Wanted Person/Fugitive from justice
On September 12th, 2023, at approximately 12:32 PM police observed a female subject walking in the parking lot of 5438 State Route 49. PO was familiar with the subject and knew her to be Shannon Vanhorn. Through LEADS/NCIC PO confirmed her to have an active felony warrant. The warrant was through Montgomery County for original charge, dangerous drugs; no bond. The subject was arrested and was transported to The Darke County Jail and released to staff.
On September 11, 2023 at 10:00 AM, while assigned as the Greenville High School SRO 100 Greenwave Way, PO was notified by Assistant Principal, Brent Short, of a student who was in possession of a THC vape pen. Mr. Short informed PO he had been told by two female students, the juvenile had handed them a vape pen which she had brought to school earlier in the day. Mr. Short stated this student placed the vape pen into the juvenile’s locker and later came to tell him of the situation. Mr. Short and PO pulled the juvenile from her classroom and brought her to the office to speak with her. The juvenile stated she had brought a THC vape pen to school with her after being late to school this morning. The juvenile stated she, along with 3 other juveniles had been late to school today due to them going to the park and using the THC vape pen prior to coming to school. The juvenile admitted the Vape pen was hers and stated it contained THC. The vape pen was later found in the possession of another juvenile. The juvenile admitted to giving the other juvenile the vape to hold since she didn’t want to get caught with it. The vape pen was multicolored with a yellow wax inside of it. PO completed a misdemeanor citation reference possession of marihuana paraphernalia and issued the juvenile her copy. PO also contacted the juvenile’s mother and notified her of the citation and told her juvenile court would contact her with a court date. All other discipline for the other 3 juveniles was handled by school administration.
Domestic violence
On September 12, 2023 at approximately 9:58 PM police responded to 335 East Main Street reference a domestic dispute between David and Stephanie Green who are married and reside together at the listed address. PO made contact with both subjects. Both stated that they were involved in a verbal argument on the porch about relationship issues. Neither party had any visible injuries. David left for the night. BCI only. No school age children present.
On September 11th 2023 at 4:27 PM police was dispatched to 695 Wagner Avenue, Rural King in reference to a theft complaint. PO met with the complainant/manager Kirk Young. Kirk stated that a male subject had come into the store taking a pair of jeans beyond the point of sale. Kirk stated that he was not able to see the male subject take the item out of the store. He also advised the security footage did not see the male subject take the jeans beyond the point of sale. Kirk informed police that he saw the male subject leave the property on an orange BMX style bicycle. The security video shows a white male subject wearing blue jeans, black hoodie, and a black and white baseball cap. PO was familiar with the subject and knew him as Thomas Lee. At 5:21 PM police located Thomas Lee riding an orange BMX style bicycle near the East Fourth Street bridge. Thomas was wearing a black and white baseball cap, blue jeans and had black hoody hung over the handle bars of his bike. PO exited his patrol vehicle asking Thomas if he was at Rural king earlier today, Thomas stated he was earlier this morning, when asking if it was around 3:00 PM he stated around that time. PO informed Thomas that there was security video of him being there. PO then asked if he had taken a pair of Jeans from Rural King, Thomas admitted that he stole a pair of Arait blue jeans. Police followed Thomas to 405 Martin Street to retrieve the jeans. Thomas went inside the residence returning stating that someone had stole the pair of jeans from the residence. Thomas Lee was issued a misdemeanor citation for theft and advised of his court date and time. He was also warned for Criminal Trespass from Rural King. A victim’s rights form was completed by Rural King staff. Rural King was unable to download security footage but was able to provide pictures from the security footage.
