COLUMBUS—The House Criminal Justice Committee this week continued hearings on House Bill 245, which will update Ohio’s obscenity laws and protect children and families from sexualized cabaret performances taking place in public spaces, announced bill cosponsor, State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum). The legislation received significant proponent testimony from 48 individuals, both in person and by written statement.
“This week, the Criminal Justice Committee was able to hear first-hand why this legislation is needed to protect children,” said Powell. “Public spaces are meant to be enjoyed by all, not as places where you risk your kids being exposed to explicit performances that are inappropriate for minors.”
House Bill 245 would create the offense of unlawful adult cabaret performance and prohibit adult cabaret performances in any location other than an adult cabaret. The legislation further protects families by establishing penalties for violations that vary from a misdemeanor to a fourth-degree felony based on the circumstances in which the crime occurs.
House Bill 245 will continue to receive hearings in the House Criminal Justice Committee.