Joe’s Corner – Week in review, for 10-16 to 10-22-2022

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

—U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned her new post this week, after only 45 days in office, the shortest term for a P.M. in U.K. history, EVER!

Ooops!   Looks like incompetent women are no better than incompetent men, after all.   Sorry ladies, but meritocracy still holds supreme, in all areas.  

In other words, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it doesn’t matter which gender you are (and there’s only 2 choices for that, …oh btw).   

P.M. Truss had some solid conservative ideas, like lower taxes, and creating more and stronger economic growth among industries within the U.K., but she apparently had no idea how to organize her government, which even her own political party couldn’t get behind.  

Looks like bad boy Boris Johnson might be back again, for a second try from #10 Downing Street.   Oh my.  

—Georgia Dem candidate for Governor, big girl Stacey Abrams, thinks she’s got the answer for solving the Dem created inflation crisis in the U.S.:    More abortions!

That’s right, we’ve just got too many kids these days.   And everyone knows that our kids are the only reason why we get upset or bothered by higher prices for everything.  

Abrams says that groceries cost more (she would know about that) with kids in the picture, gas is more expensive to take the little brats to school every day, as well to all their other unnecessary events and functions, not to mention school clothes, shoes, sports equipment, you know, all the stuff that doesn’t matter.  

And further, that if we didn’t have these economic annoyances around us all the time, then just think how much better off we would all be. 

Spoken like a 47 year old woman, …with no children.   And a person who would rather search out a Double Cheeseburger Grande meal, with extra large fries, three or four times a day, than to look for the truth and common sense, in any issue before her.  

Nice governor she would make, …not!    But the polls have her losing by 6 points, to a very average incumbent opponent, so how good could she be, anyway.   Good luck with that one, Georgia.  

—Staying in Georgia, Senatorial candidate Herschel Walker had the best political comment of the week, and maybe the year, or longer.   During his recent debate with incumbent Dem Senator Raphael Warnock, Walker listened to his opponent say, in answer to a question about govt. involvement with abortion, that there were “enough people already in that room, with the mother and the doctor in there, to then also let the govt. in there.”

When asked to respond to that assertion, Walker simply said:   “Warnock forgot, that there is also a BABY in that room too!”

Wonderful.   Fantastic.   Genius.    More than enough reason to vote for Walker, but with Warnock being such a bad Senator, and person, and such a massive hypocrite, Herschel should have no problem, no matter what the Dems say about him.   Let’s hope.  

—Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon was given four months in the slammer this week, for not honoring a Congressional subpoena to appear before them at their hearings regarding the events on Jan. 6, 2021, which took place at the Capitol building in D.C. 

Good for you Steve!   No reason to show up, to that sham!   I hope your time goes by quick and easy.   That was, and continues to be, the most bogus set of hearings in the history of the Congress.   For the most bogus of reasons ever conjured up.  

Everyone knows what really happened that day, and what’s happening now.   The only reason it is still being investigated, is to keep the Dems’ hate for Trump in the news, and to distract from the Dems’ disastrous Presidency, ghosted by their Dem installed, elder abused, shadow of a real President, Joey “right foot in front of the left one, Joe” Biden. 

We’ll see how “patriotic” and concerned the Dems are, when the new G.O.P. Congress starts investigating THEM, after these mid-term elections, next month.  

—Speaking of Joey “don’t wipe that ice cream off your chin with your shirt, Joe” Biden, he’s all tired out and heading to his beach house in Rehoboth, Del., this weekend.  Understandable, what with all the dancing he’s done recently, trying to find his way off various stages, and the like. 

The record shows that this will be his 56th trip to the beach, since he took the office from Trump.   In just 20 months as the fake President!  (Did I say that?)

56 beach vacations, in just 20 months on the job!!!    If anyone else in the world took that much time off, from their 24/7 job, they would have been fired long ago.   Hmmm…   sounds like a plan!

But there apparently was a good reason for all these beach trips away from his position as (what used to be, anyway) the most powerful man on Earth.   Seems like Dr. Jill, Joey B’s wifey, who is not a medical doctor, let us remember, thinks that Joey B. is “over scheduled” (her words) with all his daily tasks and duties.  

Well, why didn’t you say something sooner, Doc, we could have given him a LOT more time off!   Less time to screw things up?   Easily accommodated, ol’ gal.  

Come on 2024!!!

A Couple of Relevant Quotes:  

”Those who can make someone believe Absurdities, 
can also make them do Atrocities.”  

“I am NOT out of control, …I am just not in THEIR control.”

                                        –Kanye West (to Tucker Carlson)

© Copyright Joe Facinoli, 10-22-2022

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