Since the beginning of their music therapy program in 2006, EverHeart Hospice has offered music therapy services to hundreds of patients and families. Their board-certified music therapists passionately work to demonstrate and educate others on the benefits of music intervention during end-of-life.
In October, EverHeart music therapist Carrie Whatley had the opportunity to expand her advocacy efforts beyond Darke County. Music therapy professors with Marrieta College and Ohio University reached out to request that she speak to their undergraduate students. Carrie reflected on her experience in preparing for both lectures:
“It was not long ago that I sat where these students are. I was an eager undergraduate student at OU, still trying to discover what my passions were in the field. It was in a lecture similar to the one I prepared, however, where a flame inside me was ignited. To be asked to sit on the other side was such an honor, especially when asked by professors I admire so much! I put a lot of thought and intention into everything I presented on because I wanted to help ignite that same spark I felt in someone else. Hospice care can be misconceived if we are naive to those special moments experienced at end-of-life, so I aimed to present on the joy and peace music therapy can bring to those we serve. I absolutely love my job and cannot wait to see what these future professionals bring to our growing field.”
To learn more about the music therapy program at EverHeart Hospice, please visit their website at www.everhearthospice.org or contact a team member at 800-417-7535. You can also connect with their board-certified music therapists, Amy Pearson and Carrie Whatley, on a weekly basis! Head over to EverHeart’s Facebook page to check out their “Music Monday” posts.