the phone with Cox, Jaden exited his residence. PO went and spoke with Jaden and advised him of the complaint. Jaden stated that his mother, Kelly Schott, must have moved it today. Jaden also explained to PO that it was a “360” camera that is motion activated and spins 360 degrees. Jaden went and showed PO how the camera is motion activated and PO observed it spin. Kelly Schott also gave a written witness statement stating she moved the vehicle on today’s date to get a better view of the street and her vehicles. Schott stated it was not directly aimed at anyone or anyone’s residence. Schott resides at 331 W Water and took ownership of the camera and moving it today. While Kelly was writing her statement PO again observed the camera spinning picking up motion of her and the PO on the front porch. At this point Jeromy wished to write a witness statement out stating when he arrived home today that the camera had been moved. PO advised Jeromy that Kelly moved the camera and he wrote in his statement that she was not home. Jeromy stated the placement of the camera would block the view of the street which lead him to have, “reasonable belief” it was moved just to record his residence. Jeromy stated that he has video of Jaden arriving in the front of his residence and the camera stayed pointed at his house. Micah filled out a Ohio Victims Rights Rights Request Form. Pictures taken by Micah of the camera placement will be attached to this report. This case will be forwarded to Assistant Law Director Cox for review.

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