GREENVILLE – Does your soil need something? When is the best time to apply? It’s March, so let’s get ready for gardening season!
Join us at Greenville Public Library for a presentation by Jared Coppess from the Darke Soil and Water Conservation District on Thursday, March 14 at 10 a.m. He will be discussing soil sampling and how to understand the soil analysis, as well as things we can do to improve our garden’s soil health. A seed swap will follow the program.
All attendees will receive a credit for one soil sampling test, so there is no need to bring your sample to the program. Jared will be announcing the soil drop-off location during his presentation.
Seeds from our Growing Harvest Seed Library will be available at the seed swap. Patrons are encouraged to bring seeds to swap, but this is not necessary to participate. The program and seeds are free, and registration is not required to attend.
Jared is the District Administrator at the Darke Soil and Water Conservation District. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University. He grew up on his family’s farm near Ansonia. Before returning to Darke County, Jared spent time working as the Director of Public Policy for Indiana Corn and the Indiana Soybean Alliance.
Anyone with questions or wanting more information on this program can contact Kelly at (937) 548-3915.