Disorderly conduct
On September 07, 2023 at approximately 10:47 AM, police responded to 774 Gardenwood Drive reference an animal complaint. PO made contact with a juvenile male resident subject who was holding a dead cat in his hands. The juvenile stated he had just woken up from bed and stepped on the cat by mistake, killing it. The juvenile stated that he went to the neighbor’s residence at 769 Gardenwood Drive and asked to use their phone, but the resident refused. The juvenile requested that PO make contact with his grandmother. PO called Monique and she responded to 774 Gardenwood Drive which she owns and resides with the juvenile. When Monique arrived to the scene, she stated “I’ll take it from here” and PO then made contact with Gladys Kesselring at 769 Gardenwood Drive. Gladys stated she didn’t allow the juvenile to use her phone because of the frequent issues that occur at 774 Gardenwood Drive. PO then made contact with Krystal Burke who resides at 768 Gardenwood Drive. While speaking with Krystal and Gladys, Monique walked into her front yard and began screaming curse words and profanities at Krystal, Gladys and the PO out loud to where we could hear her. Monique yelled “You fucking people are pieces of shit, scumbags, fucking dirtballs” at Krystal, Gladys and the PO. Monique continued screaming at us with both of her middle fingers up. Monique then yelled “Wait, motherfuckers, wait” at us. PO approached Monique and advised her to stop yelling and that she’s receiving a citation. Monique yelled “I don’t give a fuck” and when PO advised her that he would place her under arrest if she continued being disorderly, Monique stated “Bring it”. Monique then went into her residence and began screaming loudly for several more minutes, all of which could be heard from across the street and next door by the victims, Krystal and Gladys. Monique was issued a citation reference disorderly conduct. The incident occurred approximately 750 feet from the Greenville High School. Gladys and Krystal completed written statements, and Gladys completed a victim right’ s form.
Animal Complaint
On September 13th, 2023 at approximately 6:18 PM police was dispatched to 127 Virginia Avenue in reference to a dog at large. PO made contact with Spencer Kouts, who resides at the listed address. PO asked Spencer if his dog had gotten loose. Spencer stated his wife, Kylee Holbrook and children were with his loose dog at the Greenville K-8 school. Spencer stated his dog was “Dumb” and gets loose a lot. Spencer stated he is the owner and caretaker of the dog. Spencer stated his dog is a German Shepard/ Great Dane mix. Spencer was issued a warning for Animal at large on 10/19/2022. Spencer’s wife and children brought the dog back to the residence. Spencer was issued a copy of his citation and was advised of his court date.
Wanted Person/Fugitive from justice
On September 13, 2023 at approximately 12:29 PM police responded to the 400 block of Wayne Avenue reference a keep the peace request. PO made contact with the complainant, Christian Franco and his girlfriend, Tyler Plut. Christian requested officers to standby while he attempted to speak to Sydnee Townsend reference a child custody issue. Dispatch checked LEADS/NCIC and learned Christian had an active Darke County Sheriff’s Office warrant for failing to appear on a driving under suspension offense with a bond of $775.00. Dispatch also advised that Tyler had an active Mercer County Sheriff’s Office warrant for failing to appear on a traffic offense with a bond of $165.00. Christian and Tyler were each placed into handcuffs. Christian was transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office jail where he was released to staff. Tyler was transported to North Star, Ohio where she was released to Mercer County Sheriff’s Office deputies.
On September 12, 2023 at approximately 12:30 PM, while assigned as the SRO at Greenville High School 100 Greenwave Way, PO was brought a THC vape by a student who stated another female student, placed the vape pen in her lunch bag during the lunch period. PO took possession of the vape pen, which was green in color and contained a yellow wax. PO viewed the camera in the lunch room and observed the juvenile sitting next to another female student in the lunch room. The juveniles scoot close to each other and exchange something, later found to be the THC vape pen, under the lunch table. One of the juveniles then took the vape pen and placed it into the lunch box. PO spoke to juvenile who stated the other juvenile asked her to put something into the lunch box and stated she didn’t want to get caught with it. The juvenile took the item and did so. The juvenile admitted, later after the student turned the vape pen in to the PO, the other juvenile informed her the item she handed her was a THC vape pen. PO spoke to the other juvenile, who admitted to passing the THC vape pen to the juvenile during lunch and stated a male student gave her the vape pen during an earlier class and asked her to hold it so he didn’t get caught with it. The juvenile stated she wanted the other juvenile to put it into the lunch bag so she didn’t get caught with it. PO spoke with the male juvenile, who admitted to bringing the vape pen to school in the morning and giving it to the female juvenile to hold earlier in the day. He also admitted to knowing the vape pen contained THC and that it belonged to him. PO completed a misdemeanor citation reference possession of marihuana paraphernalia and issued the juvenile his copy. PO also contacted the juvenile’s mother and advised her of the citation.