April 13
On April 13th, 2023 at approximately 10:25PM police was dispatched to 1250 Martin Street; Jafe, located in the City of Greenville, on the report of a vandalism. The complainant and victim, Constantine Johnson, advised he clocked out from work at 2217 hours then walked out to his vehicle. He stated he got into the driver’s seat of his vehicle and shut the door. When he shut the door to his vehicle he heard glass fall from the back of his vehicle. He looked to the rear of his vehicle and observed the back window to be smashed out. Police too observed the back window of Constantine’s Honda Civic to be busted. There was glass all over the trunk of his vehicle and spread out on the ground around his vehicle. Due to the way the glass was all around the vehicle on the ground, it appeared the window had been impacted with something. Police looked around to see if anything had been thrown through the window but did not locate anything. Constantine advised he did not know of any enemies or anyone who would have a grudge against him. One of the supervisors there had asked the other employees if they had seen or heard anything and they advised they had not. Constantine advised he did wish to pursue charges if a suspect could be identified. He advised he would get with management in the morning and see if the video footage had picked up anything. On April 14th, 2023 at approximately 5:45 PM police arrived at Jafe and met with Constantine. He took police to an office and showed the video footage. The video footage showed that on April 13th, 2023 at approximately 9:50 PM, a red vehicle, appearing to be a Ford Fusion, with tinted windows, drove through the Jafe parking lot. The vehicle backs up in the frame then proceeds back in the direction it came from. At 9:54 PM, a tall slender subject, appearing to be male, wearing a light colored t-shirt, dark jeans, and a ball cap, is seen standing in front of Constantine’s vehicle. He stands there for a moment before proceeding back to the red vehicle from the previous video footage, which is now parked. He retrieves a long item from the vehicle, possibly a baseball bat or metal rod, walks back to the rear of Constantine’s vehicle and swings the object at Constantine’s back window. The suspect the returns to the red vehicle and drives off seconds before 9:55PM. Constantine advised after seeing the video, he believed the subject in the video to be Zachary Jones. He stated some time ago he had “messed around” with Zachary’s girlfriend, Lindsay Cheadle. He stated Zachary must have just found out about it. He also advised me that the red vehicle in the video appeared to be Lindsay’s vehicle, and that the subject in the video looked like Zachary. He advised he believed Zachary and Lindsay were living in Bradford. Constantine showed me Zachary’s Facebook profile and what he looked like. Police had dispatch contact Miami County Sheriff’s Office dispatch and see if they had Zachary in their Spillman and if they could give a current address and phone number for him. Miami County was able to identify Zachary Jones with a date of birth 09/16/2000 in Bradford. Police checked Zachary’s BMV photo and observed it to resemble the Zachary Jones Facebook profile Constantine had showed. Police called the number for Zachary and at first he denied being Zachary but then after finding out who called, admitted he was Zachary Jones. Police asked Zachary if police could come to him to ask him some questions or if he could come to the Police Department to meet with the PO. Zachary asked what it was regarding and police advised him that it was a matter police would rather discuss in person. Zachary did not want to give his location to the police, he stated he would come in on 4/15/2023 to speak with the police. As of April 20th, 2023 Zachary has not came in to speak with police and is not answering phone calls. His voicemail box is not set-up so police cannot leave a message.
