Greenville Police Department – Police Reports


On August 20th, 2024, at approximately 10:23 PM police was dispatched to 315 West Water Street, Greenville Ohio, 45531, in reference to a noise complaint/disorderly subject. PO observed a woman, later identified as Robbin Cole, the offender on the front steps of the residence yelling obscenities, such as, “Fuck you stupid motherfucker” and “These stupid motherfuckers won’t help me out”. Robbin was argumentative with law enforcement officers as well as yelling at residents of 315 West Water Street. Robbin was also being loud and disorderly causing an annoyance for the residents in the area. PO spoke with Robbin, who stated she had been drinking throughout the day and was waiting for her ride to arrive. Robbin appeared to be intoxicated and agitated. Robbin admitted to taking ten shots of tequila throughout the evening. PO noticed her speech was very slurred, she also had a strong smell of an alcoholic beverage on her breath. Robbin had scrapes on her left knee from when she fell. Robbin also stated she had severe back pain and had several back surgeries. When trying to assist Robbin to her car she continuously sat back down on the steps stating her back was in too much pain. A Sgt. requested Greenville Township Rescue to treat Robbin for her injuries. When Greenville Township Rescue arrived, Robbin refused treatment and refused transport to the hospital. Robbin insisted on sleeping in her car because her ride home was not coming to pick her up. Robbin dragged herself to her car because she refused help from medical personnel and officers. Throughout this incident Robbin was continuously yelling obscenities, acting in a disorderly manor, and after several attempts of telling Robbin to lower her voice and calm down she would continue this behavior. After Robbin got in her vehicle, thecSergeant confiscated her car keys and advised her they could be picked up from Greenville Police Department in the morning. Robbin was given a citation for disorderly conduct and was advised of her mandatory court date and time. The disorderly conduct took place within 500 feet of Saint Mary’s School, therefor, the charge was enhanced to a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Wanted Person

On August 22nd, 2024, at approximately 9:54 PM, a known subject was apprehended at 1111 North Ohio Street; Greenville K-8 School. Police had prior knowledge that William Watts had a warrant out of Darke County Probation. A PO was in communication with an off duty police officer, who arranged to meet William Watts Jr. at 1111 North Ohio Street at the basketball court through social media. The Officer notified the P.O. that William was at K-8 school at approximately 10PM. Police observed the subject walking through the basketball courts at 1111 North Ohio Street. Police made contact with William informing him that there was a warrant out for his arrest. Dispatch confirmed that William had an active warrant for his arrest. The warrant was out of Darke County Probation for a probation violation with an original charge of dangerous drugs with no bond. A PO placed William in handcuffs. William was searched incident to arrest and no contraband was found. William was then transported to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated. The cruiser was checked before and after transport and no contraband was found.

