May 27
On May 27, 2023 at approximately 11:46 AM, police was dispatched to 440 Harrison Avenue in reference to a deceased elderly male subject. Police located the deceased in the living room of the listed address. Greenville Rescue was able to arrive to the scene and confirm the elderly male to be deceased. Darke County Coroner, Joe Vanvickle was also able to arrive at the scene. The deceased was transported to Zechar Bailey Funeral home and the next of kin was notified.
May 27
On May 27, 2023 at approximately 9:53 PM police responded to 327 West Water Street reference a theft complaint that occurred elsewhere in the City of Greenville. Police made contact with the victim, Dennis Riddle. Dennis stated that he was at the VFW at 219 North Ohio Street earlier today at approximately 4:45 PM. Dennis stated that he had his wallet in his back pants pocket. Dennis stated that at approximately 8:00 PM he left the VFW and drove to the Moose Lodge; 1200 Sweitzer Street. Dennis stated that when he arrived he noticed that his wallet was no longer in his pocket. Dennis stated that he looked inside of his vehicle and did not locate the wallet. Dennis stated that the only place he could have lost it was at the VFW. Dennis stated that he was drinking alcohol on the outdoor patio for the majority of the time that he was there. Dennis stated that he did not feel anyone take it out of his pocket and does not know if it would have fallen out on its own. Dennis stated that he was sitting by Steve Varvel most of the time that he was there and thinks that he could have possibly taken it. Dennis stated that his Ohio drivers license, along with 4 debit cards and $90 in cash were in the wallet. Dennis filled out a victims rights form and a written statement. Police then responded to the VFW and spoke to employee Diana Summers. Diana stated that nobody had turned in any wallets on this date. Diana was also unable to check any security cameras. Diana stated that management would have access to the security cameras but would not be in until the following day. Police also checked the area where Dennis stated that he was sitting and did not locate the Wallet. Police also checked the inside of Dennis’s vehicle and did not locate the wallet. Police then responded to 502 Euclid Avenue to attempt to speak to Steve. Police was unable to make contact at the door. Police then called the phone number provided in Spillman and left a voice mail. This case will need further investigation.
Missing Person
May 28
On 05/28/23 at approximately 1905 hours, I responded to 208 Tillman Ave. on a report of missing persons. Police met with Melinda Burden. She stated her 25 y/o son, Thomas Burden, and friend 18 y/o Joseph “Isaiah” Dynes had not been heard from since Friday May 26 and that their phones were off. Josh Mendenhall was also present and stated that is the date he last saw them at 318 Anderson Ave. where Burden was sleeping in his truck. Dynes had been staying there with Mendenhall’s aunt, Melissa Ginger, as well as other places. Mendenhall stated Burden’s truck was a dark gray Chevy Silverado around early 2000’s model with unknown Indiana registration. Melinda showed police messages from Karina Brown, Burden’s ex girlfriend, stating she may know of a “suspect” but would not elaborate. Police checked the 300 block of Anderson Ave. and didn’t locate the truck. Police then went to 111 Hilltop Dr. and located Karina Brown. She stated she hadn’t seen Burden for a couple of weeks which was when police did a keep the peace for them. When Brown was asked about the messages she sent Melinda referring to a “suspect” she only offered that she may know a suspect for what was going on and would not elaborate further. Police later located Josh Edwards at his residence on Wayne Ave. He stated he didn’t know where Burden was and if he found him, he would “break his other leg.” It is unknown if Burden currently has a broken leg and, if so, how it got broken. Police returned to GPD and contacted Richmond, IN P.D. They checked the address on Burden’s Indiana license and advised there was no answer and the house was dark. Dispatch issued a BOL for Darke and surrounding counties including Wayne Co. and Randolph Co. Indiana to stop and check the welfare and advise GPD. At this time, there is no suspected foul play, mental or physical disabilities, or reason to believe they are in danger and they will not be entered into LEADS/NCIC at this time.
