Greenville Police Department – Police Reports


On September 03, 2024, at approximately 3:01 PM police responded to 316 Thirteenth Street in reference to vandalism to the house. PO spoke to Jessica Dues who stated on 09/02/24 around10:00 PM she heard what she believed to be someone knocking at the door, when she checked her cameras where she did not observe anyone at the front door. Jessica stated on todays date she was outside painting when she observed a broken window on the front porch and some of the boarded up windows were damaged. Jessica’s cameras do not face where the damage had occurred. Jessica stated she does not know anyone who would have done this. PO checked cameras at 332 Thirteenth street where he spoke to home owners who showed him their cameras do not face towards Jessica’s house and would not have picked up anything. PO also located cameras at 315 Thirteenth Street where the resident, Eric Hemmelgarn advised he was not sure if the cameras had good batteries and have to wait for his wife to get home to check the cameras as she had the passwords to view footage. On 09/25/24 at approximately 10:05 AM PO spoke to Eric via phone where he stated his camera on the front porch batteries were dead and his other camera did not pick up anything. Jessica filled out a written statement as well as a victim rights form. Pictures were taken of the damage. As there are no suspects at this time, there will be nothing further.

Private Property Accident

On 09/03/24, a hit-skip private property crash was reported by the City of Greenville Street Department. A Lt. sent PO an email containing a video from the YOLO Splash Pad on S. Broadway & Martin St. The video contained footage of a vehicle striking a Bollard light post. The video shows a maroon truck with running boards, believed to be a Dodge Ram, driving slowly in the area behind the splash pad. The truck struck the light pole with the front, right bumper breaking the light post off. The truck then backed up and left the area. Due to the camera angle, neither the driver nor the vehicle registration could be identified. PO printed a picture of the vehicle and placed it in the briefing book for other officers to help locate and identify the vehicle. The cost to replace the light is estimated at $2,500. PO will follow up with this case if leads are developed. The still picture and video will be attached to this report.

CPO Violation

On September 5th, 2024 at approximately 6:53 AM police was dispatched to 323 W Water St on a possible CPO violation. PO spoke with Micah Shakro who stated she is a protected person against Jaden Johnson. Jaden Resides at 331 Water St and is the respondent of the CPO. The CPO was filed on July 3rd, 2024 and is effective until June 24th, 2025. Micah stated that a truck driven by either Jaden’s father or grandfather picks him up for work every morning. Micah says when the truck gets in front of her house the driver honks the horn to let Jaden know he is there. Micah is upset and believes this is a violation of the protection order because the truck won’t wait until he is closer to Jaden’ s before honking. PO was able to collect a photo of the truck, PO also collected a video of the truck at approximately 6:51 AM on 09-05-24 drive by and give two quick honks as it parked to pick Jaden up. PO attempted to make contact with someone at Jaden’s residence to speak with him and figure out who drives the truck. No answer at the door and PO was unable to make contact with anyone. PO advised Micah he would file a report and present it to the prosecutor to see if this violates the protection order. On 09-06-24 PO waited at the residence of Jaden Johnson to see if the truck would pick him up. The truck returned but didn’t honk when pulling up. PO was able to make contact with the driver and registered owner, Ken Johnson, he stated he is Jaden’s grandfather and picks him up for work. PO advised Ken of the complaint and told him if he has to honk then make sure he is closer to Jaden’s house.

Noise Complaint

On September 09, 2024, at approximately 10:12 AM police responded to 113 Deshler Avenue in reference to a noise complaint. Upon his arrival PO could hear loud music on the street coming from 113 Deshler Avenue. Another Officer stated he could hear the music on Tiffin Street, which is a Street North of Deshler. PO then made contact with Rachel Thobe who lives at 113 Deshler Avenue playing the loud music. Officers asked Rachel why she was playing loud music at 10:00 AM where stated she was having thoughts in her head again but did not say what those thoughts were. Rachel stated she is trying to learn on how to live on her own. Regina Colby who lives at 103 Deshler Avenue stated the noise started around 7:50 AM on todays date. Regina stated Rachel was even yelling and screaming at 7:50 AM. Regina stated this is a continuing issue and wants it to stop. Upon further investigation it was found that the Police Department has responded to this address numerous times for noise complaints and Rachel being disorderly in the past. Regina filled out a written statement as well as a victim rights from. Rachel Was issued a citation for the city ordinance (648.l0(b)). A nuisance abatement order was also placed on Rachel and her Mother, Rhonda Dross who owns the property.

Identity Theft

On September 5th, 2024 at approximately 11:38 AM police was dispatched to 122 W Main St in reference to an EBT card fraud. Krista White came into the lobby to report fraudulent activity on an EBT card belonging to one of her patients, Linda Fischer. Krista stated Mary Faler, who is a consumer benefit specialist at Champaign Residential Services in Urbana Ohio called stating she had done her monthly report of food stamps and discovered a $63.00 dollar transaction on Linda Fischer’s account from H&H Gourmet Deli Corp located in New York. Krista says Linda has never been to New York and didn’t make that transaction. Krista and Mary attempted to report the transaction but due to neither of them being authorized representatives of Linda they were unable to speak about the transaction. They were able to tell Krista that the account would be closed for the time being to prevent further fraud. PO advised Krista he would file the report and inform a Detective at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office who handles EBT frauds, food stamp reports. A message was sent to the Detective advising her of the situation and the report number.


On September 06, 2024, at approximately 4:06 AM Officers responded to 130 Vine Street in reference to a possible domestic dispute. Officers spoke to Tamara Swartz who lives at 136 Vine Street. Tamara stated she was at Rickey Elson’s apartment at 130 Vine and when she returned home to 136 Vine Street, Kerry Foshee was there. It has been known to Officers that he also resides at 136 Vine Street. Tamara stated that when she arrived home, Kerry woke up, kicked her door and hit her in the head. Tamara also stated Kerry started breaking items in the house while they had a verbal argument. Tamara declined to have Greenville rescue come check on her. Tamara stated Kerry called her multiple explicit names. Tamara had no signs of physical injuries and stated Kerry did not physically hit her, it was the door that hit her. Tamara also stated Kerry did not threaten her in anyway. Tamara stated Kerry does not live there but “hangs” around the apartments. Tamara stated her doors were unlocked and he must have just walked in. There was damage to multiple doors throughout the house, but Tamara stated that damage was already there and there was no new damage. Kerry, who is currently on probation, stated he was sleeping on the couch when he woke up and thought someone was trying to enter the house, so he tried closing the door on the person, but it was Tamara coming back inside her residence from 130 Vine Street. Kerry stated he did not know Tamara was at the neighbor’s house. Kerry stated he does live at 136 Vine and has been in and out for about two months. Kerry stated all his items were at the house where he showed police a bunch of totes that were outside of the house. Kerry stated Tamara was making room for him to move in and that is why the totes were outside. Kerry only had a basket of clothes and a travel bag inside the house. Kerry has no mail that comes to this residence. Tamara stated Kerry’s last landlord just dropped off all his belongings last week where Kerry stated they have been there for two months. Officers spoke about the incident where it was determined it is still unclear if Kerry has been currently staying at the residence. Tamara stated she just wanted Kerry out of the house and gone for the night. Officers had asked Kerry if he would be willing to leave tonight which he agreed to do. Due to there being no physical injuries, no signs of destruction of property and conflicting stories, there will be nothing further. There were no children present during this incident. BCI only. Kerry did advise he had to meet his Probation Officer, Travis, at 8 AM and was going to speak to him about the incident and stated he would call the Greenville Police Department to do a keep the peace to get the rest of his belongings.

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