By Emery Linebaugh, Reporter |
On Monday, February 10, 2025 the Jackson Friendship 4-H Club held a meeting at the Mississnawa Valley concession area. The meeting was called to order by President Troy Lavy at 7:02 P.M. Troy also led the pledges. The roll call question was, “What do you think is the best Valentine’s candy?’’
There was no secretary’s report at this meeting, but there was a treasurers report. Also there was no health and safety report at this meeting either.
The old business was to remind everyone to pay the club dues ($3.00) by the April meeting. Also, remember to enroll online, sign up for Quality Assurance, pick up project books, and to sign up for a committee this year.
The new business was that the Ohio 4-H week is March 2 – 8. The Club discussed how we encourage people to join 4-H. Sheila Scholl suggested to send home papers at Mississanwa Valley and Ansoinia Schools, Cole Lavy moved to put it on the loud speakers at both schools and that was seconded by Cooper Nieport. The motion passed. We have no information for the 2025 spring kick off, but in the past clubs have been asked to supply a door prize. We decided that Troy Lavy would shop for a $25 gift card to Roy White. (Roy White is a place that carry’s showing supplies.)
Our activity was Find Someone Who. This game was to find someone who could sign off on questions like who has brown eyes, wears contacts, has run a 5k, etcetera.
Our next meeting will be March 10 at 7:00 p.m.in the Mississinawa Valley Concession area. The motion to adjourn was by Anna Barga and was seconded McKinley Stachler. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.