DAYTON, Ohio – The July 4th holiday period is the greatest challenge of the year to the regional blood supply and this summer it is arriving with already high hospital usage and a critical shortage of multiple blood types.
High reported blood usage June 21-24 at Dayton hospitals included 99 units for trauma, heart surgeries, and gunshot wounds. Currently multiple blood types are in low supply and there is a critical shortage of type O and type B blood. Critical means Solvita cannot fill all hospital requests.
Blood donors can help boost supply immediately by donating at a local blood drive or at the Solvita Summer Party Blood Drive Friday and Saturday, June 28-29 at the Solvita Dayton Center, 349 S. Main St. Everyone who registers to donate will get a free hot dog lunch and a choice of Kroger $10 gift card or $10 e-gift card.
Schedule an appointment to donate with Solvita on the Donor Time app, by calling (937) 461-3220, or at www.donortime.com. Walk-ins are welcome at the Solvita Dayton Center.
Solvita will be closed for the July 4th holiday. There are only two community blood drives scheduled July 3-5 and just 18 blood drive for the entire holiday week compared to an average of 50 blood drives.
As donations decline during the holiday week, usage at hospitals tends to increase, as more cars on the roads and more outdoor activities contribute to more emergency room visits.
Donors who help lift the blood supply will get a chance to see Taylor Swift perform live.
Beginning July 1, everyone who registers to donate at any Solvita blood drive or the Solvita Dayton Center will receive the Solvita “From One to Many” beach towel and will be automatically entered in the drawing for two tickets to the Nov. 3 Taylor Swift show at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
Register to donate July 1-6 at the Solvita Dayton Center and get a $15 e-gift card, plus the Solvita “From One to Many” beach towel.
Be among the first to enter the Taylor Swift ticket drawing at the July 5-6 “Taylor Swift Blood Donor Era Party” at the Solvita Dayton Center. Registered donors get Kona Ice on Friday, July 5 or Nothing Bundt Cake Bundteenies on Saturday July 6.
Multiple days of extreme heat in June presented an additional challenge to donors and blood collection. Making a safe blood donation during hot weather requires precautions:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water or non-caffeinated fluids at least 24 hours before donating. Aim for at least 16 ounces of water before the donation. Continue drinking fluids after donating.
Dress Appropriately: Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Consider wearing layers so you can adjust your clothing to the temperature inside the blood drive location.
Nutrition: Eat a healthy meal 2-3 hours before donating and avoid fatty foods.
Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: Refrain from consuming alcohol 24 hours before donating. Limit caffeine because it can cause dehydration.
Rest: Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep before your donation day. Avoid strenuous activities or prolonged exposure to the sun before and after donating.
Post-Donation: Keep track of how you feel and contact Solvita if you have any concerns.