Traffic Stop – Possession/Abuse of Drugs
April 15
On April 15, 2023 at approximately 2:47 PM, while on patrol, police observed a black Honda driving westbound on Martin Street. Police observed the vehicle to be operating with window tint that was less than the allowed 50% in accordance with ORC 4513.241. Police conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle at the intersection of Gray and Cypress Avenue. Upon making contact with the operator, identified as Keith Mitchell, Police observed him to have shaky hands and rapid shallow breathing across his chest. Police asked Mitchell if he had anything illegal in the vehicle such as methamphetamine, heroin or fentanyl as to which he advised that he did not. Police asked Mitchell for consent to search the vehicle at which time he advised that police can not but he would allow police to check the percentage on his windows. With permission DC30 Jamie Joseph and his K9 partner were asked to assist at the scene with a free air sniff. While waiting for the assistance of DC30 and his K9 partner, Police was able to get a tint reading on the front driver side door of the vehicle which read the window tint to be at 20% +/- 2%. While explaining the window tint reading to Mitchell police advised him that DC30 and his K9 partner were enroute to the location to conduct a free air sniff. Mitchell then advised that he had weed (Marijuana) in the vehicle and reached into a lunch box that was beside his person on the passenger seat of the vehicle and pulled out a sealed black zip lock baggie and handed it to then police. The zip lock baggie was opened and police could smell the odor of raw Marijuana coming from the bag. Inside the baggie police observed a green leafy substance that Mitchell admitted to being Marijuana. He advised that it was from a dispensary but he did not have a valid medical Marijuana prescription due to it being expired. Mitchell was asked to step out of his vehicle and to the front of the cruiser. DC30 and his K9 partner then arrived on scene and conducted a free air sniff of the vehicle that resulted in a positive alert by the K9. DC30 advised that his K9 partner would only alert to a vehicle if it had the scent of schedule 1 narcotics and not on Marijuana. The listed vehicle was searched due to the positive alert by the K9 at which time another sealed black zip lock baggie was located as well as a black cylinder both containing a green leafy substance that Mitchell admitted to being Marijuana. Two Sweet Tart vape pins that Mitchell admitted to being THC vape pins, were located, a wooden brown container with a yellow waxy material, that Mitchell admitted to being Dab Wax ( a THC compound) and another clear container with a black lid also containing a yellow waxy material, also admitted to being Dab wax was located. All items were located in the gray lunch box that was sitting beside Mitchell on the passenger seat of the listed vehicle. Mitchell was subsequently issued a citation for the possession of marijuana. He was served his citation and advised of his court date.
Death Person
April 18
On April 18, 2023 at approximately 6:01AM Police was dispatched to 311 West Water Street reference a unresponsive female subject sitting in a vehicle. Upon arrival police observed a female in the passenger seat of the vehicle. The female was slumped over and unresponsive. Greenville Township Rescue arrived a short time later and determined the female to be deceased. Coroners investigator Joe Vanvickle and Detective Dickmann were requested to the scene. Both arrived a short time later to complete an investigation. The decedent was transported to the Miami Velley Crime lab via Rick Meyer per request of Coroner’s investigator Vanvickle.
April 20
On April 20th, 2023 at approximately 4:48 PM police responded to a trash complaint at 403 Central Avenue, in the City of Greenville. When police arrived police found the trash to actually be at 401 Central Avenue, which is a part of the same structure as 403 Central Avenue, as the structure has multiple units. Police observed several plain trash bags and loose trash near the curb facing Walker Street. Police also observed trash piled up in the back yard. As the PO walked to the porch to make contact, he observed several loose pieces of trash in the yard. Police knocked and could hear dogs barking inside but received no answer. Police taped a trash notice to the door and made contact with the property owner, Mary Lavy, and advised her the notice had been posted. She advised Autumn Ely rents the residence and she would make contact with her to ensure it gets cleaned up. Police will leave a note for it to be checked 4/25/2023. City Safety Service Director Ryan Delk was advised of the complaint.
April 20
On April 20, 2023 at approximately 10:45 PM police arrived at 1501 Wagner Avenue; Walmart reference a separate incident and located a male subject leaving the listed business with stolen merchandise. Upon arrival other police had already arrived on scene. They noticed Nicholas Reeder attempting to leave Walmart through the front doors. They both noticed that he was wearing a large camouflage coat that appeared to have merchandise concealed inside of it. Police stopped Nicholas and he could see inside of the coat. Police noticed that there were several merchandise packages concealed inside of the coat. Police then placed Nicholas into handcuffs which were gap checked and double locked. Police then unzipped the coat and retrieved approximately seven NBA trading card packs and one NFL trading card packs. Police then read Nicholas his Miranda Warning which he stated that he understood. Nicholas admitted to selecting all of the trading cards off of the shelves inside of Walmart and he also admitted to concealing them inside of his coat. Once Nicholas had concealed all of the trading cards inside of his coat he walked past all points of sale. He attempted to exit the front door of the store without rendering payment for any of the concealed merchandise that he had. Walmart employee’s were able to scan all of the trading cards and got a total dollar amount on the merchandise. The total amount totaled up to $266.84. All of the items were able to be returned to the shelves due to not being perishable goods. Police filled out a misdemeanor citation for theft and served it to Nicholas. He was advised of his mandatory court date and he was then released from the scene.
