What was the “Farmers’ Market” will now be the “Community Market”. The downtown market has been a Darke County staple since 1998 but it’s no secret it was in need of a revamp. After speaking with several vendors and patrons about the event it was determined that positive changes were needed. In addition to the name change Main Street’s Board of Trustees voted to approve the following at their May meeting:
Community Market will run from: Saturday’s – June 3 – October 7
New time: 10am-2pm
New Location: On the Corner of Main & Broadway @ Rotary Park on the Circle
Our mission is “Building Community Downtown” which is why the Board chose Community Market as the new event name. The vision of the market will stay the same and our focus is on brining as many fresh produce vendors as we can to the market. We would also love for area Future Farmers of America organizations to bring their produce to the market as well and are in the process of presenting this opportunity to their advisors, and have secured one school so far. Additionally we want to fill in the market with homemade breads, bake goods, crafts and more. We are also open to filling in the gaps with nonprofits organizations and other service businesses who want to promote themselves at the market.
We’re working hard to bring you a market with all the “VIBES & GOODS” you’re looking for! The new location will be more visible, safer, and convenient for everyone and will allow for future growth of the market. We will utilize the park, sidewalks, and the elbow parking area for vendors plus there is a large parking lot for shoppers too. I am beyond excited about the positive changes and can’t wait to see what they do for our community. The new location also allows for us to throw in some added bonuses in the future such as activities, music, art, and a few food trucks as we build upon the market, said April Brubaker, MSG Executive Director. The later start time is in line with the operational hours of most downtown businesses and we feel it will bring more shoppers downtown to patronize both the market and the downtown businesses.
Are you a local artists or musician? Want to be featured at the Community Market? We’d love to have you share your talents with the community. Do you have a food truck or know a local food truck? We are looking to add a few to our market. Want to be a vendor? We are looking for fresh produce, honey, syrup, bake goods, soaps, candles, flowers, and more! Have a wagon full of goods or a unique setup? No problem, the new location is spacious and accommodating! If you’re interested in participating in this year’s Community Market contact April Brubaker at (937)548-4998 or email her at info@mainstreetgreenville.org.
We’re ready to thrive are you? We have commitments from 15 vendors so far! Three fresh produce vendors and five new vendors and a slew of interested vendors! We hope you will visit the market throughout the season to find a varied selection of goods from the local vendors. Tune into our Facebook page for vendor highlights and a listing of participants as they become available. We have some exciting new vendors and can’t wait to introduce them to you in the upcoming weeks!