May 29
On May 29, 2023, at approximately 11:20 AM police responded to South Towne Laundry 225 Birt Street reference a trespass complaint. Dispatch advised that the known suspect, Brian Klosterman was warned for trespass by GPD on 12-3-2020. Police who was already on scene advised that Brian had left on a bicycle and was seen in the area of Birt Street and Sweitzer Street. Police also advised that there would be charges reference the trespass and disorderly. Police located Brian who police is familiar with riding his bicycle southbound in the 1100 block of Sweitzer Street. Police pulled up beside Brian in a marked police cruiser and told him police needed to talk to him. Brian proceeded southbound on his bicycle and continued into the Spirit Medical parking lot at the corner of Sweitzer Street and Eidson Rd where police ordered Brian to stop or else police would take him to jail. Brian looked back at police several times and refused to stop while also giving police a hand gesture with his middle finger. At this time, both police had the cruiser emergency lights activated and utilized the audible sirens but Brian ignored the instructions and fled to his residence. Police was able to catch up to Brian at the front door of his residence in the Colonial Mobile Home park, 5438 St. Rt. 49 South, lot #22 where police ordered Brian to the ground. Brian ignored the commands and proceeded to open his front door as police grabbed his right arm at taser point. Brian eventually complied and laid down on the ground where police placed him in handcuffs. Police advised Brian that he was under arrest for trespassing and obstruction. Other police arrived on scene and transported Brian to the Darke County jail.
May 29
On May 29, 2023 at approximately 4:48 PM police was dispatched to 1501 Wagner Avenue; Walmart, in the City of Greenville, on a shoplifting complaint. Police met with the Asset Protection Associate for Walmart. She advised she had observed a male subject conceal multiple boxes of trading cards into a backpack and then exit the store without making payment for them. When she approached him just outside the general merchandise doors on the sidewalk, he dropped the backpack with the stolen merchandise inside and left in a silver Chevy bearing Ohio registration GYR5541. Jodi showed police the video surveillance that showed a male subject wearing dark jeans, a black shirt with the sleeves cut off and green writing on the front, a partial black sleeve covering his right forearm arm, brown boots, and a baseball style hat. The male subject is seen on the video surveillance selecting multiple boxes of trading cards off the merchandise shelf and placing them into his cart where he had a backpack. The male subject then can be seen on video putting all of the boxes of trading cards he had placed into the cart into the backpack, concealing them. He then walked to the general merchandise doors and proceeded through and passing all last points of sale. Jodi can then be seen on video approaching the male subject on the sidewalk after a brief interaction he leaves the backpack of merchandise and the got into the passenger side of the silver Chevy. She provided police with a training receipt showing the total of the trading cards as $359.72 before tax. Police checked the registration of the vehicle and found it returned to Angeline Yoder of 520 Martin Street. The backpack that had been left by the suspect appeared used and dirty and the suspect had stated it was his backpack when Jodi had stopped him. The backpack appeared to have the name Bobby Lee Yoder written in marker on the outside. Police knows Bobby Lee Yoder to also reside at 520 Martin Street where the vehicle was registered to and knew him to match the general description of the male subject police had seen on the surveillance video. Other police assisted while police went to 520 Martin Street. Police asked for Bobby and he came outside onto the porch. Police observed Bobby to be wearing the exact same clothing the suspect was wearing in the Walmart surveillance video. Police asked Bobby to tell police what happened at Walmart. He stated he went into Walmart with his own empty backpack. He stated he had selected trading cards and put them in his shopping cart because his little brother collects them. He stated someone must have traded him bags because he doesn’t know how the cards ended up in his backpack. Police then advised him that he could be seen on video concealing the cards into his backpack and the backpack had his name written on it. He then stated his mom had called him and said it was time to go so he was in a hurry and placed them all in the backpack to take them up front and ask about layaway but then he forgot. Police photographed Bobby’s backpack, as well as, him to reflect he was wearing the exact same clothing as in the surveillance video. His backpack was returned to him and he was cited for theft. Police issued him his citation and advised him of his court date.
