The Greenwave teams traveled to McBo’s Lanes in Versailles on Thursday for a tri-match with Versailles and Ansonia.
The Boys started the day off good, out-scoring both teams on the first game. Unfortunately on the 2nd game, the Wave fell off the pace and Versailles took the lead. The Boys struggled on their first Baker game, but won the 2nd Baker game.
In the end though, it wasn’t enough to beat Versaillesy, but they did outscore Ansonia.
Alex Hadden led the Wave with a high game of 212 and Luke Kiser had the high series with a 380.

The girls worked hard, but in the end it wasn’t enough to beat either team.
The girls were led by Marissa Boney with a 161 high game and a 296 high series.

The teams will host Butler on Wednesday at Woodcrest Lanes.