Receiving Stolen Property
April 21
On April 21, 2023 at approximately 2:38 PM, Greenville Police Department Officers were advised of a stolen vehicle possibly located in the 200 block of Fairview Street, in the City of Greenville. The complainant, Evelyn Fernandez, advised her vehicle, a red Chevy Trax bearing Indiana temporary registration R847669, had been reported stolen to Indianapolis Metro Police Department, and the vehicle’s GPS was pinging in the area of 220 Fairview Street. Police arrived in the area first and located the stolen vehicle, unoccupied, in the 300 block of Hall Street. Other Police responded to the scene as well. Police spoke to Indianapolis Metro Police Department and confirmed the vehicle was stolen with the VIN. The vehicle was removed from LEADS and Indianapolis Metro Police advised police to have the vehicle towed. They advised they would contact the registered owner and have her coordinate to come get the vehicle. The vehicle was locked so police conducted an inventory through the window and photographed the vehicle. Hot Rods Towing arrived on scene and took the vehicle into their possession. They were advised the vehicle is only to be released to the registered owner or Indianapolis Metro Police. There are no suspects at this time as the vehicle was found unoccupied parked on the street, and not directly in front of any residence.
April 22
On April 22, 2023 at approximately 5PM police responded to 5438 State Route 49 #6; Colonial Mobile Home Park reference a burglary complaint. Police made contact with the complainants, Lillian Johnson and Jeremy Fast who stated that they had just arrived to lot #6, and learned that it had been broken into. Lillian stated that her and Jeremy are coworkers, and they had each been renovating the property so that she could move into it. Lillian stated that upon entering the property, she observed that the water heater had been stolen, and the back door of the property was open as well as a window in the living room. Lillian stated that the carpet in the bedroom had been entirely removed from the floor. Jeremy stated that he had left two Milwaukee tool bags containing various tools inside, on the living room floor and that they had been stolen. Lillian stated that she was last at the property on 04/19/2023 at approximately 12:00 PM. Lillian stated that the tools and the water heater were on the property at that time. Police checked the inside and outside of the property, and there were no footprints or signs of forced entry into the property. Police located the carpet that had been removed from the bedroom, by the back door of the property in the living room. A passerby, Wheeler Cockrell, then approached police and stated that he observed a male subject loading a large quantity of plastic piping into a truck before taking it to lot #15. Police responded to lot #15 and made contact with the resident, Joshua Baker. Joshua denied stealing any items and refused to allow officers inside his residence. Police located a pile of plastic piping on Joshua’s front porch, which Joshua stated he obtained from a friend. Police checked the surrounding properties, and there are no security cameras in the area. The property adjacent to lot #6 is also vacant.
Warrant/Fugitive from Justice
April 25
On April 25, 2023 at approximately 6:58 PM police responded to 413 Armstrong Street to serve a Misdemeanor Bench Warrant for Carla Wintrow. Police had prior knowledge that Carla had a warrant through the Greenville Police Department for Failure to Appear on the original charge of Disorderly Conduct with $525 bond. Police made contact with Barry Robertson at the front door. Barry confirmed that Carla was inside and let police in. Police located Carla in a bedroom on the second floor. Carla was advised of her warrant and served her copy reference it was not entered into LEADS/NCIC yet. Carla was placed under arrest into handcuffs and then transported to the Darke County Jail where she was released to Jail staff.
On April 25, 2023 at approximately 10:09PM police responded to 113 Autumn Lane to serve a Felony Warrant for Thomas Hamilton. Police had prior knowledge that Thomas had a Felony Warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s Office for a Dangerous Drugs offense. Police did not make contact with anyone at the residence. While police was standing in the driveway police observed a brown Buick drive by the residence. Police observed who police identified as Ryan Greminger in the driver’s seat and Thomas Hamilton in the passenger seat. Police immediately got in the cruiser and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle in the dead end of Autumn Lane. Dispatch confirmed Thomas’ warrant. Thomas was placed under arrest into handcuffs and then transported to the Darke County Jail where he was released to Jail staff.