DAYTON, Ohio – Support the fall blood supply and the special needs of cancer patients by donating at the Greenville VFW Post Auxiliary and American Legion Post Auxiliary community blood drive Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave.
Everyone who registers to donate with Community Blood Center Oct. 3-29 will receive the “Ignite the Fight” October Breast Cancer Awareness Month t-shirt. Make an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com, call (937) 461-3220, or download the new Donor Time app.
October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and the need for blood donations to help all cancer patients survive. One fourth of all blood donations goes to the treatment of cancer patients. The blood products of platelets and plasma are vital because chemotherapy can damage bone marrow, which lowers the production of platelets.
Save time when you donate by downloading the new Donor Time app. You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive. Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www.givingblood.org/donorxpress.
Blood donation requirements: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name. Past CBC donors are also asked to bring their CBC donor ID card. Donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 years old with parental consent: form available at www.givingblood.org or at the Dayton CBC and mobile blood drive locations), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds (you may have to weigh more depending on your height), and be in good physical health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changes blood donor eligibility guidelines periodically. Individuals with eligibility questions can email canidonate@cbccts.org or call (937) 461-3220. Make an appointment at www.DonorTime.com.
Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services® is an independent, not-for-profit organization. Community Blood Center provides blood products to partner hospitals and health centers within its 15-county service area of western Ohio and eastern Indiana and to select hospitals and blood centers outside the region. For more information visit www.givingblood.org.