Joe’s Corner – Weekly Notes, for 10-9 to 10-15-2022

—SOME RANDOM NOTES, THOUGHTS and REALITIES,  from various sources, as well as Common Sense, which despite what we are constantly told, by the Dems and their Lefty Cabal, and neverendingly by their Lib MSM, are all out there “Blowin’ in the Wind”, every minute of every day:   

–#1)   Gender Ideology does NOT belong in schools.   Nor Government.  

–#2)   Dissent is NOT disinformation.     Hear that Lefties?

–#3)   Reality does NOT change, just because one doesn’t agree with it, nor can’t understand it, nor can’t find a way to believe it.   It is what it is, and no human can change that, not even temporarily.   Like for someone’s or some group’s convenience.

–#4)   Any Political Divisiveness in this country, if it even exists at all, is caused by the Left and the Libs, ONLY!   The minuscule radical Left invented it, through their fully compliant mainstream media, and the Cabal that runs them all.   Because they were and are afraid of the massive majority of correct and independent thinking people who make up most of the country and electorate.    And of losing the control they now hold.     

–#5)   Abortion is Murder.   And from Conception.   Always has been, always will be.   With NO exceptions, other than if the baby is already dead inside the mother’s womb. 

–#6)   Trump was elected President in 2020, and Joey B. was NOT!

–#7)   Anyone who thinks that Trump was not among the greatest 4 or 5 Presidents ever, I want no conversation with. 

–#8)   Wokeness, and PC-ness, are killing America, and the world.  

–#9)   The Plandemic was purely Political, and NOT Medical.   With one sole purpose, the success (if we can call it that) of which is evident to all of us, every day at the gas station, the grocery store, the lumber yard, and everywhere.   Bring back Trump, and he will fix it.   Oh and by the way, he already had it fixed, once.  

–#10)   Transgenderism is Genetics vs. Lifestyle, and is no one’s business other than the one who wants to change their body and life.   So stay out of it Hollywood!   And stay out of it School Boards everywhere!

***A Couple of Relevant quotes:  

   — “What’s comin’ will come,  an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
                                       –Rubeus Hagrid  (from Harry Potter)

  —  “The Test of Three:   Truth,  Goodness,  Usefulness”

         1)   Is it true?   (truth)
         2)   Is it Good?   (goodness)
         3)   Is it Useful?   (usefulness)


© Copyright, Joe Facinoli, 10-15-2022

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