“MeThinks He (the Ice Cream boy, and his Handlers) Doth Protest Too Much”

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

Billy Shakespeare wrote it all out for us, four hundred and twenty years ago, when his Prince Hamlet asked the Queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother, if she believed the sincerity of a character in a play they were watching.  

When she responded with:  “The Lady doth protest too much, methinks”, so was born the line of all lines for cleverly and discreetly calling someone a liar.  Especially a person, or group of persons, who should ordinarily be trusted, due to their positions, or otherwise even implied officialdom.    

But despite Will S’s sage inspiration and advice, all those centuries ago, not to mention Queen Gertrude’s quick witted answer, today the Dems in this country’s “leadership” positions, the Lefty Cabal behind them, and  their Media, and of course Joey B, the Ice Cream Boy himself, are all living out Shakespeare’s brilliance every day now, it seems, and especially during the fake and phony October Surprise “distraction” time period (now), just prior to next week’s mid-term elections.  

Act II, Scene III, of arguably one of the most famous plays ever written, could just as well be titled:  “November 2, 2022”, in present day, for all the negative similarities between the two.  

Any well planned political activity, which is contrary to any Lib belief, or any of that always dependable fake criminal activity, which happens to conveniently happen pre-election, is immediately blamed on the Conservatives and the Republicans, and especially on that worst group of all:   The MAGAs, particularly the Fascist MAGAs, which is basically all the MAGAs, according to the Left. 

 Well, there are at least 85 million proud MAGAs out and among us, so with any group that large, there could quite possibly be a fascist or two in there somewhere, and most probably 2 or 3 of anything else we could name or imagine.   And who cares anyway?  

When a political office suite, for the Dem candidate for Governor in Arizona is broken into, it absolutely HAS to be the G.O.P. opponent who did it, right?   Are we trying to drag up Watergate, 48 years later?     Dem candidate Katie Hobbs, “doth protest too much” on this one, and it’s obvious.  

When a campaign worker for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida was attacked by two men who are now in custody, and who proudly admit their crimes and their association, oh btw, again the Dem opponent says it was staged by the G.O.P. to create sympathy for Republicans.  

Not only did the Dems “protest too much” in Florida, but were they also trying to make this into another Jussie Smollett deal?

And when an old and lonely drunk, probably gay, husband of an important Dem congressional leader, has a tiff with his boy-toy and mistakenly calls the cops about it, while both were still in their undies, and “stimulating” each other with construction tools, well, that certainly has to be the fault of all MAGAs everywhere, right?   Even though the drunk’s playmate was a member nearly every Lib organization in California, and living in a trailer on the campus of Stanford University.  And this apparently wasn’t their first play session.      

Yessir, sounds like a vicious Republican to me!

Which is how the Lefty media, many, many Hollywood fake semi-celebrities, and even Podium master himself, Joey B portrayed this “encounter”  (this way Joey, no, no, not down those steps, over here!, and don’t shake hands with the air again, Joey B).  But then again, Joey B. blames the MAGAs for everything from the explosion of the Hindenburg airship, to the Tom Brady/Gisele Bundchen divorce.   So just ignore him.  

We could say that they all sound like idiots, trying to tell us that if it weren’t for the far too numerous and belligerent verbal MAGA attacks on so many Dem officials and candidates, that these types of vicious and dastardly occurrences would never take place.   When the opposite is clearly true.  

Methinks that they ALL “protest too much”, and understandably.   Because they have nothing else to run on, not even the smallest tid bit of the slightest semi-success.   Nothing. 

So all that’s left is distraction, from the massive and totally unnecessary inflation and supply chain issues running rampant, the wide open and incredibly dangerous southern border, and the giving away of oil and money to so many countries, to name only a very few Dem failures, all in the last 22 months, during their reign.  

So, listen carefully when the Lefty media, or any semi-celebrity, especially the Hollywood types, or any Dem political candidate from anywhere, starts to blame the MAGAs or some conservative group for any political crimes and/or nefarious activities.  

And then remember those very famous words from Hamlet’s mama, that when you hear way too much undo and wrongful protesting of some happening, especially when the individual or group seems to know far too much about what actually happened, then it more than likely wasn’t true at all, and was most probably done and designed by the protester.  

Remember too, that all “division” in this country is created and perpetuated by the Liberals, who simply want to be in control, no matter what the cost to our country.  

And not caused by the Conservative side, as we are told daily and constantly, who only want common sense values and principles applied to our nation.  

A few exceptions to this?   But of course.   However, 95 to 99% of the time, you can take the previous two paragraphs to the bank.  

MAGAs!!!    And Let’s Go Brandon!  

© Copyright Joe Facinoli, 11-2-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged


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