Greenville City Schools
Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is currently underway! Children who will be 5 years old by August 1, 2021 may be signed up for Kindergarten online. Parents will create an account through our Parent Portal on the Greenville City Schools website (link below) and will complete the registration process through a combination of online forms and personal documentation (birth certificate, etc. – see below). All forms can be delivered to Memorial Hall (215 W. Fourth Street) until 3:30pm, Monday – Friday. Please do not deliver forms to the elementary school.
The Enrollment Office will be open late (from 4:00 – 6:00pm) on April 6 & 7 only.
Greenville City Schools Kindergarten Enrollment: Student enrollment can be completed online at the following link: https://Greenville.esvportal.com/Login.aspx
*Enrollment MUST be completed by a parent or legal guardian. Online enrollment must be completed on a laptop, desktop, or iPad. It is not compatible with a smartphone.
In order to complete enrollment, the following documents are required (Your student will not be enrolled until received):
*Birth Certificate *Driver’s License *2 Forms of Proof of Residency *Immunization Records *Custody Paperwork (if applicable). Please submit original documents at your earliest convenience to Memorial Hall:
Monday – Friday – 8:00am – 3:30pm – 215 W. Fourth Street, Greenville. Questions? Memorial Hall office staff can be reached at 937-548-3185 ext. 4001
Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarten screening will be held April 26 – 29, 2021 at Greenville Elementary School.
Appointment times for screening will be arranged through the Enrollment Office at Memorial Hall once all documents have been received and the Kindergarten registration process has been completed. Students will be escorted by 1 parent (no siblings, please) to the elementary building at their assigned time. During the one-hour appointment, students will meet with teachers, nurses, and specialists for screening in the areas of: vision, hearing, speech, and academics.
During this time, parents will meet the principal for a brief presentation and will have the opportunity to meet with the nursing staff to discuss any medical needs their child might have. It is important that parents report at their assigned time. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated.
COVID-19 regulations will be in effect and masks must be worn by students and parents.
We look forward to meeting you and your child, and we are looking forward to an amazing 2021-2022 school year!