CPO Violation

On August 24th, 2024, at approximately 6:22 PM police was dispatched to 523 Pine Street in reference to a CPO Violation. PO made contact with Jessica Landis. Jessica advised her ex-husband, Christopher Landis, went to her ex-sister in-law’s residence, 312 Hart Avenue, at approximately 4:25 PM and visited the children they share. Jessica advised she was granted custody of the children in Alabama. Jessica advised she recently moved to Greenville from Alabama with the children. Jessica advised Christopher is only to have supervised visits with the children. Jessica showed PO the court documents from Alabama stating Christopher is allowed supervised visits. Jessica advised Christopher did not tell her he would be visiting the children today. Jessica stated she has an active Domestic Violence CPO against Christopher through Alabama as well. The CPO is in effect from 10/20/2023 until further order of the court. PO checked LEADS/NCIC and confirmed Jessica does have an active CPO against Christopher. Jessica advised after she found out Christopher had visited her children, she went to Christopher’s residence and picked up a deep freezer. Jessica advised after she left Christopher’s residence he sent her text messages. The messages from Christopher state “You are not welcome back her again you come back again, and you will be trespassed in charge for it and I have consultation with the lawyer. Now you are going to be in trouble because you stated on the back of that paper that you lived in Alabama all our divorce you fucked up and now, I’m coming after you for it because I’m really try working with you and you refuse to let me see my kids one day you’re done”. The second message states, “And I have proof that shows you’ve lived in Ohio most of your divorce, so you messed up and you’re going to regret it. You should’ve just fucking went with it and not been dumb”. Jessica stated she has been in contact with Christopher for some time to exchange children. Jessica advised she met with Christopher yesterday to allow him visitation. Jessica advised she wants Christopher to be warned for telecommunications harassment. Jessica filled out a statement and victim’s right’ s form. Jessica screenshotted Christopher’s messages and emailed them to PO. PO emailed the screenshots to the Greenville Police Department’s records division to be added to the report. After speaking to Jessica, PO spoke with prosecuting attorney, Deb Quigley. Deb advised because Jessica and Christopher have been in contact over child visitation and that Jessica willingly met Christopher in person to document the incident. Deb advised to speak with Christopher and send the report to her to review for charges. After speaking to Deb, PO went to Christopher’s residence located at 800 E. Fifth St. and spoke with him about the incident. Christopher advised he messaged Jessica to tell her that she was not welcome at his residence. Christopher advised he was aware of the CPO. Christopher advised Jessica has allowed him to see the children and messaged him in the past. Christopher advised Jessica is just trying to use the CPO against him. Christopher was warned for telecommunications harassment and refused to fill out a statement.

Wanted Person

On August 25, 2024, at approximately 2:54 AM, PO observed a black Chrysler Pacifica minivan bearing Indiana registration 354CYX, missing a headlight, traveling east on East Fourth Street. PO initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on East Fourth Street at Ash Street, and made contact with the driver, Jesse Hernandez, who is also a registered owner. Jesse stated he did not have his license with him and provided PO with a fake SSN, as well as the fake name of Jesse Rhoades. Dispatch advised the information Jesse had provided was not in file through LEADS/NCIC. Subsequent to a plain view search of the vehicle, Jesse’s wallet was located along with his ID. PO advised dispatch of his Indiana license number. Dispatch then advised Jesse had two active warrants. Dispatch advised Jesse had a misdemeanor bench warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s Office for Failure to Appear on the original charge of a traffic offense with a $575 bond. Dispatch also advised Jesse had a felony warrant through the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office for Dangerous Drugs and Aggravated Possession with no bond. Both warrants were confirmed through dispatch and Jesse was placed under arrest and into handcuffs. Jesse was then searched incident to arrest with nothing located. Jesse was transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office where he was released to jail staff. The backseat of cruiser 1930 was checked before and after transport with nothing located. Suspected drugs and drug paraphernalia were located in reference to a plain view search of Jesse’s vehicle.

