Wanted Person / Fugitive from Justice
June 2
On June 02, 2023 at approximately 6:21 PM, while on patrol, police observed the listed 2000 Chevrolet Malibu traveling westbound on Fair Street at Sweitzer Street. The vehicle passed police and police immediately recognized the front seat passenger as Shea Salyers. Police checked LEADS/NCIC and learned that Shea has an active Greenville Police Department warrant for failing to appear on a driving under suspension offense with a bond of $525.00. Police initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle and made contact with Shea. Police placed Shea into handcuffs. Shea was then transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office jail where he was released to staff.
Emotionally disturbed person
June 3
On Jun 3, 2023 at approximately 5:04 AM police was dispatched to 420 East Main Street in reference to an emotionally disturbed person. Police spoke with the involved person/ EDP Lisa Downey who stated that she believed that her sister/ guardian Teresa Elson had not been allowing her to sleep due to her snoring. While talking further with Lisa she informed police that her mother had passed away and that was why she was living with Teresa. During conversation Lisa stated that she “wanted to be with her mother” who police had found out in earlier conversation was deceased. When asked to explain what she meant further Lisa stated that she wanted to kill herself. When questioned if she had a plan to kill herself she stated that she planned on using a knife to kill herself. Lisa also stated that she had used a knife before in the past when attempting to commit suicide. Lisa denied having actively cut herself with a knife on this occasion and she did not appear to have any visible injuries. Police contacted dispatch to have an ambulance respond to the scene due to the suicidal thoughts and to transport Lisa to 835 Sweitzer Street; Wayne Healthcare. Lisa was taken to Wayne Healthcare by ambulance where she was taken into care of the staff. An application for Emergency Admission (pink slip) was completed and given to the hospital staff.
Domestic Violence
June 3
On June 3rd 2023 at 9:32 AM police was dispatched to the intersection of Russ Road and Sugar Maple Drive in Greenville OH. 45331 in reference to a domestic dispute. Police met with Crystal Danes who advised that her and her husband Shawn Danes got into a verbal argument over her prescription medication. Crystal stated that while at the intersection of Russ road and Wagner avenue she exited the vehicle to separate herself from the situation. Crystal was transported to 1301 Wagner avenue, McDonald’s where she waited for a ride from her friend. No school age children were present. BCI only.
Disorderly Conduct/Drunkness
June 3
On June 3, 2023 around 6:46 PM police was dispatched to the area around Armstrong St & Harrison Ave in Greenville in reference a disorderly subject yelling at the resident at 123 Harrison Ave. Police located the defendant sitting in her vehicle, near the intersection of Armstrong St and Harrison Ave, but she would not speak to police, or open her door. The subject was known to police as Stephanie Green. Stephanie just kept lifting up her phone and showing police the screen that showed she had some music pulled up. Since Stephanie would not talk to police, police went back over to 123 Harrison Ave to see what the problem was. When police arrived police spoke with Blake Green and Taylor Cunningham, who reside at the residence. Police soon found Blake was Stephanie’s son and she had been dropped off at the house by his father, David Green. Blake did not want her there and told her to leave but she refused to do so until police arrived. Even then she would just sit in her car across the street from his residence. Blake informed police Stephanie was intoxicated and had no keys to leave in the listed vehicle she was sitting in, a 2006 Toyota minivan (JYV2602). Blake only wanted Stephanie to leave the area and leave him and Taylor alone. While police was talking to Blake, the defendant got out of her vehicle and stood in the roadway. The defendant yelled at Blake and Taylor causing them inconvenience and annoyance. Police approached Stephanie and noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage around her person, bloodshot eyes, was emotional, and not making much sense due to her continuously switching topics. Stephanie was warned for disorderly conduct and told to leave the roadway or get back in her car. After approximately 10 minutes more of the defendant not leaving the roadway, Blake and Taylor wanted to fill out statements regarding Stephanie being disorderly. Stephanie had been warned multiple times to leave the area and get out of the roadway over 10 minutes. Blake and Taylor wrote out statements and Blake filled out a victims rights waiver form. Stephanie was told she was being placed under arrest for disorderly conduct. Police attempted to put handcuffs on Stephanie but she pulled her left hand away from police and brought it up to her chest where she became rigid and stiff, making it difficult to place her in handcuffs. Stephanie said she was not under arrest and continued to struggle with officers while police attempted to put her hands behind her back. Police was able to maneuver her arms behind her back where police was able to handcuff her. Stephanie was transported to the Darke County Jail where she was given citations for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. Stephanie was incarcerated at the jail with a $1,050.00 bond.
