By George Starks |
GREENVILLE- He was one of the founding members of the Darke County Tractor Pullers Association.
Duane ‘Lum’ Edwards was the voice of the DCTPA for 43 years.
Tuesday as I entered the infield at the fair I knew something was no as it should be.
Then like a brick, it finally hit me.
The Voice coming over the loudspeaker was not that of Lum but of someone whom I didn’t recognize.
It didn’t take me long to find someone that could provide me the answers for my question.
Where was the legend, Lum Edwards?
Kyle Schlecty, a member of the DCTPA, soon filled me in.
Lum had left this world in Feburay 2023 losing his battle with cancer.
My heart sank.
I had known this man for many years dating back to my days at the Daily Advocate. I first met him at the pulls in 1990.
He was a man of extreme knowledge when it came to this sport.
He was a wealth of information.
When I had a question, he had the answer and he never thought twice about helping me out.
I always appreciated him being there. Not because of his knowledge of tractor pulling but because he was what made the pulls fun.
His interviews of the drivers was always helpful to contributing to my articles.
Even now as I finish this column, there’s a tear in my eyes and a place for him in my heart.
There’s no doubt that he will be sorely missed by everyone in the world of tractor and truck pulling.
Tuesday, it just wasn’t the same!
CNO File Photos by George Starks. Featured Photo: Petro is interviewed by Hall of Fame announcer, Duane Edwards.