A letter from Jena Powell
To my friends and neighbors in Ohio’s 80th House District:
For the last five years, I have had the honor of serving you in the Ohio State Legislature.
When I was first a candidate for this office, I made a commitment to you: I promised I would protect your family, your freedoms, and your finances. I was honored that you placed your trust in me by sending me to the Statehouse.
As I took my oath of office, I felt a great sense of responsibility to serve you well and never let you down – I have carried that feeling with me every day. I did what I said I would do, and I kept my promises. I couldn’t have done it without your support.
When you told me the tax burden was becoming too high for your young families, I listened, and I took action. I fought for lower taxes and responsible spending, and I voted to cut state income taxes. When I visited your farms and small businesses, I heard you explain the painful toll of needless government overregulation, and I worked tirelessly to cut regulatory burdens.
In 2020, when COVID-19 threatened our liberties and livelihoods, we fought difficult battles together. I cried with you as your mother suffered alone in the hospital because you were denied the right to be by her bedside. I listened as you told me you lost your job, and I worked to secure the unemployment benefits you were owed. Time after time, even when it wasn’t easy, I stood against the Governor as his policies hurt you and the people we love. I opposed lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates.
I promised you I would vote to defend innocent babies in the womb. I was proud to support the Heartbeat Bill, which ensured no baby with a heartbeat would become a victim of abortion in our state. I founded Ohio’s first Pro-Life Caucus and I have worked hard to unite Representatives on policy that protects every unborn child. We all know there is so much more we must do, both here and across our nation, to protect the most vulnerable.
For years, I fought to protect girls’ sports with my Save Women’s Sports Act. In the coming days, I’ll do all that I can to ensure the Legislature passes these protections into law. Little girls should never be forced to compete against biological boys.
I am proud of what we’ve achieved as a community, and I’ve loved meeting you, your friends, and your families. We’ve rejoiced in good times at Lincoln day dinners, told jokes at 4th of July parades, and watched livestock shows at the county fair. We have a beautiful community that’s full of amazing people. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you.
God calls us to stand firm and speak boldly. In some seasons of life, we are called to engage in the public square. In others, we are called to be a business owner, wife, and focus on our family.
I will finish my third term in the House, but I will not seek re-election for a fourth term.
From the earliest days of our country, elected leaders were never expected to become career politicians.
I’ve always admired those early Americans who recognized government service was a temporary duty, not a lifelong career.
I am proud of what we have accomplished together. I have done what you sent me to Columbus to do and it is now time to pass the torch.
I am eager to get back to the farm, run my businesses, and invest in my community, friends, and family.
While seasons may change, my resolve to fight for what’s right remains as strong as ever. If I can leave you with one thing, it’s this: never forget Truth is always worth fighting for, no matter where the Lord places you.
Never abandon the pursuit of Truth.
With Gratitude
Jena Powell