Misc Offenses

On August 25th, 2024, police was dispatched to the 600 block of East Fifth Street in reference to a motorcycle accident. Dispatch advised a motorcycle had crashed in the area and the driver had got into another vehicle and left the area. Prior to PO’s arrival the complainant advised that the driver had come back and was attempting to leave on the motorcycle and that the motorcycle was on Plum Street. PO observed a motorcycle in the ditch off of Plum Street near East Fifth St with Shane Cheadle sitting on the backseat and Nathaniel Cave in the driver’s seat. The motorcycle was not running and PO recognized the bike belonging to Shane. PO asked Shane what was going on and he stated he was getting driven home. When asked if he crashed the motorcycle, he stated that he didn’t and hit the grass. PO then stated you did crash it and he replied ”No, hit the grass.” PO stated that the bike was laid down and he responded a little bit. PO observed Shane to be bleeding on his right elbow and knee and Nathaniel to not be bleeding at all. PO observed scratches down the right side of the bike. Shane had watery blood shot eyes and his speech was slurred. Shane also had and odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person. PO asked Shane how much he had to drink tonight, and he replied, “Not much I’m a passenger.” Shane’s boyfriend, Isaac Craiger, advised Shane to tell the truth. Craiger also stated that he wasn’t on the bike when it was crashed. Shane kept denying being the driver. Nathaniel also stated he was not driving the motorcycle. Witnesses in the area advised there was only one occupant of the motorcycle at the time of the accident. Witnesses then gave a description of Shane as the operator at the time of the crash. Greenville Township Rescue Squad was contacted to respond to the scene due to Shane’s injuries. While they were treating Shane, Craiger advised that he and Shane were at their friends house down the road when Shane decided to leave on the motorcycle. Craiger stated he lost sight of Shane in the 100 block of Plum Street and didn’t know where he went. Craiger explained he went around the block and saw his motorcycle sitting in the 100 block of Plum Street. Craiger stated he yelled for Shane, and he came walking out of the grass. Craiger said that Nathaniel was already at the scene and tried to get the motorcycle home, but it wouldn’t start and that was when PO pulled up. Shane was transported to Wayne Hospital for his injuries. PO went to Wayne and read Shane the BMV2255 Form. Shane denied any tests and police was unable to administer SFST’s due to Shane’s injuries. Shane was asked to give a blood sample for the test; but refused. Shane information was run through LEADS/NCIC and it showed that he only had a temporary motorcycle license which prohibits him from driving during nighttime hours. Shane was issued a citation for 4511.53C3bi for the endorsement violation, 4511.19 Ala for the OVI, and 4511.202 A for reasonable control. Shane was also placed under an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) for the refusal. Shane was advised of his mandatory court date and time.

Missing Person

On August 26th, 2024 at 5:04 PM police was dispatched to 122 W Main Street in reference to a missing juvenile. PO made contact with Jessica Weese. Weese stated that her 14 year-old son was supposed to report to 212 E Main St (Darke County Recovery & Wellness) after school for a 3:15PM appointment. Jessica stated when her son showed up that he was told he did not have an appointment that day. Jessica stated that her son had another appointment at 4: 20 and she planned on meeting him for the appointment. Jessica stated that when she arrived for the appointment that she spoke with a receptionist and doctor who stated that her son was there but left. Jessica stated that she was not aware of any friends that he would go to but spoke with his father and he called around and did not locate him. PO called and spoke with the SRO who stated with whom the juvenile is known to hangout with. PO called and spoke with this juvenile and her mother who stated they did not hear anything from the missing juvenile. A PO went and spoke with a subject at Recovery and Wellness and he stated that he saw the juvenile at approximately 3:30PM on an iPad in front of the building and was unsure what time he left. PO called and Spoke with the SRO about possibly tracking the school’s iPad that they issued him. The SRO made several calls and said that the next time the juvenile went to log into Wifi that it would ping his location. The juvenile was placed into LEADS/NCIC as missing. At approximately 6: 20PM Jessica called and stated that her son was located. Jessica brought him to the police department where his identity was confirmed and he was taken out of LEADS/NCIC. The juvenile stated that he waited outside of Recovery and Wellness for a while but didn’t think anyone was coming to pick him up. He attempted to walk to Greenville Transit but stated the lobby was closed by the time he reached it. He said he was going to walk to his dads residence after that but his care taker located him by Rural King. He stated that he did not remember his mom telling him she would be there at 4PM. Jessica did not wish to have unruly charges pressed against her son due to the miscommunication.


BCI. On 08/27/24 at approximately 5:59 PM, GPD responded to 513 Ash St. on a report of a domestic disturbance. PO met with Sarah Garland who was sitting on the front porch holding her 2 y/o son. Garland stated she had been in an argument with Ben Kuck. She and Kuck have the 2 y/o son together but are not married. Kuck has 2 other children who also reside at the house with them. Kuck came outside and spoke with us. He stated he has lived at the house since March and is planning on moving out this coming weekend. Garland requested that Kuck leave for the night and he agreed. We stood by while Kuck and his older 2 children packed some items and then left. Garland allowed Kuck to hug their 2 y/o son before leaving. 3 children present.

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