May 29
On 05/29/23 at approximately 5:25 PM, a trash complaint was initiated at 518 Martin St, which is a duplex with 520 Martin St. While at 520 Martin St. on an unrelated call, police noticed a large amount of black trash bags and trash not in bags accumulated at the rear of the property along with numerous bales of rotting straw. Police also noticed approximately 45 newspapers, some rotten, on the front porch. Mail in the mailbox belonged to Nathan Snyder. Police took photographs of the trash and secured a trash notice in the rear door. Police contacted the property owner, Douglas Harman, by phone and advised him of the complaint. He stated he would try to have it removed tomorrow. SSD Delk was advised via email.
Littering or Pollution Problem
May 30
On May 30th, 2023, Officers from the Greenville Police Department received information that Ralph Bailey was in the woods behind Sherwin Williams, 120 North Broadway Street. On May 27th, 2023, Officers had been to the field behind 120 North Broadway Street where Bailey was located with a large amount of trash. Bailey had previously been trespassed from the property by police and was also cited for Trespass. Police went to the wooded area behind 120 North Broadway Street. Once there, police located Bailey in the wooded area. Police observed that Bailey was in the process of duct tapping soffit to a hose he had tied to several trees and still had the duct tape in his hand. Bailey was detained in handcuffs. It was determined that Bailey currently was on the property of the Tecumseh Point Preserve which is part of the Darke County Parks. Bailey had accumulated a large amount of trash including smashed food, old clothes, broken pieces of siding soffit, and a broken plastic water tank along with other miscellaneous trash which was scattered on the ground in the woods and in the field behind 120 North Broadway Street. Police took photos of all the trash. Police spoke with Darke County Parks Director, Roger Vanfrank, who advised that he would like Bailey charged for littering in the park area. Bailey was placed under arrest and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated for Littering and held on a bond of $525.00. Bailey was issued his copy of his citation and advised of his court date. The Greenville Street Department will be cleaning Bailey’s trash up again.
Suicidal Threat
May 30
On May 30th, 2023, at approximately 3:10 PM, police was dispatched to Darke County Mental Health, 212 East Main Street, reference a suicidal threat. Police made contact with Vickie Alexander. Staff advised that Vickie had been at Wayne Health Care earlier in the day for withdraw symptoms. Staff advised that Vickie came to Darke County Mental Health for assistance but when she found out they could not issue her medication, she stated that she would go home and harm herself. Staff advised that they were completing the paperwork for a Pink Slip (Emergency Admission Form). Police explained to Vickie the situation and she agreed to go to the hospital voluntarily. Vickie was then transported to Wayne Health Care by Greenville Rescue. Staff advised they would be contacting Wayne and forwarding them the paperwork.
Warrant/Fugitive from Justice
June 2
On June 2, 2023 at approximately 5:04 AM police arrived at 209 East Main Street; Towne House Motel to serve a misdemeanor warrant. Police had prior knowledge that Kimisha Higgins was staying at the Towne House Motel in room 106. Prior to the arrival police had learned that that Kimisha has an active misdemeanor warrant out for her arrest through the Miami County Sheriff’s Office. Police knocked on the door to room 106. Kimisha answered the door and police asked her to step outside of the room. Police then informed Kimisha of the active warrant and she was placed into handcuffs. Kimisha was searched incident to arrest and no contraband was located. Dispatch ran Kimisha through LEADS/NCIC and confirmed that she has an active misdemeanor warrant out of the Miami County Sheriff’s Office on an original charge of obstructing official business with a $574 bond. Miami County confirmed the active warrant. Police then transported Kimisha to the Darke County Miami County line at 9990 US-36 Shell Gas Station. Kimisha was then released to a Miami County Deputy.