Domestic Violence
June 3
On June 3, 2023 at 7:42 PM policewas dispatched to 220 Rhoades Avenue in reference to a domestic dispute. BCI only between Brettan Cheadle and Irene Hart, who reside together and have a child in common. Brettan left the residence for the evening. No school aged children present during this incident.
Property found
June 3
The listed wallet was found by Katherine Hoisington in front of Wal-Mart on the sidewalk. Police responded to her address at 1350 Benden Way Apt A5 and took possession of the wallet for safekeeping. Police transported the wallet to the GPD. Michael only has an old address listed out of Toledo. The phone number listed for him was tried but no contact was made. A voicemail was left but police does not believe it was a good number. The wallet was placed into property.
False Pretenses/Swindle
June 3
On June 3rd, 2023 at 8:45PM police was dispatched to 118 River St in reference to a miscellaneous report. Police made contact with the complainant, Cody Lloyd. Lloyd advised that he is supposed to turn himself in to the Darke County Jail in reference to a jail commitment at 9:00PM on the listed date. Lloyd advised that it was for a CPO violation that he was found guilty of. Lloyd stated he has two witness that talked to the victim of the original charge, Kyley Magill, and claimed that Magill lied on the original report. Lloyd identified the two subjects as Keri Tucker and Carly Straw. Lloyd did not have any contact information for Carly Straw but speaks with her over messenger. Tucker was at 118 River and spoke with police and gave a written statement. Police spoke with Tucker who advised she was walking past McMillers on Thursday June 1st when Magill asked her about Lloyd and Tucker’s break up. Tucker claimed that Magill told her that she threw the cup at Lloyd and in the original report Magill stated the cup was thrown at her. Police made contact with Magill and advised her of the accusations and she said she was just contacted by Tucker today about rumors going around town stating she threw the cup at Lloyd. Magill said she did not tell Tucker she threw the cup. Police called all available numbers for the Straw but none of the numbers were active or able to leave messages. Due to lack of evidence, a thorough investigation by police on the original CPO and a guilty conviction on that CPO charge, this case can be closed.
June 3
On June 3, 2023 at 12PM police responded to 430 E Fifth Street in reference to a theft from a vehicle. Police spoke to victim, Paige Roberts. Roberts advised she had arrived at her boyfriend’s residence, 430 E Fifth Street on June 2, 2023 at approximately 11:30 PM. Roberts parked her 1996 Maroon Chevy truck bearing Ohio license plate, JYY2901 at the rear of 430 E Fifth Street, near the alley. Paige advised she is in the process of moving to Arkansas and had all of her personal belongings in the truck bed and inside the truck. Paige believed the truck was locked. On June 3, 2023 Paige entered her vehicle and observed several items were missing from inside the vehicle. Paige also observed several items were missing from the bed of the truck. There was no damage to the to the truck. It does not appear force was used to enter the truck. Paige advised a black microwave, Black and Decker Drill, Firestorm Staple set, bag containing approximately 30 different colored rachet straps, one hunter green tool bag, one black and yellow tool bag, and one black tool bag all containing miscellaneous tools were taken from the bed of the truck. A pair of size 7 Nike Air Force women’s shoes, black red and white, 2400 watt Bose Amp, Nintendo WII, four CD players, Bluetooth speaker, wallet containing food stamp card, child support card, and varso card were all taken from the inside of the truck. Paige advised she spoke to the neighbors near 430 E Fifth Street and no one observed anyone near or inside her truck. There are no cameras in the area. There are no suspects at this time. Nothing further.
June 5
On June 5th 2023, at 1:45 PM police was dispatched to 604 East Fourth Street in reference to a trash complaint. The complainant advised dispatch that the above address had two junk motor vehicles, and couches in the yard. Police observed several couches, and several bed frames leaned up against the detached garage/barn in the rear of the property. The two vehicles were parked next to the detached garage near the alley way. The vehicles did not appear to have defects to make them junk motor vehicles. Police made contact with Bryce Eikenberry the 16 year-old juvenile who resides at the residence, Bryce proved police a contact number for his father, Larry Eikenberry. Police informed Larry over the phone about the couches, and bedframes needing to be removed in the next 5 days. The trash notice was given to Bryce to give to Larry when he returned home from work. Police will return and check on the status of the property in 5 days. An E-mail has bent sent to Safety Service Director Ryan Delk.
June 5
On 6-5-23 police responded to 247 Victoria Dr. in reference to a trash complaint. Police met with the homeowner Jed Rhoades and walked the property. A mattress, scrap wood pile and assorted trash was found in the driveway. Jed advised he would work on cleaning up the area over the next few days. He was issued a trash notice for 5 days. This officer will check the property on 6-12-23. This case will need to be assigned in case management. The safety service director was advised by email.