The Greenwave Varsity Bowling teams continued their winning streak in a home match against Fairborn.
The girls were on fire with almost everyone having a great match at the same time. The girls shot their best score of the season.
Game 1 was close with just a 30 pin lead for the Ladywave. Game 2 however was a blowout. The LadyWave bowlers took a 200+ pin lead. The bakers were closer, with the girls extending their lead by about 30 pins per game. In the end, Addy Arnett and Marissa Boney tied for the high game, each rolling a 190.
The high series went to Trinity Bowling with a 368.

The boys started off a little sluggish, falling behind on game 1 by 21 pins. Game 2 was a different story tho… consistency was there when it mattered most and the boys took back the lead by 81 pins. The bakers were extremely close as the boys lost the first baker 186-184 and won the second baker 150-140. In the end, it was enough to secure the win.
The boys were led by Conner Leas with a high game of 235 and a personal best high series of 437.

For the next game, the teams will travel